Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1144: Tonight belongs to us (Part 1)

Back at the Four Seasons Hotel, Yu You fell asleep.

The Hiddleston family had gone, the ceremony had been destroyed, and they could not stay for a minute.

The guests have also dispersed, and they are still a little unfulfilled in their satisfaction after eating and drinking and eating a large melon.

Only a few of the woman's people were left waiting.

After getting out of the car, Yu Yue held the little Yu You, who was already asleep, in one hand and Helan's heart burning in the other, and walked into the hotel.

Seeing them come back, Jiang Rou, Yang Ling, Vivian and several others immediately greeted them.

Jiang Rou naturally reached out her hand to take Yu You, but stopped halfway, because she felt that Helan was looking at her with a burning heart.

Yu Yue said, "Let me introduce, this is Teacher Jiang Roujiang, the private preschool teacher I hired for Youyou."

Jiang Rou shook her head: "No, I'm just a nanny."

Then he took Yu You from Yu Yue's arms.

Helan's heart burning eyes turned twice on Yu Yue and Jiang Rou.

Yu Yue coughed dryly and continued to introduce: "This is Yang Ling, my hometown, who just came to Columbia University to exchange and study. Speaking of which, she is your junior. She works at the Four Seasons Hotel while studying, and is now the secretary to the chairman."

Yang Ling looked at Helan with a burning heart, her eyes filled with anger, she was so excited that she was speechless.

Goddess-senpai! Idol! I didn't expect to be able to get so close to each other. It's so beautiful, right? !

Helan asked, "Issa the chairman of the Four Seasons Hotel?"

Yu Yue said: "Uh, it's me now, I just acquired Four Seasons."

Helan's heart-burning eyes turned twice on Yu Yue and Yang Ling, and nodded slightly: "Have a good chat with me later."

Yang Ling felt heart palpitations, this... is this the majesty of the main palace? What happened the night before can't be said to be killed...

Helan looked at Vivian and asked, "Dear, how are you, aren't you hurt?"

Vivian said angrily: "There are things of the opposite **** and inhumanity... I'm fine!"

Helan Xinran took her hand and said to Yu Yue, "Let me introduce, this is my best friend, Vivian Vera. This is my...child's father, Yu Yue."

Vivian looked at Yu Yue and said, "He's quite handsome, but it's not enough to make you die, right? What's the situation?"

Helan smiled and said, "You don't understand, because you haven't met the right person yet."

Vivian spit, and seemed to disagree: "Okay, just be happy."

Jiang Rou's eyes flickered.

Yu Yue couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, if he didn't come back, he was definitely not the right person.

Then, Helan's heart burned and looked at the two next to him.

It was a middle-aged man and woman.

The man is wearing a clean and tidy snow-white shirt, black vest, black tuxedo, black suit trousers, black bow tie, shiny black leather shoes, hair and beard are meticulously trimmed, tall and straight, a pair of Western-style housekeepers. looks like.

The woman's dress is not so outstanding, but it is also very decent. It is the image of the nanny in the public's impression, which is quite different from Jiang Rou.

One of them is Lin and the other is Zhang. They are the housekeepers and servants of the Helan family. They are mainly responsible for taking care of Helan's heart-burning food and daily life.

Yu Yue had also seen them, and it was the two of them who sent Yu You to their hands at the beginning.

Helan said with a burning heart, "Aunt Zhang, Steward Lin..."

There was no need for her to say more, Aunt Zhang had already taken the initiative to approach Jiang Rou, stretched out her hand and said, "Let me come."

Jiang Rou couldn't object or insist, so she could only hand over the snoring Yu You to the middle-aged maid.

At the moment of handing over the child, she felt as though all her strength was drained, and she almost couldn't stand still.

Lin Guanjiahui reported: "Miss, as soon as you left the ceremony site, the Hiddleston family said they wanted to report to the police that you were kidnapped by a murderer, and requested that New York and Gotham police be dispatched for search and rescue, but I refused. I said, firstly, if Miss Helan was really kidnapped, then we should call the police and not worry about others; secondly, Miss Helan left the person voluntarily, and she has the right to choose and bear the consequences. The ability of others also does not need to interfere."

Although Steward Lin was a butler, he was not an ordinary butler, and to a certain extent could represent the will and attitude of the Helan family.

Helan nodded heartily: "Steward Lin, you did a great job."

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