Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1145: Tonight belongs to us (middle)

Butler Lin added: "Then, the Hiddleston family left, and Mr. Rosen looked very bad. The guests also left after the meal. I thought the lady would come back, so I waited here.

"Now, there are two questions to consider. First, how to explain to the family? Second, how to deal with the anger that may erupt from the Hiddleston family. Everyone knows that their family is not a good person, and This marriage is not what you and I wish for an ordinary family."

Helan said, "I know. You and Aunt Zhang go back first. If you ask at home, you can tell the truth. As for how to deal with it, I will find a way."

Butler Lin asked, "Miss, then you..."

Helan looked at Yu Yueyuyou's father and daughter, and said, "I want to stay with them tonight."

After speaking, he took Yu You from Aunt Zhang's arms.

Vivian waved her hand and said, "Then I went back with Steward Lin and the others, not a light bulb!"

Helan said, "Okay, dear. Thank you, dear."

She thanked her best friend for being stubborn but supporting her.

Vivian suddenly looked at Yu Yue and said, "Yu Yue, right? I hope you know what Xin Ran has paid for you, and I hope you treat her well and don't blame her, otherwise I will never let you go!"

Yu Yue said sincerely: "I will not let her down."

This is both a response and a self-request.

After Vivian, Butler Lin and Aunt Zhang left, Yu Yue said to Jiang Rou and Yang Ling, "If you have nothing to do, rest early."

Opening the door of the honeymoon suite, Helan put Yu You on the bed, and fell to the ground with an "ouch": "Why did You You become so heavy? Like an old stone, I can't hold her anymore... …”

Yu Yue quickly lifted her up, looked at her body, and asked, "Are you injured on your waist?"

Helan was a little surprised, and he tried his best to hide it, how could he still see it so accurately?

Yu Yue asked again: "You didn't suffer this injury just now, but before, what happened?"

Helan's heart burned with embarrassment: "This... a long story..."

Yu Yue said: "Then say it slowly, anyway, tonight belongs to us, and there is time."

Helan's heart lit up and her face flushed. After deliberating for a moment, she began to tell the story of the Gotham serial **** and murder case...

"You mean, you used yourself as a bait to lure out the **** and murderer who loves 'sun legs', and then used the mechanical gloves you developed and manufactured to knock him down and send him to the police station, is that so?"

In fact, Yu Yue already knew that the beautiful classmate in front of her had a high talent for invention and creation. Become a female superhero, not only to fight against the evil forces of the earth, but also to constantly study and light up the technology tree, and fight against the galaxy with the heavens and thousands of races. But in the end, because of the deep misunderstandings he accumulated, he didn't lend a helping hand to her, which resulted in her being murdered in a plot, and he was hated by his daughter for a hundred years...

Yu Yue knew that Helan's heart was burning and she came up with something like "self-made iron fist to fight crime". She was in the initial stage of armor technology development, and she had a chivalrous heart, but he still pretended to be the first time he heard of it. Vice "I never thought my wife turned out to be Iron Man".

Helan spit in his heart: "What 'sun legs', don't be so vulgar, okay?"

Yu Yue couldn't help recalling Helan's heart-burning legs. If she showed the "absolute realm", it would definitely be a fatal temptation.

He asked, "So, did you get hurt while fighting the murderer?"

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