Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1146: Tonight belongs to us (below)

Helan's heart burned with embarrassment and said: "No, it's because my mechanical glove still has a bug. After I defeated the murderer, I wanted to have a handsome recovery, but the glove flew back with too much force and took me to the ground. He fell to the ground and twisted his waist... It took me a long time to get up, but fortunately the **** didn't wake up. I tied him up, brought him to the police station, and threw it at the door. Fortunately, the gloves were designed to strengthen and reduce weight. Even if you sprain your waist, you can lift weights lightly..."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Yu Yue and murmured, "Laugh if you want..."

Yu Yue didn't laugh, he said sincerely, "Student Helan, you are really a genius...Puchi..."

Before he finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

Helan Xin Ran raised his hand and beat him: "Okay, how dare you laugh at me!"

After being beaten twice, I couldn't beat it anymore, I felt a tear-like pain in my waist, and the whole person could only lean on the sofa.

Yu Yue smiled and said softly: "Okay, let's not make trouble. Your injury can be cured. The waist is the total center of gravity of the human body and the source of strength. If the waist is not good, the center of gravity will be unstable, and many movements cannot be performed. , a lot of power can not be used, if you leave a chronic disease, it will have a great impact on your health, especially when you are old, you will suffer very much."

Helan's heart burned and said, "I was going to see a doctor, but it wasn't in time for the engagement ceremony, so I didn't go there."

Yu Yue deliberately said in a loud voice: "It seems that you still attach great importance to the engagement ceremony, and insist on participating even if you are injured..."

Helan glanced at him heartily: "Jealous? Who asked you to come to me so late? Why don't you come later, then I will not be engaged, but married! Besides, I will not attend the engagement ceremony, How did you get married?"

Yu Yue has a black line in his head, what logic is this?

He waved his hand and said, "Forget it. Well, let me treat you first."

Helan's heart burns and wonders: "Will you heal?"

Yu Yue said, "Why, don't you believe it? Would you like to make a bet?"

Helan looked at him suspiciously and asked, "What are you betting on?"

"I bet if I can help you heal your waist injury. If I can win, but you can't win, the loser must agree to the winner's request, and don't be rude, how about it?" Yu Yue said with a smile.

Helan's heart burned, his eyes rolled, and he said, "Although I don't really believe that you can heal my wounds, I know that you generally don't brag, and you can basically do what you say. Since you said you can help me heal. , most likely because of some ability. I won't bet with you, unless you tell me what you want first."

Yu Yue was stunned, classmate Helan, do you want to be so shrewd?

Helan's heart burned with a "hum": "Don't say it? If you don't say it, then you won't be gambling, and you will die!"

Our galaxy tyrant scratched his head, he really can't do anything about her.

I can only compromise: "Well, if it's cured, my request is—you kiss me..."

After speaking, his eyes looked elsewhere, and he was a little embarrassed.

Although Helan's heart was burning, her pretty face was flushed, but she said, "I thought it was a request... Come and help me heal."

Yu Yue's heart skipped a beat, is this okay? Should I ask for something more exaggerated?

Helan's heart burned and asked, "How do you want to treat it?"

Yu Yue looked at her and said, "This skirt has to be changed, it's not very convenient."

Indeed, wearing a dress and a long skirt is inconvenient to move around. Helan agrees with this, but...

"But, I don't have any clothes to change."

Yu Yue thought about it and said, "I'm going to borrow a set from Teacher Jiang?"

Helan thumped him in his heart, and pouted, "No!"

Yu Yue asked, "Why?"

Helan pouted, "Just don't!"

Yu Yue asked, "What should I do then?"

Helan's heart burned and said, "I'll wear yours!"

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