Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1161: Foot ban (below)

There was no scruples in the voice, and it was getting closer and closer.

The voice fell, and two people walked into the side hall one after the other.

Butler Lin was one position behind the person in front, and it was obvious that the person in front was the owner of the house.

Seeing this, Vivian stood up and called out, "Uncle Benjamin."

This dwarf forest housekeeper is a chubby, middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses. He is Helan Xinran's mother's brother, Benjamin Stanfield. Vivian followed Helan Xinran to call him "Uncle". ".

This person is the eldest son, with average ability, and can't manage external affairs, so the consortium and enterprises can only be entrusted to Helan's heart-burning father, He Lancang, and he is not willing to be an idle playboy. He has to manage internal affairs and is favored by the old man Drowning, so everyone let him be in handling housework.

When Benjamin Stanfield saw Vivian, his originally gloomy face instantly smiled: "Oh, it's Vivian, are you here?"

To become Helan's heart-burning best friend, Vivienne Vera naturally has some background. Her mother is a well-known lawyer, and her father is a powerful figure in the government department.

So Benjamin had a very good attitude towards Vivian, and was even a little flattering, while Yu Yue, Yu You, Yang Ling and Yuan Xiaolou were completely ignored by him.

Vivian said: "Yes, Uncle Benjamin, it's been almost half an hour since I've been here..."

Benjamin said with an exaggerated expression: "Why didn't you say it earlier? If you say it earlier, can uncle let you wait here?"

Vivian said, "I'm here to find Xin Ran, why didn't she come out?"

Benjamin sighed: "Alas, she made a mistake. The family made her 'grounded' and couldn't leave the room."

Vivian asked, "Can't even see me?"

Benjamin smiled and said, "Of course you can, but..."

His face changed, and the conversation changed: "They can't do it."

When he looked at Yu Yue and the others, his expression became extremely gloomy, as if he had deep resentment.

This is the first time since he entered the side hall to look directly at Yu Yue and Yu You.

Vivian also glanced at Yu You, a little unbearable, and asked, "Why? No matter what, she is also a heart-burning daughter, your granddaughter!"

Benjamin snorted: "It's because of her, because of that kid, that Xin Ran was delayed, and it was delayed twice, including the entire Stanfield family!"

He turned his gloomy face, stared at Yu Yue and said, "I don't know what tricks or tricks you used to seduce Helan Xin Ran to become pregnant with evil... If there is no such thing, and if Helan Xin Ran is not persistent If she gave birth to a child, then she would naturally marry into the world's top wealthy family, not just the Hiddleston family.

"Six months ago, the Hiddleston family was willing to take over, and the request was that there should be no children. So I ignored Helan's strong opposition and sent the children away.

"I didn't expect that half a year later, you came here with your evil seed, and Helan's heart was once again obsessed, and he broke off the marriage in public and ran away with you!

"This will make the Hiddleston family lose face, many of the previously promised cooperation will be destroyed, the Stanfield family will suffer heavy losses, and even suffer revenge, all of this, blame you, and that little beast!

"Now, we are trying our best to make up for it, what are you doing here? I warn you, leave quickly, this is the last chance, there are some things that you can't afford at all..."

Before he finished speaking, he only heard a "pop", Yu Yue had already come to Benjamin, raised his hand and slapped Benjamin twice, and sat down on the chair.

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