Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1162: The Scraping Gap (Part 1)

Benjamin's eyes flashed with gold stars and his head was dizzy. It took him a long time to slow down and pointed at Yu Yue and yelled, "You... how dare you hit me?"

Yu Yue stood there, looking down at Benjamin who was sitting in the chair, and said coldly, "If it wasn't for you being Helan's uncle, I would have smashed your dog's head with that slap just now."

Benjamin said angrily, "Steward Lin, what are you still doing? Call someone, do it!"

Butler Lin is no ordinary butler. He has practiced Chinese martial arts, Japanese and Japanese karate, Samba Jiu-Jitsu, and the killing techniques of the Magneto Marine Corps.

But today, just now, he was shocked, because he didn't see Yu Yue's shot clearly at all. It stands to reason that someone is not good for the master's family. He has the responsibility of guarding the scene, but Yu Yue's action is too fast. She couldn't react, so she was still in shock afterwards.

Hearing Benjamin's rebuke, Butler Lin made a karate start with a solemn expression and full concentration.

Yu Yue glanced at him and nodded slightly: "Extreme Karate, not bad. But you're not my opponent... Butler Lin, forget it, I don't want to shoot at you."

Butler Lin's pupils shrank, this person could actually distinguish the karate genre from his posture and breath - at least he could see at a glance that he was practicing "extreme karate", plus his speed and movements just now, it can be seen that this person is a master , and not an ordinary master...

Seeing Steward Lin's delay, Benjamin yelled again: "What's the matter with you, don't you want to do it?!"

Butler Lin simply took his stance and said sincerely, "Sir, Mr. Yu Yue doesn't mean to kill you. If he really wants to kill you, I can't stop it, and neither can the defense of the entire manor."

Yu Yue nodded in affirmation.

Benjamin didn't expect him to say such a thing, his tongue knotted in surprise: "You... what did you say?"

Vivian was also speechless. Although she didn't like this Uncle Benjamin, he was the eldest son of the Stanfield family after all, and his status was noble. Who would dare to slap him in the face if he disagreed, unless he was a lunatic?

Yang Ling felt quite relieved. When she heard Benjamin say that Youyou was a "bad breed" and a "little beast", she was about to explode with anger. In any case, she was the daughter of your nephew's girl!

So, when Yu Yue slapped his face, slap, be comfortable...

Seeing Steward Lin standing silently, Benjamin looked at Yu Yue and asked, "What on earth are you trying to do? I...I warn you first, don't mess around, no...otherwise, it won't end well..."

He was also a little scared in his heart, but he was still stubborn, showing a stern look.

Yu Yue looked at his hand and said, "Don't do anything. It's mainly because classmate Helan and I made an appointment with Youyou in the morning. If she doesn't look for us at 8 o'clock tonight, we will come to her. So tonight , we must meet Helan."

Benjamin frowned: "Impossible! I advise you, stop wishful thinking, you are not suitable for Xin Ran at all... Xin Ran and you, one in the sky and the other in the ground, have a huge disparity in identities, even if you don't consider the interests of the family, just Saying that the two of you are not in the same household, and if you force them together, there will be no good results..."

Yang Ling couldn't help but ask, "How do you know that they won't have good results together?"

She was also born from the grassroots, and naturally she was not willing to be buried in the dust forever.

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