Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1177: Diamond Coast (top)

The Hudson River, also known as the Hudson River and the Hudson River, is a large river in New York, Magnesium, with a length of 507 kilometers. It originates from Cloud Tears Lake in the Adirondack Mountains. The upper reaches of the Deson River merge into the Erie Canal in the west, and the end merges into the New York Harbor, which is the economic lifeline of New York.

At this time, a small-scale dinner was being held in a brightly lit building on the Hudson River.

This building named "Diamond Coast" is purely made of fiberglass material. The whole body has transparent walls, half standing on the shore and half extending into the water. The whole building is illuminated by countless golden lights like heaven and earth, from the top floor. You can overlook the cruise ships on the Hudson River and the bustling Gotham City on the other side.

This is a private club, generally only entertaining celebrities, dignitaries, top rich or celebrities. The dinner held today was hosted by a friend of Rosen Hiddleston for him.

I saw that Rosen was wearing a pure white suit and white leather shoes. He was tall, thin, tall and handsome. Although he was dressed formally, he was a bit perfunctory. His short blond hair was not combed meticulously, and his stubble was not trimmed cleanly. It made his already gloomy temperament even more gloomy.

However, some people are gloomy and annoying, and some people are gloomy, but they can gain beautiful eyes. The key is to look at money and face.

Many celebrities, young and old, came to toast with cups.

Among them are the sons of the chairman of listed companies, self-made billionaires, executives from the world's top investment banks, and elites from all walks of life. Almost all of them are well-dressed and radiant.

When these people gather together, they can stir up the situation of one party and subvert the economy of a region, but today, they are only invited to accompany the first son of the western part of the magnesium country to relieve boredom and relax.

Rosen wears a simple, low-key but extremely luxurious engagement ring on his left middle finger, holding a goblet lightly, his expression is indifferent, and he just sips a toast, but no one cares about him, and now Sid The Luston family is not only the largest family on the west coast of the Magnesium Country, but also the largest mafia in the west, covering the sky with only one hand in the underground world of the western part of the Magnesium Country, and he has been identified as the family heir. Change the fact that he is the first son of the West.

At this time, Rosen's status has already surpassed that of ordinary wealthy children. Looking at the huge magnesium country, there are few companies that can compare with him. What's more, he is so handsome and handsome, I don't know how many ladies and ladies want to throw him on their incense couch and try the cloud and rain.

"Rosen, are you satisfied with this reception?" A young man came over and asked with a smile.

He wears a black tuxedo and has long brown hair. His features are not handsome, but his mysterious temperament gives a sense of otherworldliness.

When the rich and young people around saw the youth, they all gave in three points to show their respect.

Because this young man, in addition to being young and rich, also has a good identity - the extraordinary, the frost assassin!

It is said that he is a mutant with the ability to control frost, ranking 19th on the "Superhuman Ranking".

This ranking is not too high, but not too low. It is enough for him to be successful in the upper-class society of Magnesium. The main thing is that he is very young and has great potential. He is a guest of many dignitaries and a lot of popular Female stars have had scandals.

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