Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1178: Diamond Coast (middle)

"Snow, I've been a little unsure recently, and I've made you worry." Rosen squeezed out a smile.

The Frost Assassin Snow Frost was his good friend, and they worked so hard to hold this dinner party specially for him. No matter how cold he was, he was still grateful in his heart.

However, his mood was restless. In addition to the depression of being divorced a few days ago, there was also an inexplicable uneasiness and fear. He felt as if something was about to happen, which made him panic all day long.

"You, relax, it's no big deal. Isn't there any girl here that you like? Which one or a few, tell me, I'll ask them to come to your room later. ' Snow said with a hearty smile.

Rosen looked around casually and said, "I'm afraid the girls here have already been played by your brother, right?"

Snow laughed and said, "Do you mind if I've played with it? Don't worry, there are several female stars here that I haven't tried yet. My stock is reserved for you, just choose!"

Rosen smiled and shook his head: "Thank you, but I'm not in that mood today..."

Snow frowned: "Are you still thinking about that Helan's heart burning? It's just a woman, and it's worth your concern, Young Master Rosen? Otherwise, I'll get her and train her into a slave, and let you and I spoil it. She has tasted the consequences of breaking off the marriage..."

There was a flash of anger in Rosen's eyes, but he also knew that the other party had a lot of intentions, so he didn't rebuke, just shook his head again and said, "There's no need..."

Snow sighed deeply, drank all the wine in his glass, and said, "I didn't expect that my dignified Young Master Rosen would fall in love... sigh, women, women are just toys, although they are cute, they are unnecessary. Long-term retention, disposable."

Rosen didn't bother to argue, anyway, this guy was already romantic, he just felt sluggish.

And his disinterested expression, I don't know how many ladies and ladies on the scene were fascinated, licking his lips, wishing he could eat him.

Just when the party was in full swing, a tough and domineering off-road pickup stopped at the entrance of "Diamond Coast".

Yu Yue got out of the car, opened the car door for Helan Xinran and Yu You, and Yuan Xiaolou also got out of the car.

He looked back at this brightly lit building in the dark night, like a bright pearl on the shore of the Hudson River, and his true thoughts were released, instantly covering the entire building.

Yu Yue quickly sensed the aura of Rosen Hiddleston. In addition, there were also the auras of a few warriors and cultivators, the so-called "extraordinary people" in the society of Magnesium, but the auras were all If you are not strong, you will not be able to get into the eyes of our classmate Yu, the tyrant of the Galaxy.

"Go up." Yu Yue took Helan's heart-burning hand and walked in front.

Yu You didn't want her mother to hold hands, so she followed suit, holding Yuan Xiaolou's hand.

"Diamond Coast" is a high-end club. The waiters are all connoisseurs of sackcloth. Seeing a few people getting off the wild king of raptors, they know their status is extraordinary. Even if they wear casual clothes, it is not easy to stop them. This Gotham's first daughter can brush her face, and naturally she goes all the way.

Under the guidance of an Indian waiter, the four of Yu Yue walked leisurely into the party.

Now that he has found Rosen, he is not in a hurry. After all, under the shroud of his true thoughts, Rosen can't escape even if he is in the sky.

He took the food from the cold table and distributed it to Yu You and Yuan Xiaolou. He also took two drinks from the plate of the beautiful waitress nearby, and handed it to Helan, and then gave it to Helan. Rosen went.

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