Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 328: Drive tiger

"... Looking for a girl down here is naturally to marry a girl."

"I won't marry you, you have to die!"

Facing Stevenson's confession, Lu Ping'er chose to refuse straightforwardly.

The scene was once again a sensation, and the opinions were fierce.

That woman actually rejected Stevenson, she was a strong man in the Great Raksha Sect, a king's son!

Some people even cursed directly: "What are you, how dare you refuse His Royal Highness's marriage proposal? Don't be shameless!"

Lu Ping'er stared at the man with frosty eyes.

The man was so frightened by her aura that he trembled, and he dared not say another word.

Although Stevenson's expression was stagnant and his eyes flickered for a few seconds, he quickly returned to a warm and gentle state, and he smiled and said, "I see, girls are reserved. Then we won't talk about marriage matters here. Now, let's talk in private."

Lu Ping'er snorted coldly.

Chen Wulong said in his heart, huh, girls are reserved, but this girl is not necessarily? She just confessed boldly to a married man...

Stevenson didn't seem to care about Lu Ping'er's attitude at all, and he still chatted with her naturally: "Does the girl also come to buy the treasure? I don't know what the girl wants?"

The sentence behind him, "No matter what the girl wants, you can take it down and give it to the girl." Although he didn't say it, he could hear it as long as he wasn't a fool.

Lu Ping'er still ignored him, but moved closer to Yu Yue.

Stevenson noticed Yu Yue and stared at him. Although the smile on his face remained unchanged, his eyes became very sharp: "Who is this, why didn't the girl introduce you?"

He found that the distance between the two people in front of him was less than one meter, and the clothes were attached to the clothes. This is the smallest intimate distance in the interpersonal distance, right?

With such a close picture, Stevenson instantly became hostile to Yu Yue.

And Chen Wulong, who pulled Ekaterina to the side and was so low-key that he was almost invisible, saw Stevenson staring at Yu Yue, and he couldn't help but gloat in his heart.

He was guessing whether Lu Ping'er was true love, or deliberately instigating discord and devouring it.

He also wanted to see how Stevenson would die if he provokes Yu Yue.

Don't think that you are born in a noble family and rely on the Great Raksha Sect to do whatever you want. Hey, if you provoke the guy in front of you, even if you are a strong Raksha Sect, you will be eaten alive.

Although he had not been in contact with Yu Yue for a long time, Chen Wulong was considered to have experienced something. He had already seen clearly that Yu Yue was even more terrifying than the Great Demon, and he was an extremely dangerous figure! Although the six animals are harmless on the surface, they are definitely the kind of horrible existence that cannibalize people without spitting out bones!

Compared with Chen Wulong's schadenfreude, Yu Yue had no reaction at all. He only cared about interacting with Xiaoyouyou. With an existence like Stevenson's level, he didn't even bother to look at him more.

A foreigner, standing on the territory of the crocodile nation and coming to the site of the Great Raksha Sect, dared to ignore him. This made Stevenson's smile gradually disappear, and his eyes became sharper and sharper like a knife.

"This is my brother!" As soon as Stevenson changed his color, Lu Ping'er immediately struck the iron while it was hot and took Yu Yue's arm.

"Really, the girl's brother is a bit too big, right?" Stevenson sneered.

He was guessing the relationship between Lu Ping'er and Yu Yue.

Brother-sister relationship?

Are you a liar?

When he saw the little girl in Yu Yue's arms, his eyes changed, and it seemed to become extremely resentful in an instant, the kind of extreme hatred caused by the great humiliation.

The murderous intent was revealed in the spite.

Feeling the killing intent, the little girl turned her small face and looked at him.

The eyes are facing each other, but they don't give way to each other.

It seemed that she was too young and naive to realize the danger.

It also seemed that she was not afraid of such danger at all.

At this time, Yu Yue slowly turned around and glanced at Stevenson, but didn't say anything, just touched his daughter's head.

Xiaoyouyou no longer touched Stevenson, put his arms around Yu Yue's neck, and yelled affectionately: "Dad!"

Stevenson's pupils contracted and he was about to speak.

However, before he had time to speak, he heard someone yelling: "It's started, it's started!"

I saw that in the big tent, the lights became brighter. A middle-aged man with sparse hair on his head and a slightly rich figure walked up to a square platform in the center with a smile, bowed in all directions, and said: "Welcome Everyone, I’m the auctioneer Zhao Mahuang of this auction. My friends must have been unable to wait, so we won’t beep too much, the Night Demon auction will begin now!"

Yu Yue put Xiaoyouyou on his neck again, and narrowed his eyes when he looked at the central square surrounded by the crowd.

Compared to the distinguished Stevenson, he is obviously more interested in middle-aged men on stage.

The man was wearing a suit with an oriental face, and his name was more like the name of a Chinese, but Yu Yue didn't think the three words "Zhao Mahuang" were his real name.

That person looked like the kind of small boss that can be seen everywhere in the coastal cities of China, greedy for money, lustful, and furious, but Yu Yue felt that he was by no means simple.

Is he really just an auctioneer?

In the eyes of everyone expecting, the auctioneer Zhao Mahuang motioned to the staff to deliver the first auction item.

The lot used for the opening of the auction is not simple. It is a whole piece of lapis lazuli, with a relatively pure and dense texture, no white spots, a well-proportioned navy blue color, and contains rare star-shaped pyrite, the so-called "green "You must bring gold", weighing 50 kilograms, and the starting price is 4.5 million equivalent to Hua Xia coins, which was directly bought out by Stevenson for 6 million.

Sure enough, no one competed with him.

After taking the first shot, Stevenson said to Liwen Hook next to him: "This lapis lazuli is of good quality. If Brother Hook can see it, he will give it to him."

When everyone heard, the six million treasure ore was transferred and given away as soon as it was photographed. His Royal Highness deserves to be His Royal Highness, he is rich in wealth!

Unexpectedly, the fierce and cold Liewen Hook was not polite, nodded and said okay.

It seems that this person is here to rub good things with Stevenson, the gold master.

Winning the first shot is also considered a kind of glory. Stevenson took his eyes to see Lu Ping'er, showing off intentionally or unconsciously, but by coincidence, he saw Yu Yue and Lu Ping'er whispering there.

Yu Yue whispered to Lu Ping'er: "Look, your Royal Highness is young and rich. It's still too late for you to regret it now."

Lu Ping'er leaned into his ear and said, "It is impossible to regret regret, and it is impossible to regret it in this life. Meng De is a good wife, and Ping'er is a good husband. Although that majesty is good, it is a pity that there is no wife and children, so I just don’t. like."

Yu Yue: "..."

Seeing the two biting each other's ears and being so affectionate, Stevenson's eyes turned green...

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