Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 329: Bidding

The second auction item, fluorite.

Fluorite is a very beautiful and shiny stone that can be used as a lighting tool.

The third auction item, malachite.

Also known as phoenix stone, sapphire jade, jade sapphire, blue chalcedony. It can be used in decoration, industry, and has medicinal value.

The fourth auction item, Tafe Stone.

Very rare gem.

The fifth auction item, Alexander Chameleon.

Unbelievable gem, it can undergo drastic color conversion according to the light of the environment. In natural sunlight, gems are blue-green, while in soft incandescent light, gems are red-purple.


Since the beginning of the auction, Stevenson has made frequent shots, each with a high price, driving all buyers back. Only a few rich men grabbed three or two pieces of high-grade Roin stone and Keli earth elements, and most of the others were rounded up by His Royal Highness.

Sure enough, no one dared to offend the powerful Raksha Sect.

It's just that, although everyone doesn't say anything, the opinions in their hearts are very big.

Everyone comes from afar, is it possible that you are leaving empty-handed?

The auctioneer Zhao Mahuang on the square has also looked at Stevenson for several times. Obviously, the appearance of such a buyer at the auction is not a favorable thing for the organizer.

How can the price go up if you always make a hammer sale?

"The next one, oh no, it should be said that it is the following group of auction items, so we have to see if there is anyone who knows the goods on the spot." The auctioneer ordered the people to open all the boxes, revealing the various crystal mines inside.

"Huh, what is that?"

"It's a raw crystal ore."

"It doesn't seem to be such a high-level and rare crystal ore. How come it was bought at the Night Demon auction? Is it that the back is out of stock? Is Baiqige really bad?"

"No, I think this group of auction items is very powerful. You see, although the mines in those boxes are only medium and high-grade crystal ore, every single item sold is not worth much, and it can even be said to be unattractive. The countertop of the auction, but if you put the entire series of intermediate crystal ore together for auction, it won’t be easy!"

"Oh? Let me take a look...B-prismatic, R-prismatic, G-prismatic, Y-prismatic, P-prismatic, W-prismatic, D-prismatic, they all have them! And the same The series of high-grade raw ore powder cobalt ribs, blue cobalt ribs, yellow cobalt ribs, and green cobalt ribs are all complete! Indeed, this set of ores cannot be sold separately, but if they are collected, the value will increase exponentially!"

"Yes, this set of ore is most suitable for making a set of treasures."

There are indeed some people with good vision at the scene. After all, the rich and powerful come to participate in the auction, and they will not be without a few palm-eyed masters and treasure-appreciating experts by their side.

Lu Ping'er looked at Yu Yue with a smug look on Qiao's face.

Yu Yue asked: "What do you mean?"

Lu Ping'er pointed to the auction item on the stage, and put her fresh red lips to Yu Yue's ear and said, "How about I dug it, how good is it?"

Yu Yue looked at Lu Meng and Zhang Liao, nodded and said, "Yes."

Lu Ping'er smiles like a summer flower, full of charm and tenderness.

Stevenson had put away his graceful prince's smile, frowning slightly.

"This group of raw crystal ore has a starting price of 6.66 million yuan." The auctioneer Zhao Mahuang announced.

Lu Ping'er frowned slightly, her mouth pursed slightly, and her heart became unhappy.

What Baiqige, the starting price is too low, right?

We finally gathered this whole series of intermediate and high-level crystal ore mines. My dignified little palace owner of the Heavenly Palace went down to mine the cave in person. Is it so worthless?

"Does the girl like this set of minerals? How about taking pictures for you next?" At this moment, Stevenson came over and said.

He has been observing the changes in Lu Ping'er's expression, and seeing Lu turned happy and worried, he thought she had taken a fancy to the crystal ore but was frightened because the starting price was too high, so he quickly took the opportunity to show it.

Lu Ping'er's eyes rolled around, ignoring Stevenson, but instead she took Yu Yue's hand and said coquettishly: "Brother, I want that!"

Stevenson's eyes flashed.

"I pay seven million." At this time, someone had already bid for this set of raw crystal ore.

"I pay ten million!" Stevenson immediately increased the price.

"His Royal Highness, I don't mean anything disrespectful. I just want to ask, you have taken a lot of precious mines before. Is this set of ore useful for you?" The rich businessman in the Middle East who bid before is already very big in his heart. Dissatisfied, can't help but say something.

Stevenson gave him a glance and did not respond, but said to Lu Ping'er: "As long as the girl wants it, I will definitely help you win it!"

After speaking, he sneered and stared at Yu Yue.

The meaning of this provocation is already obvious.

Even though the wealthy businessman in the Middle East was embarrassed and annoyed, everyone next to him was discouraging him, and he didn't dare to say more.

"Ten million! Are there any higher bids?" the auctioneer routinely asked.

"Ten million once...10 million twice..." The auctioneer routinely counted down.

"I gave out 11 million." At this time, someone made a bid.

The voice was leisurely, as if chatting with people.

Everyone cast their gazes over, wanting to see who it was, and daring to compete with the strong prince Stevenson.

I saw that the man looked plain and dressed in ordinary clothes, except that he had a little girl in his arms, which was quite special.

Is he crazy or what, how dare he fight Stevenson?

Everyone had a big question mark in their hearts.

Stevenson glared sharply and nodded to Yu Yue. It seemed that he had accepted his provocation.

This Chinese person is really reckless!

"I pay 20 million!" Stevenson said coldly.

Many rich and powerful people are taken aback, how can there be such a price increase? The other party adds one million, and he adds nearly ten million. This is the rhythm that is determined to win!

Yu Yue picked up his eyelids and said leisurely: "I'm out of 21 million."

Lu Ping'er smiled happily. Although Yu Yue had already pulled her hand back, she pressed her whole body to Yu Yue.

This scene is seen in the eyes of others as if they are loving young couples. No, they may be a harmonious family of three.

When Stevenson saw this scene, his face suddenly sank, killing intent.

Of course, he fell in love with Lu Ping'er at first sight, and fell in love with her appearance and figure at first sight, but now, he feels more deceived and humiliated. The more he wanted to get it.

"I'll pay 50 million!" The price was shouted. In the big account, only the sound of everyone hissing and inhaling was heard, and the price was increased by more than 30 million at a time. Isn't this crazy?

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