Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 348: Discuss (Part 2)

Xiaoyouyou took Jiang Rou onto the deck. Seeing someone competing here, she couldn't help clapping her hands and laughing haha: "They are fighting!"

When Jiang Rou saw Ran Muchen fighting with the people in the Heavenly Palace, she thought something had happened, so she asked quickly.

Chen Wulong and Ekaterina came over and explained: "It's nothing, let's talk about it. Anyway, idle is idle."

The battle in the field gradually heated up, and the two big men, Dian Vi and Zhang Fei, were undermined by a little girl, and they were about to go crazy.

Suddenly, Dianwei's aura exploded, and the clothes on his upper body were torn to pieces by a violent force released from the inside out. His whole body was bloody, his eyes became blood red, and more red light spurted out, just like the essence.

This is not because of his natural different pupils, but because of the "Bloodthirsty Strike" of the Heavenly Palace's unique skills, overdrawing vitality, and burning his own blood. It is because of the blood rush that caused the eyes to become red and bloodshot.

At this moment, Dianwei turned into a blood demon, his already burly figure soared, and he rushed towards Ran Muchen, very fast.

Zhang Fei was unwilling to be left behind, and broke out almost at the same time, with black energy tumbling all over his body, as if wrapped in a black sandstorm, a black face looked even more black, like the bottom of a pot.

Just listen to him roaring continuously, his voice is like a wild beast, just like the command of a soldier on the battlefield, magnificent.

He roared while launching a charge, just like a thousand horses galloping towards him.

The two masters of the Heavenly Palace both exploded their potential, and their momentum was terrifying and it was appalling.

Even the entire Feitianlou ship shook.

Ran Muchen also felt unprecedented pressure.

Most people can't bear such pressure.

Even if it is Chen Wulong, he thinks that if the person in the field is replaced by himself, he will definitely not be able to handle it if the person in the field is replaced by himself, facing the siege of Zhang Fei incarnate as a "Blood Demon" and Zhang Fei incarnate as a "War Beast". Have to be defeated.

He didn't know how to deal with a little girl like Ran Muchen and a small body like this.

As everyone knows, this is the result Ran Muchen wants.

She deliberately irritated the other party, she first used verbal stimulation, and then used means to play tricks, the purpose is to let the other party show all the strength.

Because Yu Yue said, "Sakura Fire Wheel Dance" has three states-"Sakura Fire Wheel", "Sakura Fire Wheel" and "Sakura Sky Wheel".

"Sakura Wheel" has mastered it by himself.

The "Sakura Fire Wheel" is achieved when people are emotionally excited and the whole body is highly nervous.

She wanted to try to arouse the "Sakura Fire Wheel", so she deliberately angered the two masters of the Heavenly Palace, and asked the other two to take a stronger attack, pushing herself to the edge of life and death, so as to achieve that state.

People are forced out.

Sure enough, although Ran Muchen's eyes can catch the wind and shadows, his footwork is brisk, and his stature is flexible, he can always flash through the attacks of Dian Vi and Zhang Fei at the very moment, but Dian Zhang and Zhang Fei's offensive is getting stronger and stronger. The force is getting more and more violent.

Waves of attacks are like overwhelming waves.

Especially for Dian Vi, he was full of blood and energy like a tornado, and his eyes were red and radiant. He suddenly trampled down with one foot, the deck cracked, and the whole ship quaked.

Everyone on the ship was unstable and swayed.

Ran Muchen's figure was also affected a bit.

At this time, Dian Xie's arms were like heavy halberds, hit hard, as if it could break the mountains and rivers!

Zhang Fei's aura was like a storm, the storm passed through the border, and the tiles were not there.

Such an attack is indeed terrifying.

Ran Muchen also broke out in a cold sweat and felt tremendous pressure.

She raised her full spirit, and suddenly caught a slight gap between Zhang Fei's movements, her body moved, and the thin blade of her jade hand cut to the opponent's neck!

Hearing a "pop", Zhang Fei's head was cut crooked, but then he gave a punch!

The fist is like a spear, piercing Ran Muchen's abdomen!


Ran Muchen suffered a bit, and suddenly felt severe pain in her lower abdomen, and her intestines seemed to be broken.

The severe pain made her body cramp and she couldn't breathe.

But the battle was not over. Dian Xie had already rushed up from behind like lightning, strangling Ran Muchen’s neck with his left hand and hooping her chest with his right hand. At the same time, a thick leg was inserted between her legs, not only controlling the opponent’s upper body, Also restricted the movement of the lower body.

Ran Muchen encountered such a killer move, and it was extremely thrilling, and his cold hair suddenly exploded, just like a cat with its tail stepped on, and the breath in his body instantly circulated and condensed.

When Dianwei held Ran Muchen, he felt that the muscles of the opponent's body were like snakes crawling around on a disk. The strength was so great that he felt a little unstoppable.

It stands to reason that the other party is just a little girl. Although she has good skills, she is not strong at all. How can she have such terrible muscle power?

Zhang Fei thought that the winning ticket was in his hands, but in a blink of an eye he saw Dianwei's very laborious appearance. Looking at Ran Muchen again, her sweet and pretty face turned out to be very hideous, full of pain and irritation. The beast, tight, gaining momentum, followed by a frantic eruption...

Especially her eyes, which were originally the color of pink cherry blossoms, were extremely beautiful, but now they have become blazing red, and the eyes are piercing, as if burning, extremely terrifying.

Zhang Fei felt something was wrong, and immediately set off, rushing over to help.

He stretched out a pair of big hands, wanting to grab and hold Ran Muchen.

But at this moment, Ran Muchen's eyes seemed to have two **** of flames, which suddenly exploded, and her whole body suddenly exploded like a bomb...


Dian Vii's huge body was directly shocked, and he felt as if his arms were broken.

Before Zhang Feigang rushed up, he was pushed far away by the terrifying vigor and hit the mast.

Ran Muchen stood there with blazing flames in his eyes, like a female devil who came out of hell, even though the body was still small and thin, the breath it exuded was creepy.

Suddenly, her red gaze turned to Dianwei, and when she lifted her foot, her figure instantly traversed more than ten meters. The slender jade hand grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

An eight-foot man was picked up by a little girl alone. No matter who watched it, it would be shocked.

Her strength and speed rose to an incredible level in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Ran Muchen suddenly pinched Dianwei heavily on the deck.

Hearing a "bang" sound, the thick deck was smashed apart, and the burly body was caught in it.

Ran Muchen raised Bai Shengsheng's fist and slammed it down, punching Dianwei deeper into the deck.


Another punch...

The whole ship shook a lot, shaking in the air.

Chen Wulong hugged Ekaterina and stepped down while shouting: "She is crazy, stop her! Otherwise, the ship will fall and everyone will die!"

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