Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 349: Prevent

"She is crazy, stop her! Otherwise, if the boat falls down, everyone will die without a place to bury!" Chen Wulong shouted.

It's not practical. Chen Wulong reminded that Zhang Fei had already rushed forward.

He was like a black sandstorm suddenly rising on the desert, and he rushed towards Ran Muchen, it was extremely turbulent!

This is his martial art trick "Roaring Thousand Army".

A roar can deter thousands of troops.

With such a big trick, he no longer knows how many strong players have been repelled, and how many masters have been defeated by him.

However, for a little girl like Ran Muchen, he could not take advantage of the slightest advantage, and his physical advantage could not be used at all.

Ran Muchen had already aroused the "Sakura Fire Wheel" state, and under his red eyes, his strength, speed, and physical strength had all increased to an incredible level.

She didn't even turn her head back, and punched Zhang Fei back with her backhand. The momentum of her body like a sandstorm and violent wind was instantly dissipated, as if it was insignificant. Zhang Fei almost flew out of the building and bumped into it. On the ship's side, blood spurted wildly!

Then, Ran Muchen punched again, sinking the Dianwei under his feet into the deck, and the whole ship shook.

Chen Wulong was thinking, why does she always aim at code violations?

Is it because the eyes of Dian Xie also turn red?

At this time, Lu Meng, the blue-faced man, and Zhang Liao, the purple-faced man, could no longer stand by, and both rushed on!

One shot is a unique skill!

Lu Meng performed martial arts tricks "crossing the river in white"!

Zhang Liao used his martial arts trick to "attack the enemy and win the sharp"!

I am afraid that few warriors in the world can resist such a powerful joint attack by the two masters of the Heavenly Palace!

However, Ran Muchen was completely fearless in the "Sakura Fire Wheel" state, turned around, took double stunts with his bare hands, followed by a powerful counterattack.

With one punch, Lu Meng and Zhang vomited blood and flew upside down. They didn't even have the power to parry.

After flying off the disruptor, Ran Muchen turned back and continued to target the code violation.

The ship shook endlessly.

Chen Wulong shouted in horror: "God, who will stop her? If this continues, all of us will be finished!"

Lu Meng fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with some difficulty: "Go and invite the little palace master, quickly..."

Like Yu Yue, Lu Ping'er has been in retreat during this period.

Chen Wulong saw that the four masters of the Heavenly Palace had been injured and had difficulty moving, and he was planning to take Ekaterina away and find Lu Ping'er together.

At this moment, a small figure rushed into the arena.

Ran Muchen is already slim enough, and Lu Ping'er is even smaller and exquisite, but this figure is smaller than them, just like the black cat Kunkun, but not the black cat Kunkun.

Only when Jiang Rou exclaimed: "Pomelo! Pomelo, come back..."

It turned out that the little figure rushing to the center of the deck turned out to be Xiaoyouyou!

This made everyone's hearts awkward!

Jiang Rou, Chen Wulong, and Ekaterina certainly knew that Xiaoyouyou is superpower, but they are naturally worried about children, no matter who they are.

Seeing a child approaching danger, you can't help but worry, because you can't help it.

Lu Meng, Zhang Liao, and Zhang Fei were even more frightened.

Although they have seen Xiaoyouyou, they still don't know her combat power.

At this moment, they saw Xiaoyouyou rushing towards Ran Muchen who had already run away, how could they not panic?

You know, who is Xiaoyouyou's father? It's Yu Yue!

Who is Yu Yue? A character like a dragon in the sky, even the little palace lord treats him respectfully, even showing a kneeling gesture.

The Little Palace Master specifically explained that he must entertain Mr. Yu and his party well, and there must be no mistakes.

But now, just on the Feitianlou ship of the Tianshang Palace, the daughter of Mr. Yu's family is in danger. If there are three long and two shortcomings, how should this be explained?

Who can afford such a guilt?

When the three masters of the Heavenly Palace were panicking, a shocking scene appeared in front of them.

Xiaoyouyou moves fast, but Ran Muchen reacts quickly and swiftly in the "Sakura Fire Wheel" state. Once the sensor judges that there is a threat, he will attack immediately!

Xiaoyouyou also reacted quickly. A pair of small hands stretched out, his arms were short and his hands were small, but they caught Ran Muchen's fist all at once!

Everyone finds it incredible.

Especially the three masters of the Heavenly Palace, they were dumbfounded.

This... how is this possible?

The three of them have personally experienced being beaten by the red-eyed Ran Muchen, vomiting blood.

There was also a big man who was beaten directly into the deck, life and death unknown.

Such a terrifying guy, unexpectedly... was actually blocked by a two-year-old child? !

If this is said, who will believe it?

But by the way, Xiaoyouyou not only blocked Ran Muchen's violent punch, but also found out the other party's momentum at the moment when he joined hands, used "Taihe Fist: Earthshaking", and threw Ran Muchen out all at once. !

Ran Muchen flipped in the air, landing to stabilize his figure.

Being thrown into the air by a child, Ran Muchen was not surprised, only furious. As soon as he landed, he rushed towards Xiaoyouyou!

Her speed was extremely fast, and there was still an afterimage in the same place. People had already arrived in front of Xiaoyouyou, and Bai Shengsheng's fist was punched.

This fist was white and tender, but its power was extremely terrifying, like a meteor falling from the sky.

Xiaoyouyou did not retreat half a step, and stretched out a whiter and more tender little fist.

When the two touched their hands, Xiaoyouyou opened her fist and turned into a small palm. With one traction, she flew Ran Muchen away!

This time, Ran Muchen was extremely powerful, but it was completely reversed by Xiaoyouyou, and it was counterproductive to herself.


This time, Ran Muchen could not stand firm and fell heavily to the ground, causing the whole ship to sway!

Soon, she got up.

But Xiaoyouyou didn't wait for her, so he grabbed it, and the two twisted, and Ran Muchen was thrown away by Xiaoyouyou again.

In this way, the rabbit rises and falls, rises and falls, falls and rises, climbs and falls again, in a row.

Obviously Xiaoyouyou is a small one, but it seems to be an eagle, and Ran Muchen was so fierce as to be one enemy four, but now he is like a little white rabbit, flying an eagle and beating a rabbit, almost catching one accurately, and The rabbit cannot struggle at all.

Chen Wulong watched Xiaoyouyou display the "world-shaking", "bagua transfer hall", "blue dragon stirring the sea" and other techniques in Taihequan.

Looking at Ran Muchen, he was thrown to and fro like a torn sack. He seemed to see himself, as if he was back to the days when he was treated as a stub, and he recalled the fear of being dominated by Xiaoyouyou. .

After falling to the ninth time, Ran Muchen's red "Sakura Fire Wheel" in his eyes was actually destroyed by life. His whole body collapsed and his clothes were drenched, and he couldn't stand up anymore.

And the whole ship suddenly fell because it finally couldn't bear their tossing!

This is even more terrifying than the crash, because many people are on the deck without safety protection measures. Sudden weightlessness can throw them into the sky. That way, it will be more dangerous than nine deaths...

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