Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 362: Don't cry

At this time, Yu Yue realized that his daughter was nervous.

A girl over two years old, under the gaze of thousands of people, has to walk the red carpet of more than ten meters alone, thinking about it and knowing how much pressure she is now under.

Yu Yue hurriedly cheered up: "Come on, baby, you can! Dad is behind you! We are brave super fighters!"

He told her the story of a super soldier fighting monsters.

Xiaoyouyou didn't look back, but moved forward.

The limbs are stiff and the body shakes unnaturally.

Upon seeing this, Yu Yue sent a message to Kunkun, the black cat: "Go quickly, take the pomelo for a while, use the spirit body, don't let people see you!"

Although the black cat Kunkun was dissatisfied with Master Yu's use of his overkill, he still did.

It quietly turned into a spiritual body, and jumped onto the red carpet in a state invisible to ordinary people. The person stood up and walked on two feet, holding Xiaoyouyou's elbow with its front paws and slowly walking forward. .

Xiaoyouyou is not surprised, she knows what it is.

She said: "Kunkun..."

Kunkun, the black spirit cat, yelled at her softly: "Meow..."

There was something familiar with me, and I heard father's voice in my mind: "Come on, we are little warriors!"

This made Xiaoyouyou feel a lot of peace in her heart, and her steps finally became natural.

After walking about half of the distance, Xiaoyouyou's tight face finally appeared with a natural smile, which was obviously relaxed a lot.

Even if the black cat Kunkun let go and left the red carpet, she could continue to move forward, counting her steps while throwing petals with her little hand, very innocent and cute.

But at this moment, an accident happened. When she was on the stage, her little foot accidentally tripped over an unfixed wire. Suddenly she lost her center of gravity and fell off the steps towards the ground. .

Kunkun, the black cat, was shocked, and immediately rushed over to lay under her.

This is a small ancestor, so there must be no mistakes.

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, Xiaoyouyou turned over out of thin air at the moment when it was about to fall to the ground, but the petals in the flower basket fell to the ground.

At this time, the black cat Kunkun ran to Xiaoyouyou and saw that she was okay, and then he relaxed.

Jiang Rou was also so frightened that Hua Rong was eclipsed, and she almost rushed past the bride and groom, but was held by Yu Yue.

In fact, the most nervous person at the scene was Yu Yue, but he resisted the urge to rush to save his daughter, because he wanted to give her space to play independently and give her full trust.

This kind of blanket and the floor will not be a big problem even if you fall down, but if you rush up to make a mess of the scene, it is likely to hurt your daughter's young self-esteem.

So he forcibly held back.

This can be regarded as another kind of love of the old father.

"Don't be afraid, baby, you are very brave, you are super awesome! Stand still and keep walking, and then you will reach the end!" Yu Yue chose to stay where he was, encouraged by TRANSSION.

Xiaoyouyou heard her father's voice, recovered, took the flower basket again, and continued to board the ceremony stage step by step with the accompaniment of music.


The table hasn't finished, the petals in the flower basket are gone.

Xiaoyouyou kept her mission in mind, even if there were no petals, she still took the posture of spreading flowers.

Although it is only a piece of air...

Finally, when he reached the end, Xiaoyouyou's tears suddenly fell.

This shocked Ran Muchen, who was waiting for the reception under the ceremony platform, and quickly went up and hugged her, and walked around to the lounge behind the ceremony platform.

After they left, the crowd suddenly burst into applause and cheers.

Because the bride and bridegroom stepped onto the red carpet hand in hand, slowly walking towards the ceremonial platform that symbolizes the sacred wedding hall.

The groom Chen Wulong is handsome and handsome, and the bride Ekaterina is noble and beautiful.

A pair of newlyweds, dazzling, attracted everyone's attention. As for Xiaoyouyou's last cry, not many people noticed it.

The best man Yu Yue and the bridesmaid Jiang Rou held hands and followed behind.

When he stepped on the red carpet, Jiang Rou's head was completely faint, letting Yu Yue hold his hands and walk forward.

She feels that she is happy.

She feels that this life is enough.

It's a pity that Yu Yue beside her didn't know what she was thinking. Yu Yue took her hand and thought about what happened to her daughter.


Ran Muchen put Xiaoyouyou on the chair, then took a paper towel and gently wiped her tears away: "Youyou, where did you fall? Does it hurt?"

Ran Muchen thought that the kid had gotten to the toe or knocked it just now.

Xiaoyouyou didn't speak, but just sat there and shed tears.

Ran Muchen said: "Baby don't cry, what's wrong, tell auntie? Auntie look..."

But Xiaoyouyou still said nothing.

Ran Muchen was gone, she hadn't met this kind of situation, but she couldn't just let it go.

At this time, Lu Ping'er and the black cat Kunkun came over, and there was no way. This little ancestor could not be beaten and scolded. If she had any request, she could still try her best to satisfy her, but it was really impossible to do without saying a word.

At the wedding ceremony, under the witness of everyone, the priest gave a speech and swore an oath to the couple: "Chen Wulong, do you want this woman to become your wife and enter into a marriage contract with her? Whether sick or healthy, poor or rich? , Stay with her for the rest of your life, love her, take care of her, respect her, protect her, and remain loyal to her until the end of life. Are you willing?"

Chen Wulong looked at Ekaterina and replied categorically: "I am willing!"

Ekaterina also looked at Chen Wulong, with infinite love in her beautiful eyes.

The priest asked: "Ekaterina, do you want this man to become your husband and enter into a marriage contract with him? No matter illness or health, poverty or wealth, stay with him for the rest of your life, love him, take care of him, respect him, Comfort him and always remain loyal to him until the end of his life. Are you willing?"

There was light in Ekaterina's eyes, and she unswervingly said the three words: "I do!"

Upon hearing these three words, Chen Wulong's expression was moved.

Upon hearing these three words, the expressions and moods of the couple were extremely complicated.

Hearing these three words, Jiang Rou's body trembled, as if something hit her heart.

When she turned to look at the people around her, she found that Yu Yue had quietly left the ceremony stand.

Yu Yue rushed to the lounge, and everyone around Xiaoyouyou automatically let him pass through a gap.

Xiaoyouyou saw his father, and Yu Yue just uttered the word "baby". She threw herself into his arms and shouted in a crying voice: "Dad! I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Yu Yue knew that she was very sad, and she was blaming herself, blaming herself for not accomplishing the task well.

Yu Yue hugged Xiaoyouyou tightly, patted her little back, and constantly comforted: "Baby don't cry, it's okay, you've done a good job..."

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