Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 363: embarrassment

"Baby don't cry, it's okay, you have done a good job. We Yuyou are super brave and super powerful, just like super fighters!" Yu Yue hugged Xiaoyouyou and comforted her gently.

In this incident, there was nothing on the daughter's body, and the skin was very real. It was mainly a psychological problem. This must be cleared up, otherwise it may leave a shadow and adversely affect future growth.

Yu Yue patted her back lightly and said, "Falling is normal, and you don’t have four legs like Kunkun. Dad often wrestled when you were your age, not to mention that you didn’t fall to the ground. Didn’t you stand firm in the end? So Yuyou is the best, and Yuyou is the little warrior!"

Hearing this, Xiaoyouyou lifted his head from Yu Yue's arms, and then he sobbed sadly and said: "But...youyou have scattered all the petals..."

What she meant was that she lost all the petals just now, did not complete the task, did not be a good flower girl, she was sad.

Yu Yue hugged her and said softly: "Dad knows that Yuyou has a sense of responsibility. Youyou is a good child with a sense of responsibility. Dad is very pleased. It's okay. Dad won't blame Youyou, no one will blame it. Pomelo...falling is not terrible, as long as you stand up, it looks good. Pomelo is still small, and you will definitely encounter various difficulties and problems in the future. When we encounter difficulties, we can cry and be afraid Cry and fear are normal and not ashamed, but after crying and being afraid, the difficulty has not disappeared. We still have to face it bravely and bravely, just like a super soldier facing a terrible monster. Come on!"

Knowing daughter Mo Ruofu, this kind of comfort still works for Xiaoyouyou.

Sure enough, Xiaoyouyou gradually stopped crying, got up from Yu Yue's arms, and said, "Youyou is a super fighter!"

Yu Yue smiled and said, "Yes, Youyou is a super little warrior!"

Xiaoyouyou wiped away the tears with her own hands and said: "Youyou no longer cry..."

She can really melt everyone's hearts in such a small way.

Yu Yue said: "Pomelo is the best!"

Lu Ping'er and Ran Muchen beside him couldn't help but give her thumbs up to praise and encourage her: "Youyou are awesome!"

"Let's go Yuyou, it's time to eat now." After a while, Xiaoyouyou calmed down a bit, Yu Yue said.

"Okay, great!" On the day of March, the child's face changed as soon as it changed. No, as soon as I heard that there was something to eat, Xiaoyouyou instantly turned from sadness to joy, and showed an innocent and lovely smile.

When Yu Yue took Xiaoyouyou out of the lounge, the ceremony was over. Jiang Rou rushed over and saw that Xiaoyouyou looked very good. After asking a few questions, he finally felt relieved.

The banquet was very rich. After all, the money was spent. It was made by the best chef from the Principality of Kira. The dishes were rich in color, flavor and taste.

Ran Muchen is in charge of taking care of Xiaoyouyou and eating. The best man, bridesmaid, and Lu Pinger, the general in charge, still have things to do.

In fact, you don't need to worry about Xiaoyou pomelo. She always eats big mouthfuls, and Ran Muchen helps her get the vegetables next to her and it's done.

Seeing Xiaoyouyou's rude but cute eating, Ran Muchen smiled unconsciously and chatted with her and said, "Youyou, your father is very good to you."

Xiaoyouyou finished eating the food in his mouth, stopped, and said, "Yes, Dad is the best!"

Because my father told her that you can't talk while eating, and you can't eat while talking.

After speaking, she put another piece of beef into her mouth and started to eat.

Ran Muchen didn't bother little cute to eat anymore, and began to think about it.

The bride and groom, the best man and the bridesmaids went to toast the guests.

Because the bridegroom is a Chinese, and the wedding organizers are mostly Chinese, so many Chinese customs have been added to the wedding.

Give priority to the table that respects the Duke and his wife.

In addition to the Grand Duke and his wife Auli, the table also includes the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Civil Affairs, the five ministers of the academician, and the Chief of Guard James.

The Secretary of Security and the Chief Intelligence Officer have been kicked off their horses for the time being because they collided with Her Royal Highness, waiting to be dealt with.

——This kind of "waiting for disposal" is obviously a bit ambiguous.

Regarding the wedding wine offered by his daughter and son-in-law, Auli still hesitated to give the Grand Duke, wanting to drink but not daring to drink it, pretending to be indifferent, and let the Grand Duke's wife deal with it perfunctorily.

Yu Yue could see that the weakness of the Kira Principality was not unrelated to the grand duke's indecision.

Of course, in this case, it is inconvenient for him to say more.

It’s just that the grand duke’s attitude made the ministers think that the son-in-law was not treated well and the marriage was not blessed, so he treated the groom’s official Chen Wulong with cynicism and a strange tone of yin and yang. Chen Wulong could only bear it again and again because of the occasion. , Ekaterina looked distressed and helpless.

After toasting a circle of wine, when it came to the photo session, the photographer asked the bride and groom, best man and bridesmaid, parents and relatives of the new couple to stand together to take a photo.

Chen Wulong and Ekaterina went together to ask Aoli to take a photo with the grandduke and his wife, but the grandduke shied away on the grounds that the man's parents were not present.

This is very embarrassing.

Ekaterina couldn't help feeling a little on her face: "Dad..."

The ministers next to him are also fanning the flames: "Yes, yeah, what photos do people take?"

In the final analysis, the attitude that Aoli gave to the Grand Duke was because he was afraid of the Great Raksha Sect from the bottom of his heart. Even when people arrived at the wedding scene, they subconsciously wanted to leave themselves out, feeling that they could not leave a handle or something.

At this time, Yu Yue said: "I taught Chen Wulong the three-day boxing technique, and counted him as half a master. The half-teacher is present, I wonder if you can ask the grandpa and his wife to take a photo with their faces?"

When Chen Wulong looked at Yu Yue, he was completely moved in his heart.

He thought to himself, from now on, Mr. Yu will have his life, go in the water, go in the fire, go through the water and fire, and will not hesitate!

Who knows that those ministers mocked from the side and said, "What, is it the master and the parent who only taught three-day boxing? Boy, you are so powerful to be the master of others at such a young age! How honorable is the status of the Grand Duke, how can you follow you? This junior sits on an equal footing?"

They actually thought that Yu Yue wanted to go to the Grand Duke of the Kira Principality.

The less he became angry about this matter, Chen Wulong couldn't help it anymore: "Hey, what are you talking about..."

At this moment, after only hearing a sound of "crash", there was a huge noise on the other side of the banquet hall. Everyone was surprised and quickly looked.

Many people cast their eyes on the excitement.

Hey, I knew this wedding was going to happen, and it finally happened!

Sure enough, many people are not here to eat banquets, they are here to eat melons, and they want to see what kind of moths can be produced in the wedding of His Royal Highness the princess.

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