Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 375: Deadly battle (part 2)

On Ustinyushka's exquisite and vivid beautiful face, the expression suddenly changed, becoming extremely hideous and extremely distorted!

Even the mouth became pointed and protruding, and there were two eyeballs in one eye, two eyes and four eyeballs, which was extremely weird.

Immediately afterwards, Ustinyushka’s clothes and even light armor burst, and the slender, toned, plump, and snow-white body was only exposed for a few seconds in full view, and it was soon covered by the golden light, making it attractive. The contour curve of the figure, but you can’t see the specific details.

Ran Muchen said in his heart, this is the "Rakshakui power", right? Obviously it is an evil demon's exercise method, which is called "sacred art"; it is obviously evil, but it is very sacred when the whole body is golden.

"Do you want to go on the court and practice your hands?" a voice said from the side.

Ran Muchen was taken aback, turned his head and saw that Yu Yue didn't know when to appear next to him.

Yu Yue glanced at her and asked, "Go up and practice your hands?"

Ran Muchen said, "Miss Deer is on it."

Yu Yue said, "She can't hold it anymore. How about it, can't you make it?"

At this moment, the situation in the field changed.

Lu Pinger found that her "poke" could not penetrate Ustinyushka's body, could not hurt or even touch her heart, and when she was covered with golden light, her palm could not even be pulled out. Come out, as if stuck.

This changed the deer from surprise to panic.

In the next moment, Ustinyushka's body changed again.

There are two wings on the back, countless golden and red feathers on the body, and three legs from the lower body-the original two long legs become bird claws, and one more bird claw is born.

The head has also become a bird's head, with a colored crown on his head, double pupils in the eyes, and a long golden beak.

Alice-beautiful golden and red tail feathers spread behind the hips.

Xiaoyouyou shouted excitedly: "Big Bird...Big Bird..."

Jiang Rou opened her mouth and said in surprise: "It should be... Phoenix..."

When Ustinyushka's transformation was completed, his breath rose instantly, expanding outwards like the substance, extremely terrifying and violent, and directly shook the horse under the crotch to its skin, bones, and internal organs to death!

Lu Ping'er also suffered a strong impact, and quickly urged the body to protect the vitality...

Wow —

A pair of gorgeous golden wings spread out behind Ustinyushka, Lu Ping'er was directly shocked and flew 100 meters away and crashed into the banquet hall...


When Lu Ping'er stood up from the empty banquet hall, she felt a lingering fear. If she hadn’t reacted quickly enough, protected her body in time, and wore a jewelry suit made by Yu Yue, the wave just broke out, she would probably follow that horse. The horse is a fate-was shaken to death!

Yu Yue uses B-prismatic, R-prismatic, G-prismatic, Y-prismatic, P-prismatic, W-prismatic, D-prismatic and powder cobalt prismatic, blue cobalt prismatic, yellow cobalt prismatic, green The rings, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces made from cobalt ribs are indeed a plus for the Tianlu jewelry set.

However, this also shows that Ustinyushka, the second Rakshasa of the Great Raksha Sect, is very powerful.

With the blessings of "Treasures·Eternal Night Double Red" and "Tianlu Series Jewelry Set", I actually beat her like this, which is too frustrated...

Moreover, she just performed the "Rakshakui magic" to start her transformation...

I was thinking about the power contrast and gap between myself and the other party. Suddenly, a golden figure rushed into the banquet hall like wind and electricity!


Lu Ping'er's pupils shrank in her eyes, fighting with Ustinyushka who was incarnate as a phoenix!

In the square outside the hall, Yu Yue glanced at the banquet hall where fierce fighting continued to be heard, and said: "The lord of the deer palace will hold on for another five minutes at most. She is not that bird's opponent."

After speaking, looked towards Ran Muchen.

Ran knows that he wants to let himself go, and he has the willingness to improve his actual combat experience, just...

"Miss Lu is not an opponent, so I am not an opponent anymore. I don't have the magical ability to reverse time and space like her..." Ran Muchen said hesitantly.

"But you have the'Sakura Firewheel Dance'." Yu Yue said concisely.

Ran Muchen said: "But...but I can't control it..."

Yu Yue smiled faintly and said, "I teach you."

"Don't you want me to be your assistant to teach me?" Ran Muchen asked.

"Then you will be my assistant and it will be over?" Yu Yue said.

"Is it okay something else? I really don't want to abandon my boss." Ran Muchen said, biting his lip.

To be honest, she has been struggling for this period of time. Yu Yue’s conditions are indeed very attractive. She agrees to be an assistant not only to learn exclusive skills, but also to forgive 25 million in debt at one time, but...Zhao Yicheng has something to her. Well, she didn't want to betray, but she didn't want to betray, and she couldn't ask Boss Zhao to pay off her debts, so she was very entangled.

During the recent period, Yu Yue is kind to the people around her, and she also sees it.

For example, Chen Wulong, if it weren't for Yu Yue to help him, he would definitely not be as good as he is today, and he won the glorious moment of marrying the princess. Without Yu Yue, he would be miserable.

For example, Lu Ping'er, wow, got treasures and jewellery sets, as well as exercise instructions and unlocked the battleship gameplay.

Not to mention Jiang Rou, there must be countless benefits.

To be honest, she was a little moved.

"I don't want to be an assistant... how about being my secretary?" Yu Yue asked.

"Uh, this... is there a difference between a secretary and an assistant?"

"There's none?"

" there?"

"Time is limited, you have two minutes to think about it."

"I...I would..."

Ran Muchen closed his eyes to speak, and suddenly blushed, how it felt like a newcomer was exchanging vows.

As soon as the voice fell, I felt three fingers of one hand hit the back of his head.

Ran Muchen was suddenly nervous.

Yu Yue's indifferent voice came: "Don't be nervous, relax.

"Your eyes, in addition to the regular state, can take you into the three states of'Sakura Wheel, Sakura Fire Wheel, and Sakura Sky Wheel", among which the'Sakura Fire Wheel' state has the highest combat power. So, I will teach you now. How to freely switch the status of "Sakura Fire Wheel".

"When the Huhu people reach a high level of tension due to their emotions, the color of their pupils will change to fiery red, like a flaming cherry blossom. In this state, the true vitality in the Huhu people will boil. , The strength, speed, and physical strength are fully improved, which is the so-called "Sakura Fire Wheel Time".

"And to enter the'Sakura Fire Wheel Time' independently, you must first relax your whole body, and control the opening and closing of your pores all over your body by controlling your spine.

"Have you ever seen animals get angry, especially cats and dogs, when they are extremely angry, their hair will stand up like a hedgehog..."

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