Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 376: Fried hair

"...Have you ever seen animals get angry, especially cats and dogs, when they are extremely angry, their hair will stand up like a hedgehog. This is the blown hair, which also closes the pores. The same is true for people. Sometimes, People will get goose bumps and cold hair will explode, which also closes the pores.

"Closing your pores will make your body's true vitality less easy to lose. When fighting, your strength is concentrated, just like a high-pressure water gun, which is fast and powerful.

"Controlling your pores is the key to your own "Sakura Fire Wheel Time".

"So how do you control the pores? Control the pores by controlling the spine.

"How to control the spine? Pay attention, you feel the place where my fingers are pressing with your heart."

Yu Yue touched the back of Ran Muchen's head with his index finger, middle finger, and thumb, and then moved down the joints of the spine inch by inch and pushed gently. Every inch of joints moved, Ran Muchen felt his body change, as if His spine was straightened little by little, even stretched out.

At the same time, the movement of the spine also drives the movement of the whole body's bones and the contraction of muscles.

Ran Muchen felt hot all over and sweated slightly.

Suddenly, Yu Yue's hand points down on Ran Muchen's tail...

Ran Muchen: "!!!"

This place is located below the sacrum, the end of the spine, and it is also located behind the buttocks, close to the chrysanthemum gate...

Before he could think about it, the weight of Ran Muchen's whole body suddenly fell to the end of his spine. Jumen contracted and lifted up, and his whole body was like a cat with its tail stepped on...


The whole body's cold hair exploded, and a dense layer of goose bumps formed on the skin. No matter how the true energy of the body boiled and rolled, all of it was held back, and it did not leak out at all.

"Feel every inch of one's spine, from head to body, and then to the tail. The tail of an animal maintains balance and controls the body. A fierce animal, when the tail is erected, the hair of the whole body will explode. The tail of a person is degraded, so Not as agile and powerful as animals.

"And you, if you want to enter the'Sakura Fire Wheel Time' voluntarily without the influence of external factors, you have to make your body tense, and facing the enemy is like burning your body, and you want you to grow a tail out of thin air. When your center of gravity When it falls to the tail vertebra, it is like a cat that has been stepped on its tail suddenly, and its hair is exploded. This is the state."

Yu Yue continued to give pointers.

Sure enough, Ran Muchen's eyes had become fiery red, and his whole body was full of vigor.

Yu Yue put his palm on her lower abdomen, covering her belly button, injecting a whirling vitality.

Ran Muchen felt that he couldn't close his pores instantly, the true vitality qi in his body rushed with sweat, his clothes were soaked, his eyes returned to normal colors, and people couldn't stand softly.

Had it not been for Yu Yue's help, she would almost fall to the ground.

"How is it, do you feel it?" Yu Yue asked.

"Yes...Yes..." Ran Muchen said weakly with wet hair clinging to her smooth forehead.

Once the pores are loose, the vital energy will diarrhea too much, and people will not adapt, just like some people with poor physique will feel dizzy, chest tightness and shortness of breath if they take hot spring baths for too long.

"Well, do it again." Yu Yue said.

"Ah, still... come again?" Ran Muchen asked in surprise.


There was only a loud noise, and the banquet hall that had been beaten by Yu Yue and the stag Lermontov before, could no longer withstand Lu Ping'er and Phoenix Ustinyushka madness-wind- The storm-like fierce fighting, the whole building collapsed, shaking the sky and dust everywhere.

That one-sided battle seems to be coming to an end...

I saw a black beam of light rising into the sky, and a small and exquisite figure was blasted high.

It was the black lance "Eternal Night Black Star" that released the impact effect that blasted Lu Ping'er into the air.

Lu Ping'er's figure is still high in the sky, and the traces of black light have not disappeared. A golden figure flew into the air. It was Ustinyushka's phoenix who spread its wings and rushed towards her, with two guns on her upper body and three on his lower body. Bird claws grabbed Lu Ping'er directly, as if to tear her into three pieces!

Lu Ping'er struggled and broke free for the first time. She wanted to use "speed shift" to escape, but Ustinyushka had already figured out the law of this technique and was able to catch the deer soon.

In the air, Lu Ping'er had no advantage at all, and she was obviously injured, her clothes tattered, and large areas of crystal clear white skin were exposed-exposed, scarred, very embarrassed.

On the ground, Yu Yue's finger had already clicked on the back of Ran Muchen's head.

Ran's body tightened, and even his **** was not consciously clamped.

Yu Yue reminded: "Relax!"

Ran Muchen cried out, how could it be possible to relax when you touch it like this?

But she still tried to relax her body first.

After all, she also wanted to improve her cultivation strength.

Ever since, Yu Yue once again moved along Ran Muchen's spine one by one, inch by inch, from the cervical spine, to the thoracic spine, to the lumbar spine, to the sacrum, and finally pinched the coccyx.

Ran Muchen lifted his **** and pulled his back instantly, her hair was like an electric shock, and she stood upright, fluttering like a flag, the cold hair exploded, the pores all over her body closed, the vital energy in her body revolved at high speed like boiling, and the skin was hot and hot.

This time, her aura was not as terrifying and violent as when she was in the Feitianlou ship with the masters of the Heavenly Palace. She looked a little low-key and a little quiet. In fact, her true vitality had already been twisted into a rope in the body, which was not revealed. , There is no leakage.

Although her eyes have become blazing red, revealing the feeling of beasts and even beasts, her sweet and pretty face is not as twisted and ferocious as before, but it is as calm as water without expression.

It can be seen that in accordance with Yu Yue's method to enter "Sakura Fire Wheel Time", Ran Muchen did not run away, she seemed to be able to control herself.

Yu Yue withdrew his hand from the bottom of the girl's **** and said, "Come on, Secretary Ran!"

Ran Muchen didn't notice that he had changed his name, but first asked the questions he cared about: "I'm afraid I can't control myself, what should I do?"

Yu Yue smiled faintly, and said, "What are you afraid of, I am."

With confidence in his heart, Ran Muchen took a deep breath, his full chest was straightened, and he leaped up into the sky.

Her bright and red eyes pulled out two rays of light and shadow in the high-speed movement, and they pierced the sky!

However, in the high altitude, Lu Ping'er, as Yu Yue said, is no longer Phoenix Ustinyushka's opponent, and it has been extremely difficult to survive now.

When Phoenix Ustinyushka caught Lu Ping'er for the third time, the latter had no strength to struggle.

Phoenix Ustinyushka gave a weird sharp smile from the golden beak: "Hahahaha...Although your strength is not weak, you are still far behind me. To blame, you can only blame your brother's short-sightedness. Let you die, you can slowly hate him, now, I will send you to die first!"

With that said, the three legs exerted their strength to tear Lu Ping'er into pieces!

Suddenly at this moment, Phoenix Ustinyushka had a warning sign and felt a powerful force approaching at high speed...

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