Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 393: Suck blood

"It is precisely to talk to Miss Dangeris about the tuition fee, and see if the two things I bring back can be regarded as the tuition fee of Archduke Ekaterina." Yu Yue said.

Danjiris nodded his head and waited for him to take the things out.

As a result, Yu Yue still didn’t take out anything. He only heard him say: “Before introducing the next two things, I think it’s necessary to introduce the first one-our Miss Ekaterina Koslova, She was once selected by the Great Raksha Sect as a tribute to the suzerain, but she was saved by me and elected as the Grand Duke of the Kira Principality."

The two gray-robed mages looked at each other again, daring to leave the tribute that should have been dedicated to the Great Raksha Sect Sect Master. What kind of operation is this? What kind of bravery is this?

Danjiris couldn't help but set his gaze on Yekaterina. He looked up and down, left and right, and Ye was trembling a little.

Ekaterina felt that the eyes of the Supreme Master were like two fluoroscopes. Under her gaze, she seemed to be naked, even her bones and blood vessels were exposed.

Yu Yue felt that his purpose had been achieved. He said this to make the other party notice that since it can be regarded as a tribute to the Great Raksha Sect Master, Ekaterina is definitely not mediocre anyway. The odd generation.

Then he said: "The second thing, I can refine a treasure for Miss Dangeris, or a magic device."

These words made the two gray-robed wizards almost laughed out loud. The supreme wizard wanted to refine the magic weapon, and the great refiners at the end of the world were willing to work for her. Besides, the Wulan wizard tower itself had cultivated three of them. The world's top crafting master, you come here to show off, don't you make people laugh out of their teeth?

Danjiris moved his gaze from Ekaterina to the black cat at Yu Yue's feet.

The leaf pressure is greatly reduced.

The black cat Kunkun narrowed his eyes and looked back at the Supreme Mage.

The Supreme Mage seemed careless, watching the people and things around Yu Yue, while chatting with Yu Yue: "Oh, you know how to refine weapons?"

Yu Yueqian said: "Understand a little."

But this kind of humility seemed to be too pretentious in the eyes of the two gray-robed wizards.

What is "a little understanding"?

Don't show if you don't understand.

If you want to show, come up with real materials!

But Danjiris asked: "Do you also understand arcane constructions?"

Yu Yue said: "Understand a little."

He really understands that in the previous life, he opened a tomb of a holy constructer, and obtained the inheritance of the holy realm in it, so his inscription attainments and refinement level are so high, these are all connected.

Danjiris gave a "um", and continued noncommittal: "Then what is the third thing?"

Yu Yue looked at her, first stretched out one finger, then stretched out three fingers, and said, "10 to 30% of the treasures in the treasure house of the Great Raksha Sect."

Hearing this, not only the two gray-robed mages, but even Danjiris was taken aback.

The gray-robed mage standing on Dan's left hand solemnly said, "What do you mean?"

Yu Yue said: "It means literally. I have cooperated with the boss of Baiqige Zhao, and plan to jointly sweep the Great Raksha Sect. After the sweep, the treasure is 37 points, he is three to seven.

"If Miss Dangeris is willing to join, then we will be divided into three, three and four, you three, three, three and four.

"Of course, if you are unwilling to participate in the raid, I will give you 10% of the tuition as Archduke Ekaterina. How?"

Danjiris looked at Yu Yue, his awe-inspiring aura suddenly exploded.

The people around Yu Yue can feel it. Although they are not the first to bear the brunt, their aura is far more powerful and dangerous than the most fierce beast they have ever seen. Shika has no such power.

This stunning girl who looks only six or seven years old and is so tender that people want to take a bite is definitely not as cute as the surface, she is like a big devil!

The two gray-robed wizards also shivered. They thought that Yu Yue had touched the bottom line of the supreme wizard.

You know, the family history of the Supreme Master is a terrifying predatory style.

The construction and development of Ulan Master Tower is relying on continuous plundering and continuous blood-sucking, and it has stood for a hundred years in Ice Dragon Bay.

They know very well that the Supreme Master is a person who has never been willing to suffer.

Yu Yue's visit today is simply to challenge the bottom line of the Supreme Master.

I said that I would give three things, but none of them was real.

The first is that if you send a student to study, it is the Duke and the tribute, the identity is very problematic;

Second, verbally agreed to refine a magic weapon, but who knows the quality, is it better than the refiner master of Ulan Master Tower?

The third one is even more ridiculous, the treasure in the treasure house of the Great Raksha Sect?

The Rakshasa Sect of the People's Congress is so good to do its best. If you say you want to wipe out the treasures of others, it is like a few drunk guys getting together and talking about how to divide the spoils after robbing the bank, and how to be happy and happy, and wait until you wake up. Entering the bank is not a rule, and he dare not act rashly.

Moreover, if you write a bad check, you don't want to make a bigger one. At any rate, you get 10% and the Supreme Master 90%.

You actually only gave 10%, and you said that you would give 30% to participate in the raid.

This is not courage, this is a big brain.

The two gray-robed wizards felt that they were beginning to admire Yu Yue a little, and at the same time they felt that the Supreme Mage should almost be unable to bear Yu Yue.

This kid is not far from death.

Ran Muchen was also very surprised. She didn't expect Yu Yue to be such an operation, a death-seeking operation!

She heard Boss Zhao said that in addition to the series of titles such as Supreme Mage, Guardian of Ouzhou Continent, and Dangerous Demon Slayer Girl, Danjiris also has a nickname called "Blood-sucking Fortune Fan".

The reason why Boss Zhao didn't find Danjiris to cooperate in the development of the Great Raksha Sect Treasury was because the relationship was not in place, and the relationship between them was just a normal transaction; the other was because he was afraid of being sucked up and squeezed out by her.

Unexpectedly, a business is not a business traitor. Yu Yue has hit the supreme mage with an abacus.

I just don't know if this abacus can work.

Don't throw your hands on the abacus.

Yu Yue slowly raised his head to meet Danjiris' gaze, without evading it.

His expression is still calm, and his body is still in a completely relaxed state, as if he was chatting with neighbors while admiring flowers in his garden.

Danjiris withdrew his horrible aura, stretched out an extremely tender and delicate little palm, and said: "I want 50%, and I will not participate in your so-called mopping up."

Ran Muchen made a movement of smashing his right fist on the palm of his left hand in his heart, and said, "The blood-sucking financial fan" is really cruel!

The two gray-robed mage secretly said, the supreme mage is too kind this time, is it only 50%?

But Yu Yue smiled and shook his head: "50%? Impossible..."

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