Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 394: Teachers and students

"50%? Impossible." Yu Yue smiled and shook his head.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, he continued: "Miss Danjiris, I made it very clear just now that if you participate in the raid, the treasure of the Great Raksha Sect will share 30% of you. If you don’t participate, you can only It’s like this."

The two gray-robed mages had opened their mouths wide and couldn't close them together. They had never seen such a bold person.

At this moment, another gray-robed mage hurriedly ran into the magic hall, boarded the high platform, and reported a few words to Danjiris on the crystal throne.

After Danjiris listened to it, he looked at Yu Yue and the others with some playfulness, then smiled and said, "Please."

When everyone was a little confused, I just listened to Dan Jiris said: "The first Raksha Ivan of the ten rakshas of the Great Raksha Sect has arrived. He must have come to give me something too. I want to see. Whoever sent something from either of you made me more heart-warming."

Lu Ping'er, Ran Muchen, Chen Wulong, Ekaterina and others, when you look at me, I look at you, immediately become nervous.

The Great Raksha Sect has also come? !

Just ten minutes ago, the sky over Ice Dragon Bay became clouded.

Thick lead-grey clouds hung down almost to the sea, and the endless icy ocean was blew violently, and the wicked waves were surging heavily towards the cliffs on the coast.



The fine ice floes in the sea collided with each other, making a creaking sound.

However, the port where the Ulan Master Tower is located is an ice-free port, and dangerous ice blocks are floating in the distant waters.

At this moment, there is still thunder and lightning in the lead cloud. In this season, thunder and lightning are very rare. What's more, the thunder and lightning jumping in the lead cloud is still changing colors from time to time. This gorgeous thunder and lightning often means one thing, that is, one thing. The portal is taking shape.

Whether it is magic or other power, the opening of the portal will distort the space.

After a while, the lead cloud was suddenly lit by countless aquamarine lightning, and a figure curled up into a ball was surrounded by electric light, slowly descending from the lead cloud.

When he was about to fall to the surface of the sea, he raised his head, revealing a face that was extremely handsome and kind by human standards, except that there was a flash of light in the two long and narrow phoenix eyes, when he opened his eyes. At that time, the surrounding sea surface temperature dropped suddenly, and dense ice particles were condensed in the sea at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ice particles agglomerated.

This is a man in his early thirties.

The slender body is wrapped in a white robe.

The insider knows at a glance that this is not an ordinary white robe, it is a white robe of a magister that symbolizes rank and identity.

The light blue hair on the top of the man's head was beating like a flame. He slowly relaxed his body, hovering on the surface of the icy sea, looked around, and muttered: "This time the error distance is over again. Ten kilometers, it seems that the progress during this period of time is not obvious."

He slowly turned around and stared at the towering Ulan Master Tower, which is almost connected to the mountains and seas, and continued to say to himself: "It's been a long time since I came back, teacher, how are you? I really want to see you beautiful soon. What a look!"

He looked at the direction of the Ulan Master Tower, stretched out his hands, and made complicated gestures slowly and quickly.

After a while, a portal was formed in front of him.

The man stepped forward and disappeared into the light curtain of electric fire.

There is no one on the ice.

The Ulan Master Tower at this time truly interpreted the towering towering into the cloud, and the entire upper half of the tower was submerged in the thick lead cloud.

At this moment, a cyan lightning bolt suddenly fell from the clouds, hitting the platform on the top of the tower where the flying magic machine took off and landed, making a thunderous roar, frightening the already drowsy platform guards. All jumped up.

They drew out their weapons in a hurry, and then watched in astonishment as the electric fires rushing around came together again, forming a portal.

A man with a cyan flame burning above his head walked out of the portal.

Not only the top of his head, but his body was also burning with cyan light.

The cyan light flame is like fire, but it is not an ordinary fire.

"You...Who are you?" The guards tremblingly blocked the man's path.

The guards of the Ulan Master Tower are not idlers, and they can crush one side by pulling any one out. However, under the gaze of this man, they will feel the fear that emanates from the depths of the soul.

It seems that in front of this man, no matter what kind of warrior will subconsciously cringe.

"Stop! Who are you, what do you want to do when you suddenly teleported here?" The chief guard blocked the man's path, and the knife in his hand trembled a little bit invisible, but he was brave enough to come forward at this time. NS.

The man glanced at him, nodded, and smiled kindly, and said, "Well, you are very good. You haven't seen me, but you should have heard the name ‘Mage Ivan’."

Several new guards did not respond, but the chief guard screamed: "I...Ivan, you are Lord Ivan!"

Ivan smiled warmly: "I'm here to meet Lord Danjiris, please also let me know."

Therefore, the chief guard immediately reported to the great magician in charge of security, and the great magician reported to Danjiris.

Danjiris smiled and said, "Please."

Soon, everyone saw Ivan with blue hair and blue eyes and a white robe.

Lu Ping'er looked at him and thought to herself, he is the personal disciple of the Great Raksha Sect Sect Master and the number one powerhouse in the Great Raksha Sect, Ivan!

The second Rakshasa Ustinyushka is already outrageously strong, so what about the first Rakshasa?

Although Yifan came alone, his momentum was not weaker than that of Yu Yue and his group.

He only scanned the people in the hall lightly, then walked under the crystal throne and saluted: "Dear teacher, student Ivan sends you greetings."

Upon hearing this, Chen Wulong and Ekaterina couldn't help but their expressions changed drastically.

They turned out to be a teacher-student relationship!

This this……

But seeing Danjiris just nodded faintly, without too much enthusiasm, and asked: "You have been away from Ulan for many years. Will you come here just to say hello to me this time?"

Ivan smiled and said: "The students have been away for many years and have been missing the teacher. The most important thing here is to see the teacher. At the same time, at the order of the lord, I will greet you on his behalf. Matters related to cooperation with Ulan Master Tower."

Chen Wulong and Ekaterina said heartily, "It's over, it's over, they are in the same group, we are self-inflicted!"

Dan Jiris asked: "Cooperation? What are the benefits?"

Yifan glanced at Yu Yue and said, "There are a few flies that are obstructing the eyes of the Great Raksha Sect. If the teacher is willing to take care of them, then the Great Raksha Sect is willing to take out 30% of the treasures in the treasure house and give it to the teacher."

Although he smiled warmly, like sunshine, but the sunshine seemed to be cold and deserted.

Danjiris frowned and stretched out five small and slender fingers: "Three achievements want me to shoot? At least 50%."

Ivan's smiling face couldn't help feeling a little stiff: "This...this..."

The bottom line that the Sect Master gave him was 30%, he didn't dare to be the master without authorization.

At this time, Yu Yue asked, "Miss Dangeris, is this person really your student?"

Unexpectedly, Danjiris shook his head and said: "No, eighteen years ago, he entered the Ulan Master Tower to learn magic. Although his qualifications are good, he is not the most top-notch, so I have not taught him personally.

"As for him, he wanted to have his own ambitions and couldn't accept being an ordinary magic apprentice, so he betrayed the Ulan Master Tower and went to the Great Raksha Sect."

Ivan glanced at the high crystal throne, a blue light flashed in his eyes...

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