Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 396: not necessarily

Danjiris' gaze fell on Xiaoyouyou again.

Then he waved his hand lazily, indicating that Master Jie Di needn't be excited.

Master Jiedi closed his mouth, he and the other magicians all guessed that the Supreme Master meant to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

In fact, Yu Yue and Ivan at the center of the hurricane did not even bother with a magister's dissuasion.

At this moment, Yu Yue was the only one among Ivan's gleaming eyes.

However, Yu Yue wanted to cook Ivan as soon as possible and then get Danjiris. After all, Xiaoyouyou should be hungry when the meal is near. I heard that the king crabs and cod in Binglong Bay are unparalleled. I don’t know Master Wulan. Can the tower serve a good meal...

He thought a little too much.

Seeing that he seemed to be in a daze, Ivan couldn’t help but sneered again and again: “Aren’t you going to kill me, why don’t you do it? If you’re afraid, it’s too late now. I’ve always acted mercilessly, and you won’t have any more. chance!"

After finishing speaking, smash down the cyan thunder in the right hand!


The thunderstorm exploded on the ground, and the cyan electric fire jumped in all directions.

Lu Ping'er and Ran Muchen naturally avoided them easily.

Chen Wulong pulled Ekaterina back. During the movement, Ye's plump chest was up and down, like a surging wave in the ice dragon bay.

The black cat Kunkun ran over to protect Jiang and Gentle Xiaoyou.

However, Jiang Rou is agile in his body, holding the small pomelo to spin and jump, like a whirling dance, his body is graceful and dazzling.

Xiaoyouyou was volleyed in her arms, very happy, laughing with her mouth open, completely ignoring the tense atmosphere of the scene.

As for the two magicians and thirteen great magicians on the scene, they opened their enchantments and magic shields (shields) to resist the cyan electric fire.

Master Jiedi has already stood in front of the crystal throne.




Among them, the magic shields of three gray-robed wizards were actually shattered by a few scattered and jumping cyan electric fires. The three immediately fell backwards, their bodies were swallowed by the flames of Aomori, and the ground was full of miserable howls. roll.

The cyan flame seemed to ignite when it touched, and the gray-robed mage nearby chose to quickly avoid it.

Danjiris' little eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

Another white-robed mage couldn't help but shuddered, feeling bad, and immediately "teleported", moved from the high platform to a cyan fire man in an instant, waved a "dispelling" and a "cure" and threw it over.

However, these two magics that should be able to dispel the negative state of the colleagues and relieve their injuries did not have much effect. The white-robed mage Theodore himself groaned, as if being hit by something violently, involuntarily directed towards After two steps back, a ray of blood shed from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Pinger's round deer narrowed her eyes, knowing that the magician's "transportation" was similar to his own "speed-shifting", except that the former used magic to open up space channels, and the latter used true vitality. The body undergoes spatial displacement and crossing.

Most people were surprised at how powerful Ivan was.

You know, Ivan’s cyan thunder, the target is Yu Yue and not others, but the scattered electric fire can shatter the magical defense of the great magician and cause personal damage, and this kind of damage even makes the magician’s "dispelling" "And "cure" are ineffective and even produce a backlash effect!

This shows that Ivan's strength has surpassed the White Robe Magus and is striding towards the Holy Realm.

Master Theodore did not dare to look at Danjiris’ expression, and quickly blessed himself with two defensive magics, and took a step forward, smashing the "powerful dispelling" and "powerful healing" like no money. The "burning man" finally rescued the three colleagues, which was considered to have restored a trace of the dignity of the Ulan Master Tower.

The scattered electric fire is so terrifying, but what about the people in the magic center?

I saw that where the cyan thunder fell, there was already a **** smoke pit.

You know, this is the magic hall built by Danjiris with a lot of money. It used countless deep-sea emperor blue paving walls that are worth the same as the purple dragon crystal. The hall is like a huge magic pool, so Xiaoyouyou just had it. By induction.

And now, a blue thunder from Ivan exploded more than ten square meters of imperial blue floor tiles, which was equivalent to exploding hundreds of millions of dollars.

Danjiris' little eyebrows wrinkled deeper immediately.

But what most people care about is that Yu Yue doesn't seem to be in the dark pit.

He did not know when he had come before Ivan.

He was unscathed.

The distance is only three steps, ten meters, and a long gun!

I saw Yu Yue concentrating on it, aside from talking, his waist and legs rose and fell, as if straddling a galloping horse, his arm flicked, the whole black spear looked like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole, Ivan’s throat was swift!

With the help of the momentum, the long spear, which is about ten feet in length, prodded forward, and instantly pulled the distance closer!

Ivan was shocked, completely ignorant of the others, and only had one thought in his mind-he would die!

This shot will pierce through his throat!

Even if it is just hit, the joints of the throat will be broken!

He had never felt the threat of death so close at hand. The intense fear and sense of crisis made him stunned. He was completely unable to calm down. He retreated completely out of instinct. At the same time, he smashed the blue thunder in his left hand desperately. To each other.

At such a close distance, no matter how fast the reaction is, it can't be avoided, right?

As long as it is hit, even the dragon will be seriously injured and fall down!

Ivan is very confident in his magic "Blue Dragon Breath". This is the nirvana skill he cultivated by combining magic and Rakshakui's magic and using the dragon element of a blue dragon. hit.

However, Yu Yue didn't dodge or evade, and he didn't have the slightest intention of retreating. A shot was fired, and the gun shot out like a dragon, right in the middle of the weakest place of the blue thunder!

Ivan's face has not yet shown a successful smile, "Blue Dragon's Breath" has been defeated in an instant, and a black light is like a flying star, piercing his throat!


Ivan's expression became extremely frightened, and he released "Teleport" in an emergency, moving back ten meters in an instant.

But the black spear is like a black dragon snake, chasing after it, and biting its tail!

Ivan mobilized magic power and threw three defensive spells on himself, all of which were high-level magic.

Regardless of this, Yu Yue stabs straight, "chichichi" three times, penetrates the three-layer high-level magic shield, and breaks the throat of the first Raksha without any hindrance!

Ivan never thought that he would be hit by the opponent so quickly, a pair of blue eyes bulged out, extremely terrifying, his breath was broken, but... not dead yet!

He practiced Rakshakui's divine art, which specially spent huge manpower, financial and material resources, and spent three days and three nights ambushing a blue dragon. After absorbing the dragon yuan, he also gained strong vitality like a dragon. May not die...

Just listen to Yu Yue faintly sighed: "Actually, for you, death may not be a good thing, at least you can suffer less sin..."

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