"Actually, death is not necessarily a good thing for you, at least you can suffer less..." Yu Yue sighed quietly.

Ivan raised his hand to grab the upper end of the gun, and pulled the tip of the gun out of his throat very violently, bringing out a part of the broken throat very bloody, and drooping outside the blood hole.

Ivan's face was distorted and deformed, not sure if it was because of the pain or something else.

His body is also twisting and deforming.

Bare-exposed skin grows large cyan scales...

The eyes become vertical pupils...

Nostrils become bigger...

The mouth grows longer...

Everyone was shocked!

Lu Ping'er and Ran Muchen shouted in unison: "Be careful, he wants to transform!"

A group of magicians and great magicians on the scene contracted their pupils, and their hearts were shocked. This is the Rakshakui magic of the Great Raksha Sect! What will the transformation of the first Rakshasa look like? !

I just listened to Yu Yue lightly saying: "It doesn't matter if you are a dragon or a worm, it is useless."

Ivan's body tripled, splitting his white robe, taller than Yu Yue's two people, but the magic hall was tall and big enough to accommodate his transformation.

Ivan turned into a dragon, with green scales all over his body, and a violent aura swept across the hall and even the entire tower. The magicians of lower levels on other floors felt this aura and couldn't help but tremble. Some magic apprentices directly knelt down. land.

Outside the Ulan Master Tower, there is already a violent wind on the Ice Dragon Bay, and the clouds in half of the sky are spinning, forming a suffocating vortex.

The sea is also spinning, and it is also a huge vortex, opposite to the cloud vortex in the sky.

But the whirlpool of the sea is sinking, and countless seas roar into the bottom of the sea, as if the world has leaked a big hole here.

The cloud vortex in the sky is drooping, almost touching the sea, as if the sky is about to collapse.

In the sky and the sea, there seemed to be some giant churning.

But it didn't.

All of this was caused by the eruption of "Dragon Power" by the dragon man Ivan in the tower.

Those great magicians, and even the two magic masters, have changed their colors one after another. The combination of Rakshakui's magic and magic is truly extraordinary!

Those who can combine the power of Rakshakui with magic, it is no wonder that they can become the number one Rakshasa among 10,000 people under the Great Raksha Sect!

Many people think that in the face of such an existence, Yu Yue is afraid that there is no chance.


A dragon chant was terrifying, and even the entire Ulan Master Tower trembled.

Behind the dragonman Ivan, a huge phantom of the magic dragon appeared, and the stalwart figure suppressed Haitian with an astonishing momentum!

This is Long Yuan, Qinglong’s Long Yuan!

Ivan was desperate directly, and even showed off his ability to press the bottom of the box!

Although he has the pride of No. 1 Rakshasa, he does not mean to underestimate Yu Yue.

He knows that Yu Yue is very strong and must use his best to defeat him.

The cyan devil dragon phantom opened its huge mouth, and the dragonman Ivan also opened his deformed long kiss, cyan thunder brewing in it.

The jumping cyan light is full of extremely violent and terrifying energy.


Long Yin rose again, and the cyan thunder spurted out, blasting towards Yu Yue!

Blue Dragon's Breath!

When everyone thought that Yu Yue was bound to die, they saw that Yu Yue took out the "Wuji Apricot Yellow Flag" from the "Kunlun One Air Bag" and waved it twice, and immediately countless magical golden lotus appeared, which prevented Yu Yue. Terror Qing Lei.

As soon as the innate flag comes out, it is a golden lotus, with nothing to break, all evils to retreat, and all laws will not invade.

Even the magic attack of the Holy Magister can be resisted.

The cyan thunderbolt divided into several lanes from Jinlian, and continued to blast towards the rear, towards Jiang Rou, Lu Ping'er and others, towards the magicians, and even towards the crystal throne on the high platform!

Lu Ping'er and Ran Muchen hurriedly stepped forward to resist for fear of hurting Xiaoyouyou.

Unexpectedly, a black shadow crossed the two of them, and opened a huge canopy like a huge umbrella first to block the scattered thunder dragon's breath.

This shadow is the black cat Kunkun.

I saw its body was long, like a toned panther, but its streamlined shoulders and back had countless branches and vine knots growing to form a crown, like a big umbrella, bearing the bombardment of blue thunder.

It is more nervous than Lu Ran, Xiaoyuyu, the jewel of the owner, how can he not protect it?

As for the magicians of Ulanta, only Master Jidi could stand up. The gray-robed mages could not hold the dragon's breath of Ivan the dragon. The white-robed mage Theodore was only good at healing but not offensive and defensive.

I saw Master Jiedi teleported forward, mobilizing magic power, opening the magical shield like a city wall, intending to protect everyone.

However, when the blue thunder dragon's breath blasted, the white beard and sleeves of the master knot moved, and the magic shield persisted for three seconds. Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the blocked blue thunder was like a living creature with intelligence. Generally, it condenses into a sharp thorn, forcibly piercing through the wall of the magic shield, and touching the palm of Master Jidi from a small hole...

Master Jiedi began to lean backwards, and then fell backwards. His eyes didn't instantly disappear, but a layer of pain flashed through. The pain was incomparable horror. The blue flames had invaded all corners of his body, and he was crazy. Burning him and freezing him, his body was cold and hot, and the pain was completely beyond words.

At the same time, he was horrified to the extreme. The magister of his own majestic Ulan Master Tower could not even hold a single blow from a junior...

Mage Ivan is indeed an outstanding and unparalleled genius among the younger generation. Perhaps the Supreme Mage really missed his eyes...

When Master Jiedi fell, the magic shield suddenly fell like a city wall and the city was lost. The terrifying blue thunder was like a cyan little dragon, snaking and jumping, shooting swiftly at everyone!

All the mages knew that the blue thunder was so powerful that they were so frightened that they had no expression on their faces.

At this time, the supreme mage sitting high on the crystal throne waved his hand, and the five or six sets of magic instruments worn on his palm suddenly burst into brilliance, reflecting the supreme mage’s childish face and golden fluffy hair. Wu Wu instantly blessed two white-robed mages, thirteen gray-robed mages, and his throne with a bright blue magic shield. It was one by one, indestructible, and cyan thunder struck on it, and it was immediately diluted and dissolved.

Having withstood this wave of attacks, the face of the Supreme Mage was not pretty.

Of course, she wasn't hurt because of any harm. Even if Ivan became a dragon, his "blue dragon's breath" would not affect her at all.

She just felt a little embarrassed.

Ulan Master Tower! The legendary magic shrine!

It was caused by a mere disciple of the Raksha Sect!

People didn't do it directly with you, a little aftermath hurt three gray robes and one white robe!

The white-robed magician of Master Wulan Tower is actually inferior to a Chinese kid and a black cat. If this spreads out, how will Master Wulan Tower face? !

Master Theodore saw the face of the Supreme Mage and was so scared that he hurriedly treated Master Jidi, a meal of mad milk at any cost.

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