Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 900: Explode (middle)

If close combat is not possible, then attack from a distance.

In order to deal with Xiaoyouyou, the two elders of the Fanzhuo clan already had no old faces.

They distanced themselves from each other, and at the same time madly released "spiritual techniques".

Yu You was stunned for a moment, and saw that the two old men were far away from him, standing in the same direction, suddenly not knowing which side to beat first.

At this time, the "spiritual style" of the two elders descended on Yu Youyou.

The kinsmen possess their own racial talents. Not only are they strong in vitality, they are also extremely powerful in spirit. The "spiritual art" of the princes of the kin in the peak period is extremely terrifying. As long as they are willing, they can cause great spiritual pollution to the target and make them chaste. A fierce girl can turn into a slut, a loyal minister and a dutiful son can be turned into a traitor, an old monk with a still-hearted heart can be turned into a madman, and a daughter who has no power to bind a chicken can be turned into a blood-handed slaughter...

To put it simply, the two princes and elders consciously competed against the physical strength of Xiaoyouyou, and planned to release the "spiritual technique" to capture the mind of Xiaoyouyou, attempting to defeat the other party through mind control or mental pollution, so as to solve the current embarrassment and embarrassment. Situation.

However, just when they thought that all their plans were perfect and their own methods were bound to succeed, reality slapped their faces and told them not to think too beautifully!

Yu You stood there, without moving, the two ponytails on his head suddenly stood up, and the "Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead·Yuhong Bodhi" and "Buddha Tooth Relic" on the ponytail suddenly burst into Buddha's light.


A big Buddha jumped above her head.

When the Buddha opened his eyes, King Kong glared.

The big Buddha's shot is a thunderbolt method.

"Om, well, ne, ba, mi, hum!"

Speaking truth like thunder.

The hand-knotting method, the Buddha's light is like a ring, sweeping the whole body, as if the impact of a hurricane, sweeping away all pollution.

The "spiritual technique" of the two princes and elders was instantly like a candle in the wind, extinguished so much that the smoke dissipated.

This is not to say that the holiness of Buddhism naturally restrains evil and filth, but the main reason is the difference in overall strength.

It's like fire and water are incompatible, but it cannot be said that water is holy and fire is evil, and water overcomes fire, just like a glass of water cannot save a car, and a spark cannot scorch the sea, mainly depending on the difference in size.

The two treasures on Yu You's head are really incredible. Not only are they invaluable, but they also contain pure and huge power. They have passed the hands of Yu Yue...

A momentary collision, a loud and silent noise erupted in the void.



The two elder princes screamed, suddenly backed up a few steps, almost fell, bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and their faces were as white as paper and extremely ugly.

Many people are dumbfounded. Mental confrontation is invisible to some people. They can't see the danger in it. They only saw the little girl standing there without moving. The two elders suddenly backed back and spoke. Nose bleeding.

What is this acting?

Why are you so exaggerated?

But some powerful people can see that the two elder princes urged the spiritual power to release blood stains in the sky, like giant monsters growing with countless tentacles, and pounce on Yuyou; Yuyou remained motionless, and suddenly a phantom Buddha appeared on top of his head. , The light of the Buddha swept across, countless stumps flew out in all directions, the blood in the sky seemed to have been washed by the water, and the world was instantly pure and clean.

Then the two elder princes regressed and shed blood, embarrassed and miserable.

At this moment, the armless prince who was beaten to the ground suddenly jumped up, spit out his "blood core", and attacked Yuyou from behind!

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