Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 901: Explode (below)

Upon seeing this, Axue yelled: "Be careful!"

The two elder princes in front suddenly burst out with a long roar, each offering a "blood core" to kill Yuyou in the air!

The blood core is like blood and looks like a blood diamond. It contains extraordinary powers and often has evil and filthy attributes. This is the life crystallization of the strong blood clan and the tuberculosis of the blood strength. It will not be used easily when it is not a last resort, because of this. It is a desperate tactic, which is powerful and riskier.

Three blood nuclei of the prince-level blood clan powerhouses fought on three sides, including two blood nuclei of the prince-level apex powerhouses. What is this concept? This is basically a strategic weapon in the battle of the strong, even a Holy Magister may be killed on the spot!

Many people find it incredible that such a method was used to deal with a child.

Just when many people felt that Yu You was going to die, and some people even closed their eyes and couldn't bear to witness the miserable picture, a shocking situation happened.

Yu You still stood there and barely moved, her yellow skirt wafting with a layer of mysterious yellow light.

Its Hua Xuan Huang, seems to be a bit mysterious, but also seemingly insignificant.

However, when the three blood nuclei hit Yuyou, they slipped and flew out, like a torrent encountering talc, just like the Fenshui fish mouth, Feishayan and Baopingkou of Dujiangyan, raging the river. If the cure is submissive, it is either retreat or diversion, and it is impossible to really hit Yuyou.

If there is a careful person, you will find that in the mysterious yellow radiance of Yu You's body, there are faintly hidden lotus patterns, like a golden lotus.

It is the "Five Congenitals·Wuji Apricot and Yellow Flag"-golden lotus, with nothing to break, all evils to retreat, and ten thousand laws to invade.

Those three extremely powerful and filthy blood nuclei were inaccessible or even contaminated Yuyou.

For Yu You, who wore a Primordial Grade artifact on her body, the blood core of the Prince Grade blood clan was still too weak.

And when the three blood cores slid away close to the body and were about to fly back, there was light on Yu You again...

It was a small copper stove worn on the chest as a necklace.

The small furnace leaped up, and the red copper-colored brilliance hung in the air changed from the size of a diamond pendant to the size of a human head. The furnace mouth was automatically opened, and the space immediately produced huge suction, like a whirlpool, like a long whale absorbing water, and like a black hole in the universe, three flying away. The blood core sucked back in one breath, swallowed it into his abdomen, closed the furnace mouth, shrank to the size of a pendant, and returned to Yu Yuyou's chest.

The three princes opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen a ghost, they had never been so frightened in their lives, and they were so frightened!

The release of his own blood core not only failed to kill the target but was taken away by others. What could be more terrifying than this in the world?

At this moment, the three elders and prince-level powerhouses of the Fanzhuo clan are all stupid. They don't know what to do anymore. Should they rush to grab the blood core, or just run away without delay?

Just as they struggled, something more terrifying happened.

Just listen to Yu You yelling: "Don't run!"

Two big fishes threw out her chest and back.

The fish is not a real fish. It seems to be drawn from the raw materials. It is colorful, but its head and mouth are so big and fierce that it swoops in the air and bit the heads of two of the elders in one bite.

The two elders were about to struggle, and the big fish continued to speak a few mouthfuls before swallowing them completely, and he couldn't even see his toes.

Then the big fish disappeared.

The remaining armless prince was so scared that he peeed and sat on the ground, without the courage to escape.


When Yu You walked towards him, he was so frightened that he knocked his head on the ground, begging for mercy: "Little...Little ancestor, please let me go..."

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