Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 903: King's Landing (middle)

Driven by Axue's thoughts, dozens of hundreds of insects crawled out and occupied her whole lotus arm.

The lotus root arm is like snow lotus root, white and delicate, and the insects and ants are colorful. If you don't look carefully, you think she has a big flower arm tattooed at a young age.

However, a closer look reveals that the "patterns" on that arm are dynamic, dense and dense, making the scalp numb.

The armless prince raised his head and looked at Axue's arm, cold sweat came out.

Just listen to Axue’s gentle and gentle voice: “As a vampire, have you ever thought about how to die? For example, being sucked up and dying by blood, would you like this way of death?”

The Armless Prince sweats like syrup: "I...I..."

Suddenly at this moment, a cold voice came: "As the elder of the Fanzhuo clan, you not only humiliated the Fanzhuo clan, but also betrayed the clan at a critical moment. It is not a pity to die!"

This sound seemed to be coming from the ground, like a dragon's breathing, extremely terrifying and powerful, and like a thunderstorm, rolling across the entire underground Palace of Versailles. The gravel on the ground seemed to be shaken slightly, everyone's eardrums Buzzing.

Hearing this sound, the Armless Prince was so scared that his face looked like a ghost. It was so ugly and ugly. He quickly changed direction and knocked his head.

Axue said in his heart that he could knock his head to achieve such an effect without the support of his arms. This waist strength is also strong...

He only heard the prince without arms shouting crying while kowtow: "My lord, I am wrong, I am wrong...I am not good at cultivation and shame the clan, but...but I did not betray the clan..."

The cold voice came: "You didn't betray the clan, but you didn't have time, did you?"

Prince Without Arms: "..."


With a loud noise, the land under the armless prince suddenly rose high, as if a mountain had grown out of thin air! .

The armless prince's body was pierced by the mountain tip and raised high by the mountain. He was unable to struggle. Then, the mountain burst, and the people on the top of the mountain exploded to pieces, and his liver and intestines were broken!

The last prince and elder of the Fanzhuo clan, die!

Although Yu You was a little dull and cute, she reacted very quickly, and immediately took Axue's little hand and flew back to avoid the flying rocks.

When the smoke dissipated, a man appeared in the place where the armless prince had kneeled, an old man who was as majestic as a lion.

His blond hair makes him not angry and prestigious, and his sturdy body is full of incomparable aura, like the arrival of a king.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this person.

Edward hurriedly stopped recuperating and recovering, knelt on one knee, and said loudly, "Welcome my father to leave the customs!"

All the members of the Fanzhuo clan, knights, and servants all knelt down, and the mountain shouted, "Welcome the master of the clan to leave the customs!"

Other guests also knelt on one knee.

Only a few high-ranking national dignitaries did not kneel down, but they also bowed and acted respectfully.

Suddenly, the scene was extremely spectacular. As soon as the blond old man appeared, his momentum reached its peak.

He is Carlisle Parsons Fanzhuo, the master of the Fanzhuo clan in Faguo and the father of Edward!

Carlisle raised his hand and motioned everyone to get up, just like a generation of kings, of course he is indeed an underground king, and the actual control of the Fa country is in his hands.

He glanced at his son Edward, waved his hand, and poured his own blood into his son's body.

Edward only felt that his resilience had been greatly improved and his injuries healed faster. He was overjoyed, and he knelt down again and thanked him: "Thank you, Father!"

Carlisle said, "From now on, you should call me "Father."

Edward was overjoyed...

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