Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 904: King's Landing (Part 2)

Edward asked quickly: "Father...Is it possible that the father is successful in retreat and has broken through to the realm of ‘March’?"

Carlisle didn't comment, but just said "um".

Edward's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help shouting: "Congratulations to Father, congratulations to Father, becoming the youngest kinsman prince!"

As soon as this statement came out, basically all the blood races present and those who knew blood races couldn't help but shudder at it.

Sanguine Maharaja, the highest realm known for the cultivation of the sanguine!

As the so-called "gong marquis uncle son", above the "duke" is the "prince", and above the "prince" is the highest "prince".

There are very few people who can cultivate to this level.

How many years has the entire Ouzhou blood clan not had a single prince? There is no one hundred years, I am afraid there will be fifty to sixty years.

This time, the Fanzhuo clan will become the leader of the Ouzhou blood clan, revive the Fa country, and promote the dominance of the whole Ou. I am afraid it is not an empty talk.

Almost everyone thinks this way.

The blood king, it's terrible!

You know, the Fanzhuo clan has a blood prince, which can overwhelm the other seven clans, not to mention that the Mordresa clan, one of the three giants of the Ouzhou blood clan, has been married to them, and the other six are good or bad. , As long as you are not stupid, you will make a choice.

The realm difference is like Tianyuan, the emperor is the emperor, and the minister is the minister. Even if there are some prince-level peak powers in other clans, they are no better than a blood clan prince.

The blood prince, because of his racial talent, may be even stronger than the Holy Magister and the Divine Realm Grandmaster.

This difference is the blood sea corpse mountain, the purgatory world, and the charcoal!

Such a prestige made the few national dignitaries who hadn't kneeled just now a little regret.

Why didn't you kneel just now?

I should be kneeling just now!

They are the princes!

Carlisle didn't pay much attention to it. After healed his son's injury, he slowly turned to look at Yu You, Axue and Mo Yuan.

Axue took the time to treat the Devil Ape. She is a Gu Master, and the way of Gu poison can kill and save people. With the blessing of the "Green Lotus Treasure Color Banner", the Devil Ape is basically healed from serious injuries.

Carlisle slowly said, "No matter who you are, anyone who violates the realm of the Fanzhuo clan will be punishable!"

Axue sneered at each other: "Your blood clan is full of wickedness and deprived of conscience, don't you deserve to die?"

Carlisle's eyes were sharp, and a pair of golden pupils were like a blazing sun, stinging everyone's eyes: "Presumptuous!"

His aura is like a lion king, suppressing the mountains and beasts surrendering.

Even Gu Master Axue couldn't help but feel stagnant, unable to speak.

"Some people think that the world is invincible, but they dare to do it or not, and they don't let others talk about their stench." At this time, a voice came leisurely.

Everyone is surprised, why is there anyone here?

As his eyes turned, I saw a man and two women slowly approaching, and a black cat followed.

The two women are both big beauties, thief and pretty, one is graceful, the other is plump, the other is quite oriental, and the other is full of western charm, even compared with the many ladies, ladies, and female stars on the scene.

In comparison, the man's appearance is pretty good, but he doesn't look amazing, but his temperament is indifferent.

The black cat has black fur, shiny and slippery, and very lazy.

Everyone is stupid, what combination is this? Why did they go to Versailles at night? Are you looking for death?

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