Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 911: Battle of the Underground Palace (Part 1)

The torture axe is similar in concept to the "angel thorn", another sacred weapon of the blood race, which means that there are more murders, and the resentment, fear, pain, flesh and blood of the dead...that is, the essence, energy, and **** are attached to the weapon.

It's just that the "Angel Thorn" legend has assassinated angels.

The murder weapon is sanctified, that is, violence is king.

The sacrificial artifacts of the blood clan were all killed from the Dark Ages.

At this moment, Williams Spock, the lord of the Spark clan, has desperately tried his best. He wants to use the power of the blood core to urge the torture axe to explode the strongest blow and kill Yuyou!

If this blow broke out, it would be an earth-shattering and destroying attack.

But Yu You obviously didn't intend to give him this opportunity.

Her "Taihequan·Tingjin" has already "listened" to the opponent's movement.

She can "hear" clearly how the blood qi in the opponent's body moves, how it erupts, and how it is overdrawn.

Although Yu You still couldn't understand what the other party was doing so desperately for, she had a good fighting consciousness, and she predicted danger, so she made her move first.

Just before Williams broke out desperately, Yu You took the lead.

There is still a treasure on her body that is not used, and she has used this treasure at this time.

——The black bracelet on the wrist.

The bracelet is the sword ring.

The sword ring was transformed by the sword pill. It was obtained by the sword repair sect of the Great Raksha Sect from plundering the fairy island on the eastern sea.

There are two such sword pills, one Yu Yue was given to the Supreme Mage Dan Jiris, and the other Yu Yue was given to his daughter.

Although Yu You has not specifically learned "swordsmanship" and "the way of the sword," she watched the shocking battle between the Supreme Master and the Great Raksha Sect. At that time, the Supreme Master used magic to condense the water into a sword, with three thousand flying swords. Sect Master of the Great Raksha Sect of Sword Slash, and then when Yu Yue pointed the Supreme Master's authentic "Flying Sword Technique", she was also nearby.

After seeing it once and hearing it once, Yu You has already realized something. After all, her talent level measured at Ulan Master Tower is Wushuang+.

"Wooha!" Yu You yelled, her voice milky and fierce, like a little leopard who has just learned to hunt.

But many people already know that this little girl is much better than the cheetah.

In an instant, the vitality of her body erupted, and the black bracelet took off her wrist and flew up, closing in the air to become a black pill.

The black pill continued to spin, and a mouthful of flying swords continued to fly out of it, connected in a line, and pierced Williams.

This mouthful of flying swords shone cold and sharp, and pierced directly on the blood core released by Williams.

Suddenly, the sound of "ding, ding, dang, and bells" was endless.

Williams' blood core power was suppressed by external forces, which actually caused his actions to slow down a step.

One step is slow, and you lose all the time.

Williams has no chance.

Yu You's little feet stomped to the ground, and the vitality of the body poured out like a mountain torrent.

——Her true vitality has long been made by Yu Yue's exercises, spiritual practice, food supplements, and medicated baths. At this time, the nine shackles of the human body have been opened again, and her breath is terrifying.

I saw the black pill vibrating violently in the air, and a mouthful of flying swords shot out like lightning, like a torrent, or chopped or stab, focused on the blood core of Williams!

Although the blood core of the prince-level powerhouse is extremely hard, surpassing the steel and gold stone, but being stabbed by so many flying swords, he still can't bear it, "choking" burst into pieces, breaking into countless blood-red powder...

Williams was shocked, but there was no time to react, even too late to let out a scream, the flying sword pierced the blood core and continued to move forward, piercing his heart, instantly stabbing him upside down and flying away, crashing into the previous event. In the hall of mirrors of the ball, disappeared...

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