Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 912: Battle of the Underground Palace (in)

Yu You seemed to squeeze a sword tactic with her little hand, combined her short little finger into a sword finger, and pointed it at the ball hall that had been smashed into a big hole.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff -

The sound of a series of sharp weapons pierced into flesh and blood came from the hall, and it was so dense that it was breathless.

Suddenly, the sound of "Puff Puff" disappeared, and replaced by the sound of "Ding Dong Ding Dang".

Come to think of it, Williams’ front body was filled with flying swords and could no longer be inserted, but later flying swords were still countless, only the back sword pierced the front sword, and the power was constantly superimposed, seemingly endless. stop.

Behind Yu You were shocked Jiang Rou, Axue and Nina.

Axue had guessed before that there were a few flying swords hidden in the sword pill bracelet. Now, when I look at it, it is not a few, but a few thousand!

She asked Yu Yue quietly: "Friend Yu Daoist, how many flying swords are hidden in that sword pill... on earth?"

Yu Yue replied: "Not too much, eight thousand."

Axue opened her small mouth and everyone was stupid.

Eight thousand swords, not much? !

They all say "thousands of knives and ten thousand cuts." If a person is struck by eight thousand swords, wouldn't he become mud?

Just listen to Yu Yue shook his head and sighed slightly, and continued: "Actually, for the sects who can refine at least two Eight Thousand Sword Sword Pills, their swordsmanship and forging technology must have certain merits. It's a pity, I don't know. What is the reason for the decline, it was plundered by the Great Raksha Sect..."

Axue was speechless: "..."

She walks south and north, she still knows some common sense of swordsmanship. Generally speaking, the sect that can refine eight hundred swords and sword pills is quite awesome, eight thousand swords, that is super god, okay, how come you are just "Not too much" "There is certain merit"... Fellow Daoist, your standard is too high, isn't it?

While standing on Yuyou's multi-faceted family, the prom guests turned their heads, twisted their necks in a strange arc, opened their mouths in the hall, eating and eating speechless.

I saw Williams’ upside-down figure smashed into pieces the huge mirror surface composed of 483 mirrors in the Hall of Mirrors, and directly crashed into another square and flat hall, and was nailed into the fireplace by a mouthful of flying swords. middle.

The sword wind roared, the "duh" collision, the "pouch" piercing sound, and the "choking choking" golden chime sounded continuously, like a squally rainstorm. I don’t know how many noises it made, and Williams was nailed. Hedgehog.

Williams has no good flesh on the front, up, down, left, right, left, right, and there are densely packed swords. However, there are still many swords that cannot be inserted into the flesh. They can only be stuck in the gap of the front sword, and then layer by layer. Layer by layer, stuck out a long human-shaped sword pillar, which is extremely magnificent.

Williams couldn't even move a finger at all. Such a tragic situation formed a stark irony with the oil painting "Louis XV Creates Peace" above the fireplace in the Peace Hall.

Because of the powerful vitality of the blood family, Williams did not die completely, but the blood core is broken and the body is incomplete, and it is no longer a climate.

The "Sacred Weapon·Xing Axe" had already been released. At this time, he drilled out of the hall and flew into the air, seeming to want to abandon his useless master and escape into the sky.

Seeing that Yu Yue hadn't moved, Kunkun the black cat asked: "Master, holy artifact, don't you want it?"

Yu Yue shook his head: "The blood-stained instrument is stinking to death."

Kunkun, the black cat, immediately asked for instructions: "Then I want it, can I?"

Yu Yue said: "It's up to you."

The black cat Kunkun was overjoyed and soared into the sky.

Who knows, someone moved faster, got the torture axe first, and suppressed it to the point of being submissive.

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