Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 915: Biting King (middle)

The dark shadow is not very big, people with good eyesight have already seen that it is a black cat, it seems to be okay!

It rushed towards Carlisle at high speed, like a cannonball.

Carlisle's face has changed. He didn't expect that his full blow could not knock the opponent down...

But it was too late to think, he could only hurriedly prepare for the second blow.

However, the black cat Kunkun didn't give him a chance. He rushed to the front in one breath, opened his body and turned into a large net of vines, like a huge mouth in the abyss, instantly enveloping Carlisle and swallowing it, becoming a large suspended takraw ball. .


There was a crashing sound from the sepak takraw ball.

Obviously, the blood prince Carlisle was unwilling to be trapped and wanted to come out.

Last time, Kunkun used a sepak takraw ball to trap the elder of the blood clan Fanzhuo clan, the prince-level pinnacle powerhouse ghost Gaosi.

This time, it repeated its tricks, trying to trap Carlisle to death.

Last time, the ghost of Gaosi failed to escape and was killed by Yu Yue, who was caught in the urn and shut down and beaten by a dog.

But this time is different. Carlisle has entered the realm of the Maharaja, and holds the double holy artifacts. It is not a little bit stronger than Goss. Although Kunkun made the entire body of the tree vine this time, the Kunlun tree vine is very hard, but it seems that it is also Can't bear Carlisle's crazy breakthrough.

I saw the big sepak takraw bouncing in the air, and from time to time there were terrible bumps, one after another, like steel thorns.

As the bulges became more frequent and denser, the big sepak takraw became a big hedgehog, which was torn and twisted in the air, extremely terrifying, as if it would explode in the next second.

It can be seen that Carlisle desperately wanted to break through.

However, Kunkun couldn't let him out, it was going to be desperate.

In the next moment, countless sturdy canes grew on the big sepak takraw ball, and the canes waved openly, like a tentacle monster, very weird.

The sturdy cane swung and hit the ball, trying to shock and stun the people inside.

Carlisle broke through frantically, and the sphere deformed.

The cane sticks out far away, even out of the sphere, volleying into a sharp sword, turning around, and piercing the sepak takraw ball with a fierce attitude, as if it is the kind of "closing a person into a box and then thrusting a sword into the box from the outside." "The magic.

But this is not magic.

The sound of "puff puff puff puff" sounded continuously, and the momentum of the sepak takraw ball stopped. It seemed that blood leaked from the bottom of the sepak takraw ball and dripped to the ground.

The people below were all dumbfounded, Lord Carlisle was injured?

Immediately afterwards, the big sepak takraw ball moved again, and it moved more violently, constantly horribly twisted, and each rattan was wailing "creaking".

Obviously, the pain and blood irritation made Carlisle crazy.

Yu Yue frowned a little deeper, and said, "What is it, is it impossible to handle it?"

Being questioned by Master Yu, how can Kunkun dare to stay?

The sepak takraw transformed into a big tree with its roots deep into the ground. It would draw strength from the earth to deal with the blood prince.

Indeed, air combat is not its strong point.

Incarnate, grounded, it wants to kill the other party directly.

At this time, Carlisle was still in Kunkun's body.

At the lower part of the trunk, there is a large, hollow tree hole. In the black hole tree hole, there seems to be a person wearing a blood-red armor, carrying a blood-colored giant axe in his right hand, and a ring on the index finger of his left hand flashing red light. .

Although the tree hole has an opening, the inside can be seen from the outside and the outside can be seen from the inside, but Carlisle can't come out directly from the opening. He must break the restriction and destroy the tree.

Suddenly, the tree hole lit up...

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