Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 916: Biting Lord (Part 2)

The tree hole suddenly lit up, as if an oven was plugged in and turned on.

It's just that the light is not the red light of an ordinary oven, but the green light, which is strange.

Then the inside of the tree hole began to rotate, really like a microwave oven, and like a meat grinder.

People saw that Carlisle was twisted in the tree hole, like a snake, insect, and ghost, and heard him screaming sternly: "Ah-let me out! Damn things, let me out..."

Kunkun naturally couldn't listen to him. He frantically absorbed the essence of the earth, and continued to increase the power of the meat grinder in the tree hole, so that heavier and more terrifying energy was applied to the target in the cave.

Many people feel the creeps, but it is Carlisle, the blood prince who has only been born in decades, was actually brought into this field...

Carlisle was still struggling. He did not give up. The vitality of the blood king was so tenacious that it was difficult to kill him even with the sword.

He struggled frantically, bursting out waves of terrible crit attacks in the tree hole, punching holes in the tree body one after another.

Kunlun's main body is the Kunlun tree, a great demon cultivated in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, the ancestor of ten thousand mountains and the hometown of ten thousand gods. Its vitality is also extremely strong. When the tree body is broken, it quickly repairs itself.

But as Carlisle's output became more and more frantic, the tree's body became riddled with holes, extremely frightening.

The Kunlun tree is also desperately resisting. It expands its body from a big tree to an amazing giant tree, and a single tree becomes a forest. Numerous branches and roots spread like tentacle monsters, destroying the magnificent and luxurious scenery. The palace hall, the magnificent underground Palace of Versailles instantly turned into ruins.

People can't stop this kind of destruction, they can only flee around to protect themselves and avoid being killed by branches and roots that are as thick as a horned dragon.

What can't be avoided, the severe is fragmented, the light is torn apart, the lightest and the lightest is the vomiting of blood from a serious injury.

The huge tree towers into the sky, seeming to have a tendency to grow upward and pierce the ground.

At this moment, Yu Yue suddenly shouted: "Don't destroy the surface buildings!"

His idea was that if the underground palace of the Vatican clan was destroyed, it would be destroyed, but the palace of Versailles on the ground is a treasure of human civilization after all, and if you can protect it, you can protect it.

How dare the Kunlun tree stop growing upwards immediately, and the top branches are only less than one meter away from the dome.

In the next moment, the Kunlun tree shrank the entire tree sharply, so people saw a vast virgin forest shrinking rapidly. It is like watching a picture of natural changes and man-made destruction leading to the disappearance of vegetation on the time line of tens of hundreds of years.

Soon, a forest shrank into a human form.

The Kunlun tree was tightly wrapped and attached to Carlisle, like a wood-colored armor.

It's just that this "armor" is not used for protection, but for killing.

The "Armor" is composed of strips of extremely tough vines that wrap Carlisle from head to toe, and are constantly tightened and twisted like a snake.

Carlisle groaned in pain. He was still struggling, walking around, hacking with his torture axe, but it seemed that he was at the end of the battle.

The Kunlun Tree seemed to be unable to completely kill each other for a while.

Yu You moved twice in Yu Yue's arms. Yu Yue felt that she was about to wake up, and said to Axue, "Kunkun still can't do it. If Axue has trouble, you can help him again."

Axue rolled her eyes, remembering the last time Yu Yue asked herself to help Kunkun deal with the core of the root demon, and asked: "How to help, or poison?"

Yu Yue gave an "um" and said, "Use your most poisonous poison."

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