Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 917: Ending (Part 1)

"Good!" Axue agreed.

She didn't dare to ask for Yu Daoyou's request, and she also knew clearly that the blood prince Carlisle was different from the core of the root demon, the former was stronger and more tenacious.

Axue thought for a while, and used a spell to relieve Gu.

"Returning Yan Gu" still has a certain influence on Wu Li's performance after all.

After removing the Gu, Axue's body became larger, her head quickly grew taller, and she returned to her normal body shape, her long legs bullied Saixue, and her chest plumped and plumped.

Fortunately, she is wearing a dress made of "Artifact Green Lotus Color Banner", which can change accordingly according to the body shape of the wearer. If it is a normal dress, she might have been split apart and leaked the spring.

Axue became Luo Yingxue, still beautiful.

Xiao Axue's form is white, tender, tender, and lovely.

Luo Yingxue's form is unparalleled in beauty and exquisite beauty.

It's really karo, sweet and salty.

Luo Yingxue is restored to its original shape, with jade legs and beautiful lotus feet stepping out step by step. Although naked, the smooth feet of the feet are clean and white.

Suddenly the tip of the toe was lightened, and the body was like a wispy cloud or a flying star, floating towards Carlisle, who was entangled by Kunlun trees, light and fast.

"Open your mouth!" Luo Yingxue let out a clear drink.

The Kunlun Tree opened a hole in the vine that tightly covered Carlisle's face, exposing Carlisle's mouth.

Carlisle was walking around like a blind lunatic, moaning constantly. At this moment, he seemed to realize that something was wrong and immediately shut his mouth tightly.

The Kunlun tree freed up two thick vines, turned into spikes, and pierced Carlisle relentlessly. One of them was still a walking back door. At the same time, several small vines grew near Carlisle’s mouth. The cane turns into a hook, hooks the card's lips and teeth, and tears its mouth open!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yingxue wore a green skirt and descended in front of Carlisle, like a fairy Qinglian.

It's just that, although this fairy's body and posture fluttered like an immortal, but the methods were extremely vicious.

Seeing her jade finger flicking, and Qing Yang with her bare hand, she poured two-thirds of the gu poison on her body into Carlisle's wide-open mouth.

What are "withered remnant gu", "death gu", "yin snake gu", "living snake gu", "double snake gu", "injury god", "stone gu", "nail gu", "cannon gu", "swollen gu", etc. The child was dropped into the mouth of the blood prince Carlisle.

Luo Yingxue hits the ball with his hand, and returns with the hit, with the jade-like toes hitting the ground, and his body is like Lingbo to return to Yu Yue's side.

Three seconds later, there was an explosion in Carlisle, and the terrifying Gu poison exploded in his body, causing waves of trauma to his body and soul.

Moreover, such a poisonous explosion spread out from Carlisle's body, scaring the Kunlun Tree to open and surround it, changing from armor to a huge sepak takraw, only restricting Carlisle from letting him escape.

Everyone, including Carlisle himself, never expected that the head of the dignified Fanzhuo clan, the blood prince who was born in decades, just a few minutes after his debut, he was made like a king-eight-egg. This is simply incredible.

In the end, Carlisle gave up the struggle and made the final cry in the sepak takraw: "My son, go! Go and find the blood ancestor..."

Edward froze for two seconds, turned around and ran, crying as he ran, "Father, I will avenge you!"

Nina sneered and said: "What a filial son..."

Luo Yingxue said to Yu Yue: "I'll go after it!"

Before the words fell, the man floated and chased after him.

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