Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 919: Ending (below)

The Kunlun tree has shrunk into a sepak takraw ball, not much bigger than basketball.

This shows that the blood prince Carlisle has turned into bone blood, and there may only be a blood core left.

Of course, the blood core of the Maharaja is the most difficult to digest, so the Kunlun Tree shrinks its body and concentrates its energy and strength on digestion.

In addition, there are "Sacred Weapon·Torture Axe" and "Sacred Weapon·Blood Soul Ring".

The sacred artifacts were also depleted of external materials, leaving only the core.

One core and two sacred artifacts are enough for the Kunlun Tree to digest it for a while.

Jiang Rou reminded and asked: "Ms. Luo has been there for a while, and hasn't come back yet. Could it be...what happened?"

Yu Yue looked at Nina and said, "Go and see."

Nina tremblingly said: "Ah, I... I'm going? If something goes wrong with Miss Luo, it's useless for me to go, I can only deliver food..."

Yu Yue shook his head slightly and let out a light sigh.

Nina was so scared that she immediately changed her words and said, "I'll go, can't I go?"

As an apprentice, she didn't want to be considered useless by Master Yu.

She mounted the big copper stove and added before leaving: "Master Yu, if something happens to me, you must come to rescue me!"

The big stove stepped on three stove legs and ran off, bumping up a wave of milky buttocks.

Many kinsmen and some distinguished guests at the scene saw that even Carlisle, the lord of the Vandro clan and the prince of the kin, was killed in a wooden ball. All were frightened and distressed, and no one dared to run. , No one dared to resist, no one even raised his head, for fear of attracting the attention of these terrible guys like Yu Yue and causing a murderous disaster.

Yu Yue asked if there were any other children locked up elsewhere.

The answer was that most of the children were locked up in the Grand Trianon Palace, and a small part of them were taken to the dance party to be bled from the kitchen.

Yu Yue asked people to bring all the children, and soon someone would bring the remaining children, and no one dared to defy.

——The children in the Grand Trianon have been rescued before.

After the children were bled, their faces were pale, walking staggering, and shaking, looking very distressing.

After a while, Nina rode back on the big copper stove. The waves were also rough. The difference was that there was still a person lying on the stove, Luo Yingxue.

Nina ran over on the stove and said, "She was already like this when I found her..."

Yu Yue glanced at Luo Yingxue, who was looking at the ceiling motionlessly with his eyes open, and said: "She was hit by the'psychic technique', but this technique is very complicated, and it is difficult for me to untie it for a while... Have you seen it? Who was the one who shot her?"

Nina shook her head: "I didn't see... If I saw it, I guess I would be the same as Miss Luo..."

After speaking, Jiao Chu trembled, it seemed a little afraid.

Yu Yue nodded: "I guess that the person who shot is a master of mental spells, most likely it is Klimoz. She has never shown up, presumably she has a back hand. She shot Miss Luo, mainly To take Edward away."

Jiang Rou looked at Luo Yingxue who was in a coma with her eyes open, and asked worriedly: "Then... what should I do now?"

Yu Yue asked a few people. They are all middle and high-level members of the Vandro Clan, but they don’t know where Crimoz will go, and they don’t know much about Crimoz. Some people don’t even know that there is such a number one person. exist.

Yu Yue said: "If you see Edward, tell him so that he can bring Crimoz to see me. The death penalty is waived."

Then, greet yourself to leave.

For Luo Yingxue, unable to find the caster to unlock the technique, she could only take it back and solve it slowly.

For the Kunlun tree, its incarnation of Sepak Takraw wrapped Carlisle's blood core and the core of the double sacred artifacts and sank into the ground. Yu Yue meant that you don't care about it, it will be retrieved after it is completely digested and refined.

At the same time, a large number of children followed.

Only a group of kinsmen and guests were left, dumbfounded and staring at each other.

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