Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 920: Undercurrent (Part 1)

Williams, the lord of the Spock clan, is dead.

The underground Palace of Versailles of the Vandros was destroyed.

More than half of the Knight Guards of the Vandro Clan were killed and injured.

The three elders of the Fanzhuo clan and the three powerful princes were all killed.

Each of these is breaking news.

But these news together, are not as shocking as the news of "The Lord of the Vandro Clan and the newly promoted blood prince Carlisle Bintian".

These news are spreading, they are like stones, falling into the water, causing countless ripples.

The "Death of Lord Carlisle" was a huge rock that fell into the water and stirred up waves.

All of a sudden, Bali, Faguo, and even Ouzhou were all undercurrents turbulent, erratic, and unknown and terrifying storms were brewing.

At least, the overnight loss of the Fanzhuo clan of the Fa country caused them to go directly to the tail of the three giants of the Ouzhou blood clan. The clan leader of the Fanzhuo clan is dead, the four elders are all dead, the young master flees, and the underground world of the Fa country suddenly appears. After a huge power vacuum, I don't know how many bloodthirsty hungry wolves are staring at this piece of fat, and all kinds of things can happen.

Sheriff Maigret is very big now. He has been appointed as Deputy Chief of the Police Department of Pakistan, temporarily acting as the Chief.

Of course, the affairs of the Fanzhuo clan are not yet his turn to be big. His big head is that as soon as the sky is overwhelming, Yu Yue sent him nearly a hundred children, leaving behind a paragraph and a prescription, and then left.

Yu Yue said: “These are the missing children. We found them from the underground palace of the Vandro clan. The'Child Missing Case' was caused by Lord Edward, the young master of the Vandro Clan. The young master of the Zhuo clan and his accomplices deliberately created a case and planted Luo Yingxue in order to divert the attention of the police and the Supervision Bureau. You can check it later.

"Now, first send the children back to each house. Most of them have been bled for the vampire dance party. I wrote a prescription here. When sending the children home, each house will give a prescription to the children. Taken, it has the effect of nourishing blood and replenishing qi.

"Sergeant Maigret, please pay more attention to this matter, and don't go on business trips, otherwise, I will find you!"

As soon as Yu Yue left, someone came to the police station to look for Sheriff Maigret.

The arrival was not small, and Sheriff Maigret had to get up to meet him.

There were two visitors. One was Lambert, the deputy chief inspector in charge of intelligence and regional security of the Ouzhouli World Supervision and Administration Bureau.

There is also a cardinal wearing a red priest's robe, from St. Peter's Basilica in Gondi Vatican, and also serving as a special advisor to the General Administration of Supervision. His name is Andrewson.

Sheriff Maigret knew that these two were acting as an afterthought on behalf of the supervision bureau and the church.

Sure enough, I only heard Lambert ask: "Yu Yue was here just now?"

Maigret said, "Yes, just left."

Lambert asked: "What are your police going to do with the children he sent?"

Maigret was suspicious, our police? How to deal with it?

He said: "Mr. Yu meant to return it to each house safely."

Lambert looked at him and asked, "What do you mean by the police?"

Maigret said: "We plan to do the same."

Lambert said, "Do it? Yu Yue opened your police station?"

Maigret's brows almost frowned.

Cardinal Andrewson added: "Sergeant Maigret, if you do what Yu Yue said, it's not good..."

Maigret couldn't help it. "What's wrong?"

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