Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 921: Undercurrent (middle)

Andrewson said: "Most of the missing children are caused by the blood family. The people caught by the blood family were taken away by Yu Yue. Now that you send them back, isn't it for you to take the blame? When the blood family will be held accountable, the police can afford it. ?

"Furthermore, how do you explain to the parents when you send the children back? If it is said that the blood is done, will it spread the news, cause panic, and cause social unrest? Have you ever thought about this problem? You can't bear it. Can afford this responsibility?"

Maigret looked at Andrewson.

Looked at Lambert again.

I found Lambert staring at him to see how he responds.

Maigret took a deep breath and said, "Two adults...I would like to ask, do the two adults still have a little bit of humanity? Do the supervision bureau and the church have a little bit of bottom line principles?"

Lambert yelled: "Presumptuous! How dare you, a newly appointed deputy chief of the police station in Pakistan, dare to speak to us like this?"

Maigret closed her mouth and said nothing, but her face was full of dissatisfaction.

Andrewson said, "If you have anything, let him say, let him finish."

Lambert asked, "What else do you want to say?"

Maigret said: "Two adults, I would like to ask, how many years have Ouzhou survived in the shadow of the kinship, and how many years will we continue to do? How many years will the supervision bureau, the church, and the police have to be the running dogs of the kinship? Can you do something for humans, can you do something for humans?"

Lambert said, "Magret, don't you want to do it as Deputy Chief? What do you hear you say?"

Andrewson said: "What you said is useless..."

Maigret said: "It's useless, isn't it? Well, it's useful. You are afraid of blood, don't you be afraid of Mr. Yu?

"The children were rescued by Mr. Yu and sent by Mr. Yu. Mr. Yu explained that he wanted to send the children back to their homes safely. I dare not go against it.

"If the two adults have other solutions, such as sending the child back to the kinsman or what to do, they can talk to Mr. Yu. He agrees, I naturally have no objection."

The meaning of these words is actually very obvious. If your supervision bureau and the church dare not offend the blood, do you dare to offend Yu Yue? What are you going to do with the children? Tell me it's useless, you go directly to Yu Yue.

After finishing speaking, I added one sentence: "Mr. Yu has just left, and he shouldn't have gone far. It's still too late for you to chase after him."

Lambert and Andrewson both looked tight, turned their heads and looked out the door together.

Then, the air suddenly became quiet, and the space became awkwardly silent.

Yu Yue defeated the five powerhouses of the blood clan and joined forces to besiege.

Yu Yue led people to the underground Palace of Versailles of the Vandro Clan of the Blood Clan, the three elders of the Tu Fanzhuo Clan, Williams, the Lord of the Killing Spock Clan, and Carlisle, the Maharaja of the Blood Clan, without even taking action personally.

How powerful and terrifying is this?

Moreover, behind Yu Yue, there is likely to be the support of the Ulan Master Tower headed by the Supreme Master Danjiris, with the support of the Eastern forces.

It is very likely that this is a liquidation and war against the Ouzhou blood clan.

If so, how should the regulatory bureau and the church stand?

As an individual, how should you stand?

Lambert and Andrewson looked at each other.

Lan said: "It suddenly occurred to me that there is an important meeting in the bureau, and it is not allowed to be absent."

Ann said, "Oh yes, I also have a very important mass to do. I can't be late."

Neither of them looked at Maigret again, and turned to leave.

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