Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 931: Spiritual Fortress (middle)

Everyone was amazed, and when they looked closely, they saw that Yu Yue was holding a potted plant in his palm.

The pot is no more than a slap, there is soil in the pot, and grass in the soil.

Yu Yue knows that soil is not ordinary soil, grass is even more extraordinary.

The soil in the basin is demonized soil, but it is only in the vicious old Tibetan soil that there is rare soil.

The grass is small in the soil, but each stem and leaf is a strange purple color, like the purple air permeating the distant mountains, the transition is subtle and the layers are distinct, like the combination of sunset, mountains and clouds, full of fairy charm .

Yu Yue nodded and said to Zhao Yicheng on the phone, "Thank you, Boss Zhao, how much does Boss Zhao think I should pay?"

Zhao Yicheng smiled and said, "Hum, it's inappropriate for us to talk about money. Those guys who **** human blood, I have long seen them not pleasing to the eye, but unfortunately they can't participate in the battle, and the body can't long for it. Lao Zhao, I support Mr. Yu's kinship!"

Yu Yue frowned and said, "Boss Zhao, you have to be principled. Businessmen should talk about money. Not talking about money will make people feel uneasy. You can open the terms, I will not take advantage of you, otherwise Lingcao return."

Zhao Yicheng laughed: "Mr. Yu, too serious, too serious...Let’s do it, I don’t want the money. If the purple spirit grass is useful, and Mr. Yu beats the blood on the ground, then I want a blood sacred artifact— —Magic, I wonder if it’s okay?"

Yu Yue agreed very simply: "Yes."

His idea was that as long as the other party didn't want the torture axe and soul ring swallowed by the Kunlun Tree before, he would just grab the other sacred artifacts. Although the value of the crimson purple spirit grass and the blood sacred artifacts are not very equal, Zhao Yicheng made constructive suggestions at the critical moment, and it is nothing to give him a blood sacred artifact.

Zhao Yicheng is overjoyed: "Great, Mr. Yu is really refreshing, and it’s a pleasure to talk to people like Mr. Yu! So, as a thank you, Mr. Zhao, I will provide Mr. Yu with a piece of news for free-seven days later, the blood ancestor will live a long life. , The Gulade Clan of the Eagle Country’s blood clan will open the ancient secrets of Stonehenge, inviting the strong blood clans of Ouzhou and the blood clan elites from all over the world to explore, treasure, and experience together, to determine the elites among the elites and accept the inheritance of blood ancestors.

"I wonder if Mr. Yu is interested in playing and shopping for Taobao? Of course, although there are many treasures in the secret realm of the blood race, they are also extremely dangerous. You must be careful."

Yu Yue said: "Well, I see, thank you Boss Zhao again."

After hanging up the line, Yu Yue collected the purple spirit grass and said to everyone: "Let's go, open the way."

Jiang Rou asked, "Where to go?"

Yu Yue said: "Eagle Country."

As a result, Yu Yue and his entourage left the Burgundy pastoral area, turned to the northwest, crossed the English Channel, and soon entered the Great Eagle United Kingdom on West Ou Island.

Yu Yue’s idea was that the Eagle Nation was originally here, because the itinerary was originally to take a boat from Eagle Nation to reach Magnesium Nation; in addition, the blood ancestors will live long and the secret realm will be open. 90% of Klimoz is present to save Luo. Yingxue must grasp with both hands, grasp the level to break the boundary with one hand, and grasp the operator with the other.

Jiang Rou was worried that there would be danger, but this time she didn't do any more persuasion, because she already knew that Yu Yue's decision was difficult to change, and it was useless to persuade anyone.

The car drove directly to Langdon, the capital of Eagle Country, and found a villa hotel for short-term rental.

Yu Yue only told everyone "Don't run around", and then set about preparing for Luo Yingxue's second treatment.

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