Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 932: Spiritual Fortress (Part 2)

In the second treatment, Yu Yue changed his method and no longer used "spiritual guidance". Instead, he took out a large amount of stored spar, spiritual stones, and elixir to refine and prepared a pot of spiritual liquid. At the same time, he packed Get out of a sauna and move the whole pot of spirit liquid into it.

Yu Yue first turned on the sauna stove and put all kinds of spiritual stones and elixir on the road for roasting. After a while, the spiritual stones were roasted red, and the elixir gave off the fragrance of medicine.

Bake it for a while.

Yu Yue sprinkled some of the prepared spirit liquid on the bright red spirit stone.


There was a sound.

A puff of smoke.

Produces shocking steam.

The temperature in the room rose immediately, reaching 70 degrees Celsius.

Then, Yu Yue carried Luo Yingxue into the sauna and took off her clothes.

Yes, that's right, take off your clothes.

Take off the fit dress.

Inside is breathtaking white and delicate.

Because she didn't wear underwear, Shuangmaru jumped out. Although not as rich as Nina, she was better than her shape and beauty.

Luo Yingxue's overall feeling is beautiful and beautiful.

Freshness and beauty are the so-called pure desires.

Luo's freshness is different from Jiang Rou's.

Jiang Rou is a freshness that is gentle and jade-like.

Luo Yingxue is a kind of freshness that naturally comes out of dust, clear and close to a demon, like a fairy and a demon, and pure and lust.

Whether wearing clothes or not wearing clothes.

Bright red, two o'clock, just like cherries in early autumn, pink and charming.

The lower abdomen is flat like a snowy field.

Downward, is a pair of beautiful slender legs.

Vaguely, I can vaguely see:


The fragrant grass luxuriant parrot Chau.


Peach blossoms are in Wulingyuan.

The same is pure and pure desire.

Luo Yingxue was motionless at this time, like a doll, at the mercy of others.

Yu Yue helped her to sit on the chair, and only a pair of pants remained.

The air in the room is very hot, and the steam refracts the scene, creating a shaky feeling.

Last time, Yu Yue, because of a carelessness, was interfered with by Klimoz's mental spells, and in Luo Yingxue's dream of knowing the sea, he forgot who he was and almost fell.

This time, he didn't have too many distracting thoughts, and he just wanted to rescue Luo Yingxue back. At most, he admired the girl's beautiful body.

This time, Yu Yue's treatment method was sauna.

Sauna refers to grilling a unique rock (sauna stone) on a hot stove in a relatively confined space to bring the temperature to more than 70 degrees Celsius, and then pour a small amount of water on the rock to generate impact steam. This method is also called dry steam bath. Sauna can speed up blood circulation, relax muscles in all parts of the body, and achieve the purpose of eliminating fatigue, restoring physical strength, and refreshing energy. At the same time, it is effective for rheumatism, arthritis, low back pain, asthma, bronchitis, neurasthenia, etc. Certain curative effect.

Of course, Yu Yue’s improved sauna is no longer a traditional sauna, but can be called herbal steaming.

Use various spiritual stones as sauna stones to heat, and then put various spiritual herbs on the stone to roast them to fully stimulate the power of the medicine, splash water to stimulate steam, and the steam with the power will penetrate into the pores.

The reason why I chose to use medicated steaming method but not medicated bath is because under sufficient conditions, medicinal steaming can achieve the effect and purpose of full coverage, and medicated bath often cannot cover the head.

Yu Yue had also lost his money, and steaming medicine was too costly.

As the temperature rose, Luo Yingxue began to sweat, and soon she was dripping with sweat, and her body was watery and wet.

This is the opening of the pores.

Yu Yue wiped her sweat while smearing spiritual liquid on her body.

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