Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 933: New treatment methods (part 1)

The touch is as white and delicate as fine snow.

The tentacles are silky and soft like brocade.

This is a heart-wrenching scene, but Yu Yue's mind is calm and his hands are steady. What he thinks now is to heal Luo Yingxue first, and then catch the surgeon who is doing things, if the surgeon It's really Klimoz, then she must be beaten hard until it sucks.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Yu Yue's spiritual sense had already told him who was outside, but he still asked: "Who is it?"

The two voices said in unison: "It's us..."

Yu Yue felt that there was nothing to hide, so he said, "Come in."

The door opened and two girls came in.

The two girls were obviously uncomfortable with the high temperature in the room, and one of them was even more embarrassed.

Although Yu Yue had known who came by using spiritual sensing, he almost didn't recognize it with his eyes.

Because both girls changed their outfits that they had never worn before.

Nina wore a pair of overalls and hot pants with a black tube top wrapped inside. A pair of fleshy legs were exposed, voluptuous, cute and sexy. The strap tube top also made the waist and hips looming.

Jiang Rou wore a short maid outfit with black and white as the main color, with ruffles, lace edges and large bows as the main decorations. It was elegant, concise and sexy, because this skirt was designed With ulterior motives, the scented shoulders, beautiful back, and slim waist are all exposed, and it has the smell of a nude-body apron, which is very attractive.

Yu Yue looked at them and asked, "I'm treating Miss Luo, why are you here?"

Jiang Rou didn't dare to look at Yu Yue at all, her head hung down, her face flushed, she didn't know if it was because she was shy or afraid of heat.

She was completely dragged by Nina, and this maid outfit was also designed and made by Nina to trick her into wearing it.

I just heard Nina say: "Master Yu, I have designed two sets of clothes, a uniform for the apprentice in the alchemy workshop, and a uniform for the maid. What do you think?"

This series of actions by her is not without reason, she has her own mind.

At the beginning, she didn't know Yu Yue deeply and felt that this person was unreliable.

But as she got more contact and experienced more things, she found that Yu Yue was not unreliable, just a big thick leg. She wanted to hug this big thick leg, no matter whether it was decided subjectively or objectively.

It's a pity that after several trials, she felt like she was out of action.

She thought it was because Yu Yue was not close to female **** or had a strong sense of family responsibility.

Later, when Luo Yingxue appeared, she felt that Yu Yue and Luo were very close. Could it be that Yu Yue simply didn't like her type?

She felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart, for fear that Luo Yingxue would dominate Yu Yue, and Luo was a Gu Master, who was in the company of snakes and insects, but also maverick, which was difficult for ordinary people to approach.

So she turned her gaze to Jiang Rou.

At first she felt that Jiang Rou had no sense of existence, but slowly realized that Yu Yue attached great importance to Jiang, but on the night of the Burgundy ranch, she saw Jiang Rou's affection for Yu Yue.

Therefore, she decided to help Jiang Rou and help Jiang Rou beat Luo Yingxue.

If Jiang Rou could get closer to Yu Yue, or even embrace him, then she would be able to push her thighs indirectly.

As long as she thought, she used her expertise to design and produce two sets of uniforms, tricked Jiang Rou into trying them on, and then forced her to the sauna room, intending to give Yu Yue a double uniform temptation.

Nina looked forward to it and asked, "What do you think, Master Yu?"

Who knows, Yu Yue said with an "um" and said, "It's okay... it's better for Jiang to not wear stockings."

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