Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 937: Half awake (middle)

Opening the door, Luo Yingxue stood outside the door.

Luo Yingxue had just regained consciousness, and Lingzhi was halfway open, knocking on her door in the middle of the night, which Yu Yue hadn't expected.

But he would not turn people away, and said with a gesture: "Miss Luo, please come in."

Luo Yingxue nodded, moving her snow-white feet lightly, and entered the room.

Although her bare feet are beautiful, but she is fascinated and sleepwalking.

The smoke locks her eyes with mist, like Yanyu Jiangnan, making her more immortal and even more enchanting.

Yu Yue invited her to sit down on the sofa and asked her what was wrong with her.

Luo Yingxue's eyes were blurred, she looked at him for a while, and shook her head: "I...I don't know, I just think you are a little familiar...I want you to help me..."

Yu Yue asked: "How can I help you?"

Luo Yingxue looked at the moon outside the window, the moon star was sparse, and the moonlight was a little red.

She said quietly: "I feel like I have forgotten a lot of things and people. I don't even know who I am, where I came from, or where I am going...

"When I was alone in the room just now, I my body, who exists...

"Is it the devil, or the devil?

"I feel uneasy, feel like I'm about to fall apart...

"You can get rid of it, right?"

Yu Yue thought to himself, I was negligent. I opened up half of her intelligence, but failed to comfort her, but... Will it be effective if we use poison to fight poison and stimulate it at this time?

He knew that in Luo Yingxue's eyes, everyone, including herself, was just a symbol. She remembered these symbols, but did not remember the meaning behind the symbols. In other words, Luo's consciousness (spiritual wisdom) did not Fully awakened, only staying on the surface, while the deep consciousness is still closed.

Yu Yue asked: "You really want to know what happened before, right?"

Luo Yingxue said: "I feel that I am now an empty shell. There seems to be an existence in the empty shell that does not belong to me. This feeling is very bad... I want to fill myself and drive it away, I think Remember the past..."

Yu Yue said, "Well, you'll take it off first, and I will figure out a solution for you."

He said this very plainly, because stripping off is not an end but a means. He tried to stimulate Luo Yingxue with such absurd and non-discriminatory demands, let Luo Yingxue scold him, beat him, and even inspire "Hair Gu" to defend himself. Instinctively attack him.

Who knows...

Luo Yingxue just widened her eyes and trembled: "Take off... take off your clothes?"

Yu Yue continued to irritate: "Didn't you say that there are demons in your body? If you want to remember the past and remember everything, you must first drive away the demons in your body. If you want to drive away the devil, you must first release all restraints. ."

Luo Yingxue let out an "um" and nodded slightly.

Yu Yue looked at her and continued to talk nonsense: "Clothes are the greatest restraint of human beings. You first take off your clothes before I can help you drive the devil away. This is so simple. You should always understand, right?"

Luo Yingxue looked blank and hesitated: "But...but..."

Yu Yue leaned forward and touched her smooth ankle: "You can't be wrong if you listen to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Yingxue jumped up suddenly, and suddenly pinched Yu Yue's throat with his backhand, and his head full of green silk opened like a sword, spear, and halberd, reaching the vitals of Yu Yue's upper body!

Seeing her like this, Yu Yue didn't feel angry and rejoiced. This was the response Gu Master Luo Yingxue should have.

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