Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 938: Half awake (below)

Faced with the threat of Gu Master Luo Yingxue’s lock throat filled with blue silk, Yu Yue was happy in his heart but not panicked. He said, "What are you doing? Didn't you ask me to help?"

Luo Yingxue's expression was blank, she actually let go of her hand, and her fang-like hair fell down: "I...I don't know what's wrong with me... how could this be..."

Although Yu Yue didn't expect such a small method to completely recover Luo Yingxue, he was a little disappointed. There were physical reactions, but the consciousness (spiritual) did not fully wake up...

How to do?

Isn't it enough stimulation?

Yu Yue shook his head secretly.

He stood up and said, "Don't be nervous, don't worry, I will pour you a glass of water first."

When he returned by pouring water, he saw Luo Yingxue had taken off his clothes and stood naked.

The ethnic printed dress fell on the carpet.

In the reddish moonlight and the warm and somewhat ambiguous light, her youthful carcass was shining like satin, her slender legs were tightly closed, and her plump and soft chest stood upright. ...

Luo Yingxue, who was wearing clothes, looked clear and beautiful with a little celestial aura, but apart from the clothes, every inch of her body seemed to contain a fascinating charm.

This is not the first time Yu Yue has seen her naked body, but every time she sees it, it is still dazzling.

The room smelled of rosemary, light and shadow, and there seemed to be a maddening heat in the air. Yu Yue oozes sweat on his forehead, forcibly calming his mind, and asked: "What are you doing?"

Luo Yingxue looked at him idiotically, moved her naked lotus feet lightly, walked over step by step, and said quietly: "Please help me drive away the devil in my body..."

Yu Yue said: "You don't have any demons in your body, I was joking with you just now..."

Luo Yingxue said: "I know there are, it has moved in my body now, I can feel it..."

She was smiling foolishly, her snow-white teeth gleaming like a beast, her pale cheeks had become bright red, and her eyes also glowed strangely.

Yu Yue frowned and said, "Don't talk nonsense, put on your clothes..."

Luo Yingxue said: "I don't wear clothes, I want you to help me..."

She suddenly threw herself on Yu Yue, her hands and feet entangled Yu Yue tightly like an octopus, and the two fell to the ground together.

Her cold body suddenly became hot like a volcano, her lips pressed against Yu Yue's face, and her full chest was violently up and down due to gasping.

Yu Yue stroked her smooth back with the palm of her hand.

Suddenly, he lifted the girl's hair, pressed her down, then drew a piece of felt, wrapped her up like a dumpling, and tied it tightly.

Luo Yingxue's eyes were full of horror, and he hissed: "You... why are you doing this?"

Yu Yue didn't answer, took the glass of water poured just now, and slowly poured it from her head.

The water was warm water, and the obsessive and eager expression on Luo Yingxue's face finally disappeared, and she was at a loss: "I...what's wrong with me?"

Yu Yue let out a sigh of relief, handed her the dress she took off, and handed her a towel. While turning his back to look away, he said: "You have to remember, girls are not You can take off your clothes at will, and she should at least wait for her beloved man to take off for her..."

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