Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 939: Painting Foot (Part 1)

After obtaining permission, Yu Yue turned around. Luo Yingxue had already put on her dress and was sitting on the sofa wiping her wet hair with a towel. His appearance was very cute, unlike the hot and strange appearance just now. .

Yu Yue sorted out his thoughts and said, "This is the situation. Your name is Luo Yingxue, and you are from the Five Immortals Sect in the southwest mountainous area of ​​China. Due to changes in your education, you are traveling.

"The encounter between you and me should have stemmed from a misunderstanding, and not knowing each other is also a kind of fate.

"The reason why you are like this is mainly because of someone's psychic technique. That person is likely to be Crimoz.

"I tried two ways to heal you. The first one didn’t work, and the second one half worked. Next, you have to use the traces of mental spells left on your body to trace back the operator. The bell tier, find her and unlock the spell.

"Of course, in the middle of this, you must be careful to be disturbed and controlled, because you were in a completely self-enclosed state before, and then I used the purple spirit pill to open half of the enclosure. The remaining mental skills are likely to take advantage of the emptiness. Enter, your some uncontrollable actions just now should have been interfered by surgical techniques..."

Luo Yingxue's eyes are blank, her expression is confused, and she looks cute and cute.

After a while, she asked, "Can I... trust you?"

Yu Yue smiled and said, "What do you mean?"

Luo Yingxue looked at him, but he didn't seem to be looking at him, her eyes were misty and rainy.

She said, "I believe in you."

Some trusts don't need reasons, only feelings.

Yu Yue nodded: "So, you don't have to worry, I will help you."

Luo Yingxue smiled, and the room was full of spring.

Yu Yue said: "I think so. You have taken the purple spirit pill I refined, and you have enough spiritual power in your body to transform it into true vitality to break through the barrier.

"In addition, I can bless you with a few more things to enhance your abilities.

"At that time, you will be able to find the operator yourself and force her to release the control of the operation."

Luo Yingxue smiled and nodded: "I listen to you."

Yu Yue said, "Then I will give you two things first."

With that said, he took out something from the small copper furnace.

It is a small purple-golden chain with five small stars.

Luo Yingxue asked: "This is..."

Yu Yue said: "A piece of footwear, named'Purple Star', can strengthen the wearer's magic power and is exclusively for wizards and gu masters."

He passed the small chain over, but heard Luo Yingxue say: "You help me put it on."

Yu Yue was taken aback for a moment, leaned down, and put a small purple gold chain on Luo Yingxue's left ankle.

Touch with your fingers, it feels warm and cool like jade.

The girl’s ankle is small and exquisite, the ankle bone is bright, light and handsome, and the natural depressions formed on both sides of the Achilles tendon at the back of the ankle are very soft and charming, exuding a subtle sense of sex. The purple gold chain contrasts the skin with white and almost transparent, water-tender. Her beautiful feet and anklets are integrated, and they complement each other to create a sense of beauty.

Luo Yingxue raised her left foot, looked back and forth, smiled and said, "It's so pretty...what else is it?"

Yu Yue said: "I will draw an arcane construction for you."

After a pause, he added: "The arcane structure of the human body is similar in form to a tattoo."

Luo Yingxue asked: "How to draw, do you want to take off your clothes and draw on your body?"

Yu Yue coughed a few times, just told them to put on their clothes, and now they are asked to take off their clothes, which is probably not good.

He waved his hand and said: "It's okay to paint on the body, but you don't need to take off your clothes, just choose a convenient location to paint."

Luo Yingxue said, "Oh, then you can paint. Where is the painting located?"

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