Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 940: Painting foot (middle)

Yu Yue took a look and suggested: "Neck? Arm?"

Once again, his eyes fell on the girl's slender, snowy calf and delicate white feet, and said: "Or else... or draw it on the feet, right?"

Luo Yingxue said, "Well, listen to you. Do you want me to wash my feet?"

For some reason the girl’s feet were not stained with dust, Yu Yue said, “No, I’ll prepare some materials.”

During Yu Yue's preparation, Luo Yingxue went to the bathroom to wash her feet with a shower. When she came out, her bare feet were covered with water drops, crystal clear like pearls.

She walked up to Yu Yue and pressed her red lips lightly. She was very clever. When Yu Yue prepared the pen and materials, she lay on her side on the sofa according to his instructions, with her right leg and ankle facing upwards.

The girl was wearing a national-style printed dress, and the exposed skin was white and delicate, reflecting the lustrous luster like ivory.

Luo Yingxue's eyes were foggy and misty, she didn't know where she was looking, so she didn't go to see Yu Yue.

Yu Yue looked at the girl's bare feet, slightly startled, as if for a moment he forgot to breathe.

The girl was lying on the couch on her side, her short and thin skirt wrapped her round and delicate buttocks, revealing two slender jade legs that would make countless people covet crazy.

The right knee bends slightly, and the delicate jade foot is stacked on the left leg.

Her ankles are white, like snow and jade, almost transparent, and there is a warm orange on the slightly convex joints, which is lovely.

The slender and tender toes are bare-exposed, well-proportioned and delicate, and may be tightened due to tension. The smooth soles of the feet are wrinkled into a lovely heart shape, which feels so charming and inviting, making the heart beat.

The girl's feet, without nail polish, are so natural and exquisite, just like a work of art with extremely exquisite carvings.

Yu Yue swallowed a mouthful of saliva, brought up "Arcane Pen·Falling Wind", trying to calm himself down.

He explained some precautions to Luo Yingxue. For example, there is only one chance to draw the arcane structure of the human body. Once an error occurs, it cannot be changed. It is best not to move during the drawing process. If it does not work, you must inform in advance and so on.

Luo Yingxue said that she understood, and lay there motionless.

The fragrance of the girl's body lingers in her nose, her body fragrance seems to be different, and it smells carefully, as if walking into the deep mountains and forests, a pure and natural fragrance rushes over her face, Yu Yue holds his breath and dispels distracting thoughts, and when he speaks again, The voice is already very calm: "Then, let's start."

Luo Yingxue trembled lightly, but quickly restrained it.

It is not the first time that Yu Yue has faced a female body, nor is it the first time to draw a human body arcane structure. After composing his mind, the hand holding the pen is dry and flexible, as stable as an old dog.

Yu Yue adjusted her posture, pinpointed the angle and support point, supported the girl's smooth calf with his left hand, held the pen with the right hand, adjusted her breathing, and made the first stroke three centimeters above her **** lateral ankle bone.

As the arcane pen fell one by one, fine marks appeared one after another, and a complicated and beautiful pattern gradually appeared, and each stroke was incredibly accurate.

Such a skill, even the top Arcane Constructor, must be dazzled by it.

His eyes are focused, and his breathing is steady and long, giving people a sense of peace.

Luo Yingxue looked at him quietly, her body motionless, she seemed to be completely crazy.

Time passed by every minute.

After hooking the last stroke, the paint in the pen tube is just running out.

Yu Yue let out a long breath and said, "It's okay."

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