Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 941: Draw the foot (below)

Luo Yingxue wanted to sit up, but found that her body was stiff because she had not moved for too long, so Yu Yue held her back and barely struggled to sit up.

She looked at her right ankle and couldn't help but feel a little silly again.

I saw a purple nine-petal lotus at the snowy ankle. Although the lotus was in budding state, but for some reason, Luo Yingxue felt that it would open up, and it would definitely bloom nine-petaled. The petals are purple petals with a golden lotus in the middle.

Tingting purple lotus, with nine petals in blossom, with golden stamens.

Luo Yingxue really likes this "tattoo". She looks delicate and pure, but she has always had the desire to have a tattoo in her bones. Now Yu Yue helped her "tattoo" one, and the tattoo is so beautiful, even if it's just a flower-bone It's already beautiful, if it blooms, you don't know how gorgeous it will be.

"It's so beautiful." Luo Yingxue exclaimed sincerely, and asked, "Does it also have a name? What does it do?"

Yu Yue said: "Call it'Purple Lotus'. Similarly, it can also enhance the magic power of the Constructor, which is suitable for you."

Luo Yingxue nodded, feeling that she had nothing to worry about anymore.


In the early morning of the next day, the waiter delivered a hearty breakfast.

Everyone enjoyed food in the courtyard of the villa.

Yuyou turned on the binge eating mode, and the wind and the remnant cloud had a binge eating, and when he was full, he took Yuan Xiaolou to fight and discuss.

Yu Yue took out something and handed it to Luo Yingxue, and said, "It's for you."

It is a musical instrument, shaped like a cucurbit.

Hulusi, also known as "cucurbit flute", is a Chinese Yunzhou musical instrument, rich in local colors and ethnic customs, and is often used to play folk songs, agricultural songs, and folk music.

The cucurbit silk has a unique shape and structure. It is made of a complete natural calabash, three bamboo tubes and three metal reeds.

The whole gourd is used as an air chamber. Three bamboo tubes of different thickness are inserted into the bottom of the gourd. Each part of the bamboo tube inserted into the gourd is inlaid with a reed. They are of three textures: gold, silver and copper. The bamboo tube in the middle is the most It is thick, with several sound holes open on it, called the main pipe, and on both sides are auxiliary pipes. There are only reeds on the top, without the sound hole, it can only produce a chord that resonates with the main pipe.

The whole cucurbit silk is dominated by purple and white, highlighting an elegant and unique style.

Luo Yingxue's eyes became even more obsessed when she saw this gourd silk.

She has a very familiar feeling about this, because the wizard Gu masters of their Five Immortals Sect often use the flute and flute to control the snake and control the Gu.

She took the cucurbit silk idiotically, leaned to her lips, and tried to play a few notes.

Then, his eyes lit up, and he slowly played a tune, which was melodious and soft, and it attracted a group of colorful butterflies flying around, which was very fantastic.

Don't mention how happy Yu You was, Yuan Xiaolou also showed surprise eyes.

Luo Yingxue stopped playing, and the butterflies dispersed.

Hulusi left her lips, and she asked, "Is this also made by you?"

Yu Yue nodded and calmed Luo Yingxue's emotions last night to let her return to the room, and then took advantage of the inspiration to continue making this magical artifact.

Luo Yingxue asked: "What's its name?"

Yu Yue said: "The purple snow reflects the moon."

Luo Yingxue's lush jade fingers stroked the gourd silk, his eyes blurred, but there was light, and he muttered twice: "Zixue Yingyue...Zixue Yingyue, so good..."

Yu Yue said: "This is a set with your foot ornaments and constructions. It is exclusively for wizards and gu masters. It is used in conjunction with it and has more bonuses to wizardry power."

Nina was alert, what footwear and makeup?

Busily lowered his head to look.

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