Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 942: Banquet (Part 1)

Luo Yingxue was taken aback for a moment, looked at the cucurbit silk in her hand, then looked down, and said with a light smile: "Ah, it turned out to be like this..."

Purple star, purple lotus, purple snow reflecting the moon, three-piece Gu Master.

At this time, Nina had also seen Luo Yingxue's left foot anklet and the magic pattern on her right foot, and quickly pulled Jiang Rou to motion her to look under the table.

Luo Yingxue did not shy away, and showed her feet openly.

Jiang Rou looked at Luo Yingxue's snow-white feet stepping on the green grass, and she couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

I saw a purple lotus on the naked and soft ankle. Although it was in bud, it made people feel that it would open up, and it would be beautifully blooming. There are ripples and ripples around the flowers, and against each other, they are indescribably sexy, beautiful, and seem to contain some mysterious power.

Jiang Rou exclaimed sincerely: "What a beautiful tattoo...what a beautiful anklet..."

Luo Yingxue smiled and said, "Isn't it beautiful, isn't it?"

Nina is not angry, hey, am I asking you to admire it? I want you to be more vigilant! What is the concept of foot tattoos? Some people call the feet a woman's second **** organ. Didn't ancient China also think that women's feet are very private parts? People have already declared sovereignty, why are you so stupid that you don't have a sense of crisis?

She only felt that Luo Yingxue was showing off his might, and Jiang Rou could not afford to support A Dou.

She could only try to fight for herself, so she said coquettishly to Yu Yue: "Master Yu, you gave Miss Luo so many good things, then me? Don't the maid and I have a share?"

—— Jiang Rou also wore a maid outfit today. This time it was not Nina who forced her to wear it. It was because Yu You liked it and said it looks good after wearing it yesterday, so I continued to wear it today.

Yu Yue looked at her, then at Jiang Rou, and asked, "What do you want?"

Jiang Rou hurriedly waved her hand and said, "I don't want it, I don't want anything, you have given me enough..."

Nina's teeth are really broken, she's unbelievable, she's terribly unbelievable! I tried my best to help you up, but you backed up by yourself?

But she didn't dare to say anything about Jiang Rou directly, so she could only say with a wry smile: "Can you be like Miss Luo... have all the jewelry, weapons, and constructions?"

Yu Yue nodded and said: "There may be a series of fierce battles next, and it is indeed necessary to strengthen you... I have already given you jewelry, and it is a suit; if you construct it, it consumes too much real energy and energy. This time Forget it; I'll give you a weapon."

"Ah? There is no structure..." Nina muttered to herself, seemingly disappointed.

At this time, a waiter came to report: "Mr. Yu, there is a gentleman outside who said he wants to see you."

Yu Yue asked: "Who is it?"

The waiter replied: "He said his surname is Yang and he is from China."

Yu Yue gave an "Oh" and said, "Please come in."

After a while, a middle-aged man with an oriental face and a goatee walked into the courtyard of the villa, with a smile on his face, he shook his hand at Yu Yue, and said: "Our man Yang captures the tiger, I have seen Mr. Yu Yueyu."

This man is extraordinary, with bulging left and right temples, bulging joints in both hands, steady footsteps, deep breathing, and bright eyes. At first glance, he is an expert in martial arts.

Yu Yue just glanced at him, and asked indifferently, "What's the matter?"

Yang Qinhu’s eyes flashed, and the smile on his face remained unchanged: "Mr. Yu may not know me, but I have long admired Mr. Yu’s name, Mr. Yu’s suppression of the Ouzhou blood family, everyone in the underground world knows that no one knows it today. Seeing a real person, Yang Sansheng is fortunate!"

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