Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 945: Cyan Red (Part 1)

"Excuse me, sir, we have explained to you just now that this place is reserved tonight, and it will not be open to the public for the time being. Please change the meal." The security explained again patiently.

"It's great to have money? I also have money. How much money is for chartering, I add money!" The nouveau riche refused to listen, and took out a lot of money to plan to hit the security guard.

The security guards looked at each other, very helpless, but their eyes were saying that if there is more extreme behavior on the other side, they can only take it off.

After all, they are not ordinary security guards, they are the children of overseas Hongmen.

At this moment, a group of people came up again, and when everyone saw it, they couldn't help being lost.

It was a strange combination of a man with two children and three women.

Men are neither tall nor short, nor fat nor thin, and Asians look gentle and delicate, making them seem a bit ordinary in the crowd.

He held a little girl with his left hand, and the little girl took a little boy.

The little girl has big eyes and long eyelashes, and she is so cute that she is carved and jade shaped like a porcelain doll.

The little boy is very strong.

The most eye-catching thing, except for the lovely little girl, is to count the three girls following behind.

One girl has a western face, and the other two have an oriental appearance.

The western girl has a natural short pink hair, with short hair that is straight to the cheek, eye-catching, cute and capable. She has fair skin and bright features. She wears a pink dress with a short front and long back, exposing her legs and legs. It's white, but not slender and fleshy. It belongs to the three-in-one sensuality, texture, and sexiness, especially the flesh marks drawn out by wearing leg loops, it is simply unstoppable.

One oriental girl is wearing a **** yellow dress and the other is wearing a light purple dress.

The girl in the yellow skirt is gentle and moving, her appearance and temperament are like beautiful jade, gentle and graceful, able to infect people around her.

The girl in the purple skirt is beautiful and unparalleled. Originally, the purple skirt was considered the most difficult to control, but it was pure and **** to wear on her. It was both pure and ethereal, but also a bit mysterious and mysterious. It was gorgeous and not vulgar, especially It is her eyes that are misty with smoke and her feet are bare and white without shoes and socks, which makes people feel like a fairy, a demon and not a person.

In comparison, the man appeared very casual, wearing a casual suit all over, very casual.

The security guard raised his hand and said, "Sir, madam, sorry, the Red Gate Tower has been booked tonight, please do not enter."

It was Yu Yue and his party who came.

Just listen to Yu Yue said: "Yang Qinhu invited us to come."

The security guard asked: "You can show me the invitation card."

Yu Yue said, "Oh, I forgot to bring it."

The security guard looked serious and made a gesture of refusal: "I'm sorry, we can't let a few people in without an invitation as proof."

The nouveau riche next to him laughed loudly: "What to pretend? It's useless to know the boss. What's the use of you knowing Yang Qinhu? Who is Yang Qinhu, the mayor of Langdon, or the prime minister of the Eagle Country? Hahaha Ha ha……"

This is pure schadenfreude for him.

His idea is that if someone is also turned away from the public, he will not be so embarrassed, and that person with three women is more beautiful than his own.

The two young models also had a mocking look. When the three daughters appeared later, the light directly covered them up, as if they had become vulgar fans at once. Even the nouveau riche's eyes were straight. , Almost no water came out, and now it's fine, it's also pretending to fail, and it's embarrassing, which shows that the three women are beautiful and blind, and they are not talking to the right person.

"That's it, then forget it, it's okay to eat at another restaurant." Yu Yue didn't care at all, waved, and was about to take people away.

At this moment, someone came out of the small door of the Red Gate Tower and saw Yu Yue and others. He was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, where are you going?"

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