Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 946: Cyan Red (Medium)

Ten minutes ago.

Red Gate Building Ballroom.

There are a total of six tables in the hall.

Tonight, all the employees of Red Gate Tower only serve these six people.

Because tonight, it is Zhi Gong Tang as the host, and the Qinghong Club will book the venue.

The Qinghong Association, known as the "Overseas Hongmen", consists of five halls.

Each church has its own sphere of influence:

Zhi Gongtang is in Eagle Country, and its influence is all over the western half of Ouzhou;

Sanhetang is in Magnesium country, radiating north and south Magnesium Island;

Yixingtang is in Canada, cooperating with Sanhetang to take advantage of various industries in the mainland of Meizhou;

Hua Ji is in Malaysia and its sphere of influence is mainly Nanya.

Long Ji is in Rihe, and his sphere of influence is mainly Dongya Dongya (excluding China).

The five leaders of the Qinghong Association.

Tonight, the representatives of the General Conference and the five halls were all present, which shows that they attach great importance to this operation.


Someone slapped the table and said angrily: "Hall Master Fang, when are we going to wait? Brothers are all hungry!"

Another person agreed: "Even Shanzhu, Chen Ge, and Lei Lao have already arrived, and your people haven't arrived yet... Hall Master Fang, who is it sacred and so big you are asking?"

The one who spoke first was the red stick Han Long of Sanhetang, and the one who echoed him was the red stick Han Hu of Yixingtang.

Then, the other children also clamored, saying that after waiting so long, their stomachs were groaning with hunger, and that the arrangements for the host of the court were too bad.

Fang Dekai, the chief of the Zhi Gong hall, looked ugly. He first apologized to the people at the first table, and then looked at Yang Qinhu, showing blame.

Yang Qinhu wiped the sweat from his forehead, stood up and said, "Sorry, I'm sorry, everyone, please stay calm, I'll take a look, it should be almost there."

Then trot all the way out of the hall.

When he ran out of the side door of the Red Gate Building and saw Yu Yue and the others about to leave, he hurriedly overtook him and said, "Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu...Since he's here, why are you leaving? Why don't you go in?"

Yu Yue glanced at him and said, "Security is not allowed to enter."

Yang Qinhu turned his head and asked the security guard: "Why not let in?"

The security said: "He has no invitation cards."

Yu Yue shrugged and said, "Leave it in the hotel and forgot to bring it. Otherwise, let's go to another place to eat..."

Yang Qinhu hurriedly blocked the way of Yu Yue and the others, and said with a smile on his face: "Then how? The mountain master and the hall masters are already waiting for Mr. Yu and everyone, hurry in with me!"

Then, pointing at the two security guards, he cursed: "What invitation do you want? Ah, what invitation do you want? This is Mr. Yu Yueyu, the VIP guest invited by the court! If Mr. Yu and his party are driven away by you today, yours The sin is serious!"

The two security guards were very aggrieved. Didn't you explain that we were not allowed to enter without invitations?

But they didn't dare to say more, because the ranks were high in the hall, and the white paper fan was of a very high status, which they could not afford to offend.

After Yang Qinhu scolded the security guards, he dragged Yu Yue to take them in.

The nouveau riche next to him stopped doing it and shouted: "Hey, what's the situation? Why can't they enter and we can't?"

He also pointed to Yang Qinhu's head and asked loudly: "Who are you so special? Why do you bring people in? Are you the boss here? Impossible, how could I not know if Hongmenlou changed the boss?"

Yang Qinhu frowned and asked the security guard: "Do you keep this kind of people for the New Year if you don't drive them away?"

The security asked: "Brother Tiger, shall we do it?"

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