Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 947: Cyan Red (below)

The nouveau riche shouted: "What, do you dare to do it in Tamad? Do you know who Lao Tzu is?"

Yang Qinhu was in a bad mood, and there was a punching bag sent to him at this time. How can there be any reason for not breathing?

Immediately he said in a deep voice, "Hit a fight and throw it out of Chinatown!"

Two security guards squeezed their fists forward, and their fists crackled.

The upstart was surprised and angry: "You...what are you going to do..."

Then he was beaten by a fat meal, and his entire face became fatter.

The boys wanted to help, but the opponent of Hongmen's thugs was beaten to the head.

Finally, in the horrified eyes of everyone, the nouveau riche was thrown out of the block like a dead pig.

Others wanted to report to the police and were immediately stopped by their companions: "It's useless. This piece was put on the court by the'Overseas Hongmen'. They have their own rules. As long as no one is dead, the police don't care."

The two young models could only follow and leave. Before leaving, the eyes of Jiang Rou, Luo Yingxue and Nina were full of envy and jealousy.

I saw that the two scarlet gates of the Red Gate Tower were pushed by two security guards with all their muscles up and slowly opened. Yang Qinhu made a "please" gesture and solemnly invited Yu Yue and his party to enter, and then the gates were closed.

There was a lot of discussion among the audience:

"So majestic, so magnificent!"

"It feels like going to a high-end banquet or secret party rally, the threshold is so high!"

"Who the **** are these few people who deserve to be treated so solemnly by the white paper fan of the court?"

In the banquet hall of the Red Gate Tower, the other four disciples also had similar questions.

When they watched a man, three women and two children walk into the hall, they all felt very strange. Isn't this just a small tour group? It's simply out of tune with this sloppy gathering of rivers and lakes.

What is this for?

Yang Qinhu planned to arrange for Yu Yue to sit at the first table and arrange for Yu Yue's companion to sit at the table of the court disciples, but was rejected by Yu Yue shook his head.

Yang Qinhu asked Yu Yue carefully what he thought.

Yu Yue said: "If it's convenient, arrange a table alone. The child has a big appetite, and I'm afraid it won't be enough."

Yang Qinhu was stunned: "..."

Yu Yue asked: "Why, isn't it convenient?"

Yang Qinhu went to see the hall master Fang Dekai.

Fang Dekai was expressionless and did not give instructions.

Yang Qinhu had to say: "Convenient, convenient..."

Then the waiter was asked to set up a table for Yu Yue alone.

At this time, someone couldn't stand it anymore, and asked unceremoniously: "Brother, you asked us to wait so long, isn't there an explanation?"

The question was Sanhetang Han Long.

Yu Yue glanced at him and said, "I'm sorry, the child just woke up from a nap, so he went out late."

Everyone looked at each other, just because a child was sleeping, so many big guys were waiting here, what is it like?

Which of the hall masters, deputy halls, red sticks, and white fans present is not a big person who can shake one side by stomping?

What's more, today there are mountain owners, deputy mountain owners, and double bonus red sticks.

What kind of battle is this?

Even if the head of the eagle country responded to the invitation, he only dared to arrive early but not late.

It would be nice for you guys to let so many bigwigs wait here for a child to sleep?

Who can believe it?

Yixingtang Han Hu knocked on the table, and said, "Yang Qinhu, now you should always be able to introduce, who is the sacred person you invited to court? Why is it such a big shelf?"

Indeed, in the eyes of many people, Yu Yue’s shelf is so big that he not only made the master, deputy master, and hall masters of the Qinghong Association wait for him, but also blatantly refused to sit at the same table with the master and asked for orders. Set a table.

You know, what kind of person is the mountain lord of the Qinghong Association, even if some heads of state invite him to dinner, it is not an easy task.

What a rare opportunity and a great honor it is to have a table with the mountain lord, that guy actually refused...

Many people present have tried to teach him, and Sanhetang and Yixingtang, which are always at odds with Zhi Gongtang, took the opportunity to find fault.

Yang Qinhu already felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he cleared his throat and began to introduce...

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