Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 948: Green (top)

"Mountain Lord, Chen Ge, Lei Lao, as well as hall masters and brothers, please introduce Rong Yang to everyone...

"This, Mr. Yu Yueyu, I believe many brothers have heard of it. He is the great master who besieged and suppressed the Vandro Clan and the Spock clan, and defeated the masters of the two clans and many blood clan masters. Yu Yue!

"He is the pride of our Chinese people, and one of the few masters in martial arts in the world!"

After listening to Yang Qinhu's introduction, many people were stunned.

Yu Yue's achievements have swept the martial arts world, the foreign world, the cultivation world and other underground worlds. Many warriors and other cultivators have heard of his deeds of suppressing the Ouzhou blood clan to a high level, especially the Chinese underground world.

But just because I heard about such a brave deed, when I saw a real person, I felt that the gap was huge and unbelievable.

Does this person look too ordinary?

Young, not surprising and unremarkable.

And he is a child slave who only cares about his children eating and sleeping.

Where is there a little bit of the temperament of a great master and the style of a peerless master?

Some people even think that Zhi Gongtang is not the kind of swindler who has encountered a liar, cheating food, drinking and deceiving feelings, and doing things under the banner of "overseas Hongmen".

Then, Yang Qinhu introduced to Yu Yue:

First of all, sitting at the first table are the mountain lord Sima Ao, the deputy mountain lord He Chen, the double red stick Lei Zongying, and the five hall lords, Zhi Gongtang Fang Dekai, Sanhetang Li Zhiqiang, and Yixing. Tang Mai Zhigao, Hua Ji Lin Shixia, Long Ji Hong Taiwen.

The mountain lord, called the village lord in ancient times, is also known as the leader, the uncle of the leader, and the big row. He is the highest leader of the Hongmen.

Vice Shanzhu, formerly known as deputy Zhaizhu, also known as deputy leader, is the second in command of Hongmen.

The double bonus red club is generally the third member of Hongmen. The red club is the gold medalist. The double bonus red club is the top fighter. It can order all red clubs and all fighters, and it is the overall responsibility of the force.

The mountain lord Sima Ao sat at the top. He was wearing a black Chinese tunic suit. He looked like he was 50 or 60 years old, unsmiling, and his aura was calm and strong.

He Chen, the deputy mountain lord, sat on the mountain lord's left hand. He was younger than the lord, but his short hair was completely white, and he was short and chubby. He was always smiling and seemed very friendly.

Lei Zongying sat on the right hand of the mountain owner. He should be the oldest person on the scene. He seems to be over sixty years old, with white beard and hair. Sitting there with his eyebrows and eyes closed, he seems to be drowsy.

These three are the three giants of the Qinghong Association.

Originally it was the Big Four, and there was still a red paper fan, but because there were other important things, they couldn't come to the meeting.

The white paper fan is the military division, think tank, and staff, and the red paper fan is the military division chief. It can convene all the white paper fans and think tanks, and is the overall responsibility for intelligence.

Yu Yue nodded slightly to the person at the first table, and said nothing more, and waited for the table with Yu You.

This makes many people blindsided, and even more dissatisfied in their hearts.

Yang Qinhu felt that the atmosphere seemed to be worse than before, sweating all over his head, and asked the hall master Fang De for instructions: "Hall master, but... we can start..."

Fang Dekai asked the mountain lord Sima Ao for instructions.

Sima Ao nodded.

Fang Dekai said, "I'm sorry, brothers have been waiting for a long time. Let's start the dinner and serve!"

As a result, delicious delicacies were brought up at a low price.

Instantly scented.

Sima Ao toasted: "Dear brothers for your hard work, I toast everyone."

Everyone toasted.

After a drink, Sima Ao motioned for everyone to eat.

Yuyou immediately dried up.

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