Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 950: Green (below)

Yu Yue also sensed that person.

The man at the Huaji table was black and thin, with a shiny head. He didn't look like a Huaxia, but a Siamese ascetic monk.

His eyes were like poisonous snakes, even when he was eating, he kept staring at Luo Yingxue.

Yu Yue asked, "Do you know him?"

Luo Yingxue shook her head and said, "I don't know..."

Yu Yue thought to himself, could it be that he was upset? Or was there any holiday that Miss Luo had forgotten before?

At this time, the mountain lord Sima Ao put down the tableware, and the others put down the tableware one after another. Only Yu Yuyou was still eating.

Everyone knows that this is almost the same, and I'm ready to talk about business.

The deputy mountain master He Chen wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "Dear hall masters, cousins, and Mr. Yu Yue, I must have already known more or less. Today we are summoned to discuss things after five days. .

"Five days later, it is the blood ancestor of the blood race. In order to find the heirs, the blood ancestor made the Gudra clan open the Stonehenge secret realm, regardless of region or race. Anyone who has the strength and confidence can enter the secret realm to explore and test.

"It is said that there are many treasures in the secret realm of Stonehenge, and there are even relics of pre-civilization, with pre-civilization technology and practice techniques.

"Such an opportunity, our Qinghong Society can't miss it. The world is rolling forward, and everyone else is developing. If we lag behind, we have to be beaten.

"This time, the people gathered here are all the elites, and they are all the mainstays of the Qinghong Association. Although this trip will be difficult, as long as everyone works together, I believe you will be able to gain something!"

All the disciples raised their hands to cheer, and they all came here with plans and preparations.

At this time, someone asked, "Then, why does that Yu...Mr. Yu come here? Is it a foreign aid to court?"

It means to ask if Zhi Gongtang wants to eat more.

Yang Qinhu was taken aback, and quickly explained: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Mr. Yu is a great master, a great master, and the red paper fan entrusted us to Zhi Gongtang as a special invitation for the host..."

Hearing the three words "red paper fan", many people can't help but shudder, that woman is incredible.

Although she is the fourth in command of the Qinghong Association, many people feel that she is even more terrifying than the deputy mountain lord He Chen and the double bonus red stick Lei Zongying.

That woman is very scheming and exhaustive. Many people in the hall have suffered her losses.

Sometimes, she calculates you, it seems that she is not trying to do anything about you, just for fun.

Fortunately, she is not here today, otherwise I don't know how many brothers will suffer.

Just listen to Yang Qinhu's continued: "Red paper fan suggestions, we sincerely invite Mr. Yu as the chief guest officer of our Qinghong Association to enjoy the same payment as the deputy mountain lord, and the power can order all red sticks and white fans."

Everyone took a deep breath. In the history of Hongmen, there has never been a guest Qing who can be treated like this...

What kind of power is this?

It can change the course of thousands of people, can change hands of hundreds of millions of dollars, can make life and death enemies shake hands, and can make loved ones ignorant.

This is equivalent to an airborne third-in-command, squeezing both the double bonus red stick and the red paper fan.

Why does the red paper fan make such a suggestion?

Is it because Yu Yue has the ability to suppress the kinsmen?

But it doesn't seem to be good for her herself, right?

Lei Zongying's expression moved slightly with the double-flower red stick, but there was nothing to express. He still lowered his eyebrows, as if he was asleep.

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