Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 951: Red (top)

He Chen looked at Yu Yue and said with a smile: "The proposal of the red paper fan has also been told to me by the mountain owner. We all agree that Mr. Yu’s joining is for the Green Red Club and even for overseas Chinese organizations. It's all a blessing.

"Mr. Yu can rest assured that becoming the chief guest officer of the Qinghong Association will have a lot of benefits and resources, and he is basically not subject to the 36th Oath of Hongmen. Mr. Yu can use the platform of the Qinghong Association to give his best Ambition."

Sima Ao nodded slightly beside him, expressing his approval.

The hall masters and disciples in the hall found it incredible. Such invitations are rare. With such a low profile and high standards, just ask, in this world, who else can refuse?

While everyone was waiting for Yu Yue's reply, Yu Yue took the time to clean Yu Yuyou's mouth and hands, and asked the waiter to give her a cup of vanilla potted yogurt.

Then he said, "You asked me to be the guest secretary, mainly for this exploration of the secret realm, right? You want my town to deal with the blood race, right?"

Sima Ao's expression changed slightly, and Lei Zongying squinted at Yu Yue.

He Chen still smiled, and said to Yu Yue: "Of course, we didn't mean that.

"Mr. Yu is a native Chinese, and our Qinghong Association is currently the largest overseas Chinese organization.

"China has suffered from oppression by foreign powers for a long time in history, and overseas Chinese have also suffered discrimination for a long time. Therefore, we must unite to fight, fight, and become strong and great!

"Mr. Yu, this is actually a very good opportunity for cooperation. You and the kinsman have already made feuds. Whether you go or not, it is estimated that the kinsmen will not give up, but if we cooperate, you have a prestige and strong strength. We have people and horses. With sufficient resources, even if the secret realm is a sea of ​​swords and flames, it can still run wild.

"For such a win-win thing, I believe a person like Mr. Yu will be able to make a wise choice."

Yu Yue nodded secretly. This "smiling tiger" is also a personal talent. He talked about fellowship among fellow citizens, about national loyalty, later on win-win cooperation, and later on the pros and cons. It's okay.

He yawned and said, "Since you let me choose, then I will tell you my choice. My choice is, forget it, goodbye."

After speaking, stand up and greet Yu You, Jiang Rou, Luo Yingxue and others to leave.

Everyone was stunned. Does this mean rejection? There are people in the world who can refuse the invitation of the Qinghong Association?

Is this brain flooding, or arrogant pride?

Or is he going to open his mouth?

Even the "Laughing Tiger" He Chen couldn't help but condensed a smile on his face at this moment: "Mr. Yu, we Chinese are overseas. It is you who help me and I help you, and we have today's Qinghong Association. We work together to unite, so that many rights and interests can be safeguarded, and a lot of fairness and justice can be declared.

"Mr. Yu, can you talk about your thoughts or concerns? Why do you refuse?"

Yu Yue sneered and said, "He Chen, Vice-Shanzhu He, you don’t need to tie me up with national justice and compatriot friendship. I have lived for so many years. I have already known that most of the high-sounding reasons are behind them. Hypocritical and calculating.

"Originally, I didn't need to explain to anyone when I was doing things. But today, I make an exception. The reason for my refusal is nothing else, just because I'm not interested.

"Sima Shanzhu, Yang Junshi, thank you for your hospitality."

He said he was ready to leave.

The smile on He Chen's fat face has become a bit ugly.

Sima Ao's face was as deep as water, and his face turned blue.

Yang Qinhu was even more embarrassed. Although he did not give the idea, he invited the people.

No one thought that if Qinghong always invited Yu Yue to dinner, he would really just come to have a meal.

At this moment, someone stood up and said, "Wait..."

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