Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 953: Red (bottom)

"Songshan Mountain, I warn you, don't mess around here! You take revenge, don't get involved with the Cyan Red Club!"

He Chen patted the table and shouted. The smile on his face had completely disappeared. It was obvious that he was really anxious.

Generally speaking, the Qinghong Association is also very protective of the disciples of the door. If the disciple is in trouble, the door will help you, if the disciple has grudges, the door will support you in repaying it, let alone a white paper fan, but...

Today is different. Your enemy is defended by someone, and that person is not an ordinary person. That is a character who suppressed the two big blood clan clans and killed countless blood clan powerhouses with his own power!

Such a character can't even handle the blood prince or even the blood prince, so what can you do with a white paper fan?

The rules of the arena, the weak will eat the strong, the king will lose, and people have big fists, and they want to protect their shortcomings. What can you do?

The most important point is that although you say this is a personal grievance, but you avenge your personal vengeance in Chinatown, in the host of the Qinghong Club, in front of the mountain lord and so many cousins, it does not involve the Club and the various halls. Is this possible?

In case Yu Yue gets angry, and suppresses the Qinghong Association and the various halls like a blood clan, then isn't this meal a blood loss? What is the purpose and significance of inviting people to dinner?

This is burning the body!

Therefore, He Chen must stop Songshan Mountain.

As the deputy mountain master, he had no choice but to violate the thirty-six oath of Hongmen and hit the board on his brother.

Song Shanshan stared at Yu Yue, his face full of anger and trembling, his whole body looked very hideous.

He Chen looked at Hua Ji’s hall master Lin Shixia and put pressure on him severely: "Hall Master Lin, take care of you, don’t hurt the Plenary Brothers because of you Hua Ji alone!"

The deputy mountain master spoke, and the mountain master remained silent, and Lin Shixia also realized the seriousness of the problem. You really can't make mistakes at this time, otherwise he might not be able to keep the position of the hard-won hall master!

Lin Shixia waved his hand and asked Hua Ji Red Cudgel to take the people personally, and directly imprison Song Shanshan forcibly.

He Chen clasped his fist and said: "Mr. Yu, a few, I'm sorry, the disciples' ignorance offense is our fault. We will strictly discipline them. Please forgive Mr. Yu and the others, don't take it to heart."

Yu Yue looked at Luo Yingxue and said, "Miss Luo, forgive me, of course."

Nina was full of sour mouth beside her, as if she had drunk old vinegar, her heart said, "You spoil her, you spoil her...

Luo Yingxue shook her head: "I don't remember what happened before, and I don't want to understand what's going on... There is nothing to forgive me..."

Yu Yue said: "Then let's go."

After speaking, he arched his hands casually, as if he didn't even bother to say one more word, and went downstairs with the three girls and two children.

Almost all the disciples were dumbfounded.

The dinner of the Qinghong General Association, if you say it, just leave it...

Such a pure foodie is really rare...

Moreover, the fact that there are grudges not to be reported, such a stubborn situation is basically unprecedented for the Qinghong Association...

Red Gate Building Ballroom.

The atmosphere is dull.

There are many people present, no one dared to make a sound first.

The deputy mountain master He Chen looked around, his face regained a smile, and said with a smile like a "smiling tiger": "The red paper fan is nothing but a plan. It seems that this time I finally made a mistake..."

The owner of the mountain, Sima Ao, frowned slightly: "I believe that Xiaohong must also be thinking of the door, Achen, you don't need to be irritated and play such an afterthought."

He Chen smiled and said, "Yes, Shanzhu."

But there was a cold light flashing in his eyes, which was a bit of bitterness.

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