Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 954: Challenge (Part 1)

Sima Ao still frowned and sighed.

"Don't worry about the mountain lord..." Lei Zongying slowly opened his eyes at this time.


There seemed to be two flashes of lightning in the void, and the liquor in the cup directly in front of the old man was suddenly vaporized.

The old man’s gaze is as concentrated as substance, as if he can interfere with reality: "There is an old man in this trip, why should I ask the kid surnamed Yu?"

Many people agree.

Although Lei’s old age is already high, his strength is strong, and he is also one of the few masters in Hongmen’s hundreds of years of history. Because of him, the contemporary Qinghong Association has made many organizations not dare to insult him. Commit.

And Yu Yue, although it was said that he suppressed the two great blood clans and killed the blood princes and the blood princes, but he heard nothing, and no one in the room had seen it with his own eyes, and many disciples with lower levels of strength were unable to conscientiously. Understanding the concept of killing the blood prince is like civilians failing to understand the extravagance and extreme desire of the powerful, and the ants failing to understand the disasters that will be brought about by the battle of the Titan behemoth.

Many people feel that as long as Lei Lao is present, the Cyan Red Club’s combat power is sufficient to withstand everything. In comparison, Yu Yue, who is young and unremarkable, does not have the appearance of a master and a master, I am afraid it is true. It's just a guy who cheats and swindles. Believing in him is worse than believing in ghosts.


Yu Yue and the others left the Red Gate Tower and strolled around Chinatown. Yu Yue guessed that his daughter should have been hungry for a while, so he simply bought a lot of food.

Back to the hotel villa, a waiter immediately handed a post saying that it was delivered by someone just now and was not there, so he asked the hotel to pass it on.

Yu Yue took the post and opened it. It turned out to be a challenge:

The young master of the Fanzhuo clan, Edward Parsons Fanzhuo, challenged Yu Yue.

To avenge his father, Edward invited Yu Yue to fight to the death in the secret of Stonehenge five days later!

Nina said: "It seems that Edward has fled to Eagle Nation, and wants to take advantage of the blood ancestor's birthday to fight you decisively, presumably they are fully prepared, and even have vicious conspiracy..."

Jiang Rou became nervous: "Yes, this is too dangerous, you won't accept it, will you?"

Yu Yue smiled, without comment, and threw the challenge book aside.

"I'm afraid it won't work if I don't accept it..." Nina said after a while.

"Why?" Jiang Rou asked hurriedly.

Nina shook the phone in her hand and pointed to the screen and said: "They are not just sending a paper war post. They have already posted the challenge on the Internet. I'm on the dark web and the Ouzouli World Forum. It can already be seen that I believe that it will not be long before the martial artist and the cultivator circle of Ouzhou and Yazhou will know this news... They are going to cut off Master Yu's retreat and force him to fight!"

Jiang Rou said anxiously, "Ah, what can I do?"

Yu Yue waved his hand and said with a chuckle: "It doesn't matter, don't care what others think or think, the most important thing is to be yourself."

Jiang Ruan Nina looked at each other.

Yu Yue called Zhao Yicheng.

Zhao Yicheng’s laughter came: "Mr. Yu, what good things do you have to take care of Zhao and me?"

Yu Yue smiled and said, "A good thing? Are you embarrassed to say? Let me ask you first, how much did you sell me? Why don't you divide me in half?"

Zhao Yicheng was surprised: "Mr. Yu, why did you say this?"

Yu Yue sneered: "Pretend, then pretend..."

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