Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 960: Meeting (on)

Lin Ruoying had no expression on her face, but she was a little embarrassed in her heart.

Yan Shanyue put down her phone and said, "Well, I have followed."

Lin Ruoying glanced at her and said, "I almost forgot. I have an emergency meeting to be held."

With that, the white clothes fluttered and walked out quickly.

Then, Hei Shen, Longer Liya and others saw that there was a girl named [Anhui Lin Yingjun] in the forum sending a post:

"Don't worry, Mr. Yu is invincible in the world, how can it be compared to a mere vampire?"

Everyone smiled at each other.

China, a mysterious palace on an island and mountain.

Lu Ping'er lay in the big bathtub, her naked, tender, petite and exquisite body soaked in hot water, holding the tablet in both hands to complete the copy and paste, modify and send a series of operations, the strange and strange eyes turned, and the pretty face showed a smile.

There is one more thread on the forum, which was sent by a girl nicknamed [Golden Wind and Yulu Meet]:

"Don't worry, my brother is invincible in the world, how can it be compared to a mere vampire?"

The martial arts forum is just a few young warriors, strangers and cultivators.

However, the real senior members of the martial arts world in China have a dull atmosphere and seem not to be optimistic.

The Dragon Soul Secret Police Team, as the organization responsible for supervising the Huaxia Jianghu/Huaxia Underground World/Huaxia Martial Artist, Alien, and Cultivator Circles, is holding a meeting at this time.

The meeting is a high-level meeting. Participants are the team leader, the executive deputy team leader and two deputy team leaders. Among the nine groups, only the head of the housekeeping team attended.

Lin Ruoying did not lie out of nowhere when she said that there will be a meeting. She has been promoted by the team leader of the six operations team to be the deputy captain in charge of support, intelligence, and operations. She must attend the meeting after receiving a notice.

In the round table meeting room of Dragon Soul, the team leader Lu Yuan sat at the top, and the executive deputy team Changjiang Zhen sat next to him to preside over the meeting.

Opposite them, sat two deputy captains and a team leader:

Song Fuzhu, the deputy captain in charge of medical care, technology research and development, and internal affairs.

Lin Ruoying, the deputy captain in charge of support, intelligence and operations.

Mo Chunshui, the leader of the nine internal affairs team.

The executive deputy captain assists the captain in managing the affairs of the team, in charge of guards, supervision and special tasks.

It’s rare for the Dragon Soul seniors to gather together, and everyone’s affairs are busy. Holding such a meeting for a fight shows that it is important. After all, Yu Yue’s battle is not only his personal business, but also involves two regions and two ethnic martial arts. The clash of circles.

Captain Lu Yuan is an old man with a white head and white beard, wearing a gray robe, sitting there holding a carbon pen writing and drawing on paper, very serious.

Standing deputy team Changjiang Zhen is an elegant middle-aged man, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, and a pair of round eyes. He asked Lu Yuan if he could hold a meeting.

Lu Yuan didn't look up, but just nodded with an "um".

Jiang Zhen was sitting in distress, and said, "Since everyone is here, let's have a short meeting."

After a pause, he said: "I believe you have heard through your own channels about the'Edward Parsons Fanzhuo of the Ouzhou blood family challenged the Chinese warrior Yu Yue'. Now the warriors and foreigners in the two regions There has been a lot of rumors in the circle of cultivators, and they have paid more attention to it. Everyone talks about their views."

No one made a sound for a while.

Jiang Zhen looked at Lin Ruoying through the lens and said, "Deputy Captain Lin, you are familiar with Yu Yue, can you please tell me about him."

Deputy Captain Song Fuzhu is a young man with white hair and loose hair. He looks handsome and has the feeling of a two-dimensional beautiful man. He is the type that thousands of girls are crazy about, but his face is too pale, dark circles are too thick, and he looks sick. Feeling very tired, wearing a white coat, like a doctor and a scientist.

Mo Chunshui, the head of the nine internal affairs team, is an uncle with slightly curly hair and a beard. Although he is an uncle with a beard, he is not greasy. He has a thin face and a strong build. His mouth always has a smile, and his deep eyes glance at Lin Ruoying from time to time.

There was only one woman Lin Ruoying in the audience. She was in white clothes and had a cold face, her lips were lightly open, and she said lightly: "Everything I know about Yu Yue's deeds has been reported to the team..."

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