Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 961: in meeting)

"...As far as I know, Yu Yue has made several shots in the deep mountains on the border of South Vietnam, Wuli Village in Yunzhou, the suburbs of Sarah Bianzang, Kunlun Mountains, and the Great Raksha Sect of Crocodile Country. You must already know the record of Ouzhou, so there is no need to elaborate."

Lin Ruoying has a few sentences, concise and concise.

Jiang Zhen nodded and asked, "Then what do you think of him?"

Lin Ruoying only said four words: "Unfathomable."

Jiang Zhen's lenses reflected light, and he pushed the frame with his fingers, and said, "It seems that Deputy Captain Lin has a high opinion of this Yu Yue... But we have a lot of information about the Ouzhou blood family. The blood family operates in Ouzhou. For thousands of years, in the two or three centuries of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, they grabbed capital and sucked blood frantically, and climbed to the peak of the world's nations in one fell swoop. The contemporary blood ancestors have contributed a lot to this.

"Edward, the blood prince-level powerhouse, although he has some strength, he is still not worried about him. The key is that he is rumored to have recognized the leader of the Gurad clan, Tepesh Gurad, as his adoptive father. Married Isabella Modresa, the daughter of the Modresa clan, as his wife, which represents the official three giants of the Ouzhou blood clan, the Gullard clan of the Eagle country, the Vandro clan of the Fa country, and the Modresa clan of the country. Together, there are even more rumors that Edward is already the heir of the blood ancestor.

"I personally think that if Yu Yue meets this battle, the outcome will be unpredictable..."

The implication is that he is not optimistic about Yu Yue.

Lin Ruoying did not speak.

Song Fuzhu didn't speak either.

Mo Chunshui smiled and said, "Hey, old man, have you fought against blood ancestors, haven't you?"

Only he dared to call Captain Lu Yuan the "old man", because he and Song Fuzhu were both Lu Yuan's disciples, and compared to Song Fuzhu, who was a little rigorous and dull, Mo Chunshui seemed a bit frivolous.

Therefore, Song Fuzhu became the deputy captain, and Mo Chunshui had always been the captain, but Mo Chunshui, the head of the internal affairs team, often attended the Dragon Soul high-level meetings.

However, some people think that, in fact, Mo Chunshui is very strong and talented. He appears to be fishing in troubled waters and has no intention of power. He just wants to give up the opportunity to seniority. After all, if both of the team leader’s disciples are in the senior management, yes. It will cause fear and caution in all quarters.

When Jiang Zhen heard this, his glasses flashed, and he was intrigued, and asked, "The captain has fought against the blood ancestor? How about the outcome? What about the blood ancestor?"

This is something he doesn't know.

Lu Yuan did not look up, and still painted on the paper: "That was all decades ago... At that time, shortly after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the Dragon Soul had not yet been established, the Ouzhou blood clan wanted to take the opportunity to reach a new one. Huaxia seizes the underground world.

"At that time, under the command of the blood ancestor, the coalition army of the eight major clans of the Ouzhou blood clan followed the example of the'Opium War' more than 100 years ago, expedition and aggression, and landed from Haizhu, Guangdong.

"Although it is not a full-scale war, it is just a confrontation between the martial arts world and the underground world, it is still of great importance. Xinhuaxia is not the Qing Dynasty, and it is not at all persuading. It was fierce, with heavy casualties, and the blood ancestors killed and injured many of our master-level masters.

"It was exactly at that time, and I had a hand with it..."

"You must have won, right, captain?" Jiang Zhenxing was excited.

Lin Ruoying's eyes also lit up, like the stars of last night.

Mo Chunshui glanced at Lin and said with a smile: "Naturally, the old man won, otherwise how could China have the current stable and prosperous situation? I am afraid that it has long been reduced to the "big blood bank" of the blood family, and the billions of people in China have been reduced to blood rations. ..."

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